So hard, so hard

On Saturday I had time for MYSELF. Fun times πŸ™‚

Anyways, I was in the mood for creating a new layout (yes, again, and yes, the one I posted a while ago is not anymore)

Instead of creating one though, I created three… *sigh*

There are a lot of things I don’t like in the first two – the font of in the first one, the blue box on the side in the second one, I was too lazy to change that though seeing I have no idea if I really like the layouts created. I wanted a plain one, I managed that in the first two. The third one is cute, I’m not sure if I’ll get bored by it soon though. Boo!

48 thoughts on “So hard, so hard”

  1. When I saw this, I was going to say ‘Ooh, ooh, number 3!!!!’ It is so adorable, and I absolutely love the navigation! Then again, I like tabbed/rounded corner navigation. Maybe you might incorporate the yellow into the layout a bit more, though?

    I was going to say the same thing about the title in the first one, but you said it already, lol. πŸ™‚

  2. And what kind of fun were you having by yourself exactly? πŸ˜‰

    I like the first one and the last one. The third one has a lot of really pretty elements. I really liked the scalloped lacy look to it. The first one is very simple, yet very sophisticated in my opinion. I love seeing what you come up with. πŸ™‚

  3. I’m not particularly fond of any of the three, but if I have to choose, I’d go for 2.

    1 is a bit too bland, plus the site title is very hard to read.
    3 is too childish for me. I like your style, because you make such a nice blend between childish and elegant… but this is not like that.
    I particularly dislike the background. It reminds me of children’s underwear πŸ˜›

  4. No. 3 looks the most “complete” and is very cute, but I have to say that no. 2 steals my vote (not that we are, but if we were, you understand). πŸ˜›

  5. The bunny on the third is adorable and quirky. ^^

    More simplified third one (cut out some of the frills so it has more lasting value & you don’t get bored) or a more polished second one? Because the header is gorgeous.

  6. Well, I like the third one the best, but there is the whole thing with copyright. If you don’t mind that, though, then 3 all the way. The first one is too plain and the second one – I just have a personal aversion to cloudy/glittery looks like that.

  7. I’m really like the first and the third one. I really like how simplistic the first one is but the third one is really adorable! I guess I’m not really much help, huh? lol

  8. I like the header and colors of #2, but the content/sidebar don’t look like they are… bound? I like the way the content and navigation are enclosed in #3, but I don’t like the bunny XD

  9. I like nr 2 a lot, but where’s the navigation? I don’t like the font you used for Is it florence sans? Maybe you could find something else?

    I really, really like the third, but being it too cute it might bore you sooner than expected. Maybe replacing the happy friend bunny with something else, something else that represents you more? Like an icon, or small image. I don’t know.

  10. Me again. Why not incorporating the 3 into the first one? All those cute little waves (I’m not that good at expressing myself in English, you know, I mean the borders) into the header of the first one.

    In the first one you could replace the font for both Jebelle and the menu, making it maybe more round and bold, adding some smooth gradients to the curvy header.

    As you have it now, the fonts don’t match the bold, curvy header at all.

  11. Hmm, I think I like #2 the most. In #1, the font bothers me as well, and #3 is perhaps a little too cutesy for me. Though, I adore the tabbed navigation. And in #2, the light blue sidebar is a bit.. off, like you said yourself. But all in all, #2 is my favourite because it isn’t something you see everyday πŸ™‚

  12. Thanks for your opinions.

    I coded #3 a little more, but like Josh said, the whole copyright thing.

    BUT – as long the sun is shining on the weekend, I’m outside anyways, so a new layout will maybe not come too soon πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

  13. I like your third layout but I would have to go with Josh on the whole copyright thing. Maybe you can use that layout only with a different ‘image’ instead of the one you have now?

  14. I love the third one — minus the animation at the top. I think its a bit too cutesy for my liking. If you removed the bunny, and maybe replaced it with plain text it would be simply perfection. πŸ™‚

  15. I have to agree about the childs underwear statement. I really love the layout, just not for a 26 year old, no offense meant. I really love how cute it is though, maybe consider selling it? That is up to you for sure! I like number one, I love simple layouts, the only thing I’m not a fan of is the font you used for the Jebelle part, it doesn’t seem to match the rest, again, that is just me. I really like the second one, it’s very dreamy and I actually like the blue box, it adds something with the color. Good luck on choosing!! I always have a hard time coming up with a layout, liking it, and sticking with it. It’s so hard. I do love the layout you have now fyi, it’s my favorite of all!!

  16. I still prefer the 3rd of the three overall…but it all depends on what you wanna go for! Cutsie for the 3rd, artsy for the 2nd and minimalistic for the 1st. All are very lovely, but I do agree, hehe choosing a layout is really hard sometimes. πŸ˜›

    But you know…I still love your current theme a LOT… XD

  17. “I was really interested in your fashion contest, I even had it on my “todo list”, but you gave way too less time πŸ™ If you’d do that and give about a week time, I’d participapte :)”

    I’m sorry. :/ That’s why I changed it into a meme type theme, so that everyone can do it at their own pace, and give them something to blog about. πŸ˜›

  18. Geez, Miss Tracy is popular with the 46 comments on one entry! lol. Although I don’t know why I’d be surprised at that =) I like the first one very much. If only I had inspiration to make my own.. heh.

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