Thesis, Projects and Shopping

This is going to be my first time blogging ((ok, blogging is, in the meantime, a standard word in this era. Why does Firefox still underline is red? Ok, Firefox is also underlined red 🙂 )) about my thesis and how it’s going, is it?

Well, it’s going so lala. I know I need to keep writing on it, but it’s hard with no pressure. My deadline is September 23rd, I assume, which is a lot of time (sort of). BUT, I need to keep at it. It’s not good if I only play with the SAR data and not write about it.

The projects at uni get busier day by day. I try to keep at least one day of the weekend for me (and the lover or friends). This is my schedule:

  • Monday
    Work ((by work I mean, I’m at the company where I write my thesis and work on my thesis)) until 1pm, Project Wiki and Podcasting at 2pm until about 4pm.
  • Tuesday
    Work until 1pm, Class (business start-up) from 2pm until 3.30pm, eventually Project corporate video after that
  • Wednesday
    Work until 3pm, the library until about 6 or 7pm
  • Thursday
    same as Wednesday
  • Friday
    Work until 3pm, if I’m in the mood then library, if not, home and apartment cleaning
  • Saturday
    Meeting with the team for the Project corporate video, eventually working on the Project Wiki and Podcasting
  • Sunday
    Eventually working on the Project Wiki and Podcasting, doing nothing 😎

The project corporate video is a project about our university, made from me and five others. It’s fun, a lot of work though. I hope it will turn out good, but well, it has to 😉

The project Wiki and Podcasting is about building a encyclopedia for our uni and about our departments. We got an Apple server today (wee) and I’m responsible for logo design and web design, but also for Wiki and Podcasting. I’ve never created a logo, so I’m happy I’m doing that because that way I get to know Adobe Illustrator a bit better.

Every project I’m working on is a nice extra thing for my resume and I’m happy we get the opportunity.

top I went shopping today (yay), I haven’t been in ages (ebay doesn’t count). pants

I got two lovely Vero Moda tops (in white and in turquoise) (image © and some hot and sexy running pants (image © Nike) 🙂 That’s enough spending money this month. Well, ok, I’m going grocery shopping tomorrow, I’m allowed, I guess. When I’m out of money during the month I normally save on the food and eat products I’ve had for years (or months). Just on Saturday I made noodles with the date of expiry in 2006 :). They still were yummy, of course.

I also still need to think of something for my two winners. I already have one idea, but I need more!!!

I’d also like to get a more springy-y layout up (as seen on this post), the time is not there though. I’m glad I’m still not fed up with this layout.

Have a good week y’all!

14 thoughts on “Thesis, Projects and Shopping”

  1. The top is cute.. I have a similar top in that style but in black. =P

    Expired noodles are okay… I don’t think noodles can really “expire” THAT BAD if they are dry.

  2. I agree with Raina – that is a lovely neckline on that top!

    What Firefox spellchecker are you using? My one says that “Firefox” is fine (“spellchecker” isn’t, though), but I know it doesn’t like such words as “movies” and “Voldemort” (its suggestion, funnily enough, is “demoralise”).

  3. What a busy week!
    How are you doing with your thesis?
    I liked the top, but I’m not very fond of Vero Moda. Nevertheless I did buy a white top there yesterday 🙂

    Are you planning on starting running?

  4. That sounds like a busy week! You don’t even have a special day for slacking off…
    Well, I hope it all pays off in the future 🙂

    By the way that pink top is too cute, looks like something I’d get myself! 😀 The running pants ARE sexy but yeah, they remind me of running and I don’t like that XD

  5. @ Regine: Eh, I still need motivation for the thesis 😉
    The lover and I are going walking twice a week with a little bit of jogging. I have a bad knee (well, actually both of them) and I first need to build up my muscles in my leg before I can actually start jogging.

    @ Catherine: Mmm… the “United States English Dictionary”, I think.

  6. Wow, your week seems busy :P. I’m glad you’re having fun with the project though 🙂 . Those pants are a) cute and b) look very comfy :)!

  7. Tracy…there is a font tag in your post. O.o And some closed A-tags that aren’t open in the comments. Or maybe I’m just seeing them…maybe I am weird…disregard this if you don’t care. 😀 I wasn’t sure whether you’d want to know or not. You might just be working on your layout and I happened to catch some in-between updates. Oh wellz!

    Woo, sounds like a busy week! Hope it’s going well so far. 😀 Are you actually podcasting for the podcasting part of your project? Like recording discussions? I so miss podcasting, I had a project like that before I graduated (you may remember it)…it was sooo much fun! 😀

    Oooh, cute top! I love the trimming, so adorable. 😀

  8. ^ LOL…yeah. I know. XD But I didn’t want to really bug you about it because sometimes people know but they either are already working on it or don’t care…soo… XD

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