So, after feeling something I never felt before in my right breast on January 28 I went to my OBGYN on February 27. She made a sonography, said it doesn’t look cancerous but wanted me to get a mammography, due to my age and “active breast”.
I called the radiology yesterday and got an appointment for March 26, 2026!! Wow. I was frustrated and called a different radiology here in town. They said they would check with my OBGYN and call me back with an appointment in 1-2 weeks. Ok I thought, maybe I’ll get an appointment this year, if I’m lucky.
Hours later in the evening I get a call from the radiology #2 telling me that someone cancelled for today and if I wanted to come. What a huge surprise, I said yes of course.
So today at 11:00 I had my first mammography at 43 years old. I was very nervous, I know from a lot of people how painful it can be.
I was in the examination room and the very nice medical assistant told me what to do, just relax she said, I should say STOP if it hurts too much. Phew I thought, doesn’t sound good but OK. So she started squeezing and squeezing and… no pain, I didn’t have to say STOP and she could squeeze as much she needed because I didn’t feel any pain. I was very relieved. She scanned each breast twice.
Luckily everything turned out looking good and normal and I am going to have my second mammography in two years, 2027.