How far along: 41 weeks
How much do I weigh: 61,8 kg (+12 kg)
Baby size: growing and growing
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 106 cm and from top to bottom it’s 44 cm
Belly button in or out: even/out
Sleep: not so good the last couple of days, but our little toddler-Q has a lot to process during the night and I always wake up when he makes a sound
Food (non) cravings: Nothing special
Symptoms: I actually feel really really good. I have a few contractions, sometimes the head really pushes into a nerve in my right leg but other than that, I feel too good…
Maternity clothes: they are all getting very tight
Stretch marks: my belly skin is showing more red lines/areas but no stretch marks
Linea negra: above the belly button
Miss anything: nah, weather is great, it’s warm and sunny, I feel good, all good
Looking forward to: Our baby
Best happenings this week: knowing that there’s a bunch of amniotic fluid (around 11) and the placenta is 99% intact
Movement: Daily, lots
Gender: Hmmm
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Sports: just bringing toddler-Q to day-care and doing households
Tag: pregnancy#2
40+ weeks pregnant
Past my due date and now I am sitting, waiting, wishing…
How far along: 40+ weeks
How much do I weigh: around 61,8 kg (+12 kg)
Baby size: Who knows… big enough to enter this world for sure
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 103 cm and from top to bottom it’s 46 cm
Belly button in or out: even/out
Sleep: Pretty good
Food (non) cravings: the usual
Symptoms: contractions every day since Monday April 9th, sometimes more, sometimes less, mainly in the evening, hoping they come more regularly and stay 🙂 I had contractions in my last CTG on Friday but none two days before that.
- Cervix is open a bit, one finger fits through
- Cervix is very very soft, the gyn said I shouldn’t wait too long to get to the hospital as it will probably open quite quickly
- I have contractions
- my neck of the uterus is pretty much non existent anymore
- Baby’s head is tight in my pelvis
My body is ready – when will the baby be?
Maternity clothes: Well, they are getting quite tight. I wear my leggings or shorts and wide tops
Stretch marks: None yet
Linea negra: above the belly
Miss anything: No, I’m feeling good and I really want to meet our little kiddo!
Looking forward to: Holding my second child
Best happenings this week: Seeing progress at the last GYN appointment.
Movement: Luckily still daily
Gender: I would say we’ll prolly know in a week or so? How exciting
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Sports: Nope
The weather for this coming week looks quite good so baby#2 might be born on a sunny day.
37 weeks pregnant
It’s funny, there are a lot of similarities to my first pregnancy. I weighed exactly the same and without reading my last pregnancy’s post from 37 weeks, I wrote the exact same thing about getting up from the couch. First pregnancy post. I also started with prenatal acupuncture on wednesday.
How far along: 37 weeks 4 days
How much do I weigh: 60,5 kg (+ 10,8 kg)
Baby size: Around 3kg maybe? Baby’s head is tight in my pelvis, cervix is closed (one fingertip fits) and the neck of the uterus is quite short (1-2cm?), even had one contraction while I was at the Gyn.
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 103 cm and from top to bottom it’s 42 cm
Belly button in or out: even/out
Sleep: Soso, sometimes I wake up at 3am and cannot go back to sleep, sometimes I wake up, go to the bathroom and fall asleep right away
Food (non) cravings: nothing really, I think my uterus is way on the top so not that much fits at the moment. I do need some sweets in the evenings though
Symptoms: Out of breath fast, not able to eat so much, big belly is getting uncomfortable, Baby has a lot of hiccups
Maternity clothes: Now my pants are getting too tight. I guess I need to wear leggings only soon (hope it gets warmer, it’s snowing here again)
Stretch marks: None yet
Linea negra: above the belly button
Miss anything: being able to get up from the couch like a 30-year old :), I miss being able to eat whatever I want, let’s hope this baby is not that sensitive to what I eat while breastfeeding
Looking forward to: the registration at hospital #2
Best happenings this week: going out with my girls at night for dinner, spending a lovely night at a hotel in Munich with my mom, going out to eat and going shopping the next day. My first night away from my “baby”-boy, I woke up four times that night but went to sleep right away and just enjoyed two days with my mom
Movement: Lots, mainly the baby is quite active three times a day and as much I really like that baby is moving so much and that all seems fine it really is uncomfortable
Gender: Boy? Girl?
Happy or moody most of the time: I’m not moody, I’m just really looking forward to meeting our baby
Sports: Still lifting weights twice a week. Next week will be my last week, from April 1st on I’ll pause at the gym. No backache – yay!
35 weeks pregnant
5 weeks to go!!
How far along: 35 weeks 2 days
How much do I weigh: 59,7 kg (+ 10 kg)
Baby size: Honeydew melon, my baby might weigh around 2,8kg now?
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 101 cm and from top to bottom it’s 42 cm
Belly button in or out: Out/Even
Sleep: Getting up once a night to pee, other than that quite OK except when I’m awake for 2-3 hours and can’t get back to sleep. Happens every now and again.
Food (non) cravings: Sweets, chocolate pudding
Symptoms: heartburn, can’t sleep
Stretch marks: none yet
Linea negra: it starts under my boobs and is about 10 cm long
Miss anything: Maybe some time for myself? My little toddler is in his mommy-phase right now again, very clingy. Also he’s in his NO-phase which is very exhausting. So cute though, now he wants that mommy and daddy bring him to bed.
Looking forward to: next OB Gyn appointment in a few days, warm weather which is starting today, registering in two hospitals, I wonder what they say about VBAC.
Best/Worst happenings this week: Got tested positive for Streptococcus B (GBS), which means I’ll get antibiotics during birth. I’m taking uvula suppositories now three times a week to reduce the bacterium. I talked with my doctor and midwife, it sounds like this is quite common and nothing to worry (of course I worried when I heard that and googled much too much). I will register at another hospital soon where the pediatricians have on-call duty 24 hours a day.
Other than that I have my prenatal class once a week which is nice, it’s nice to hear everything about giving birth, contractions, hospitals etc. again after three years and it’s nice to just focus on me and the baby.
My little Q is sick. Threw up six times within four hours on Friday, slept a lot on Saturday morning, then felt good and even ate but became a fever and running nose in the eve. Poor baby boy, I hate it when he’s sick 🙁
Movement: Daily, lots, very intense and painful at times. Baby’s back is on the right side of my belly most of the time
Gender: Soooon
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, I’m feeling quite good
Sports: Lifting weights twice a week. I will pause starting April 1st
33 weeks pregnant
How far along: 33 weeks 5 days
How much do I weigh: 58,1 kg (+8,4 kg)
Baby size: 45 cm & 2,5 kg maybe?
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 100 cm and from top to bottom it’s 40 cm
It’s coming more out to the front now, not hanging down so much anymore it seems.
Belly button in or out: even/out
Sleep: I have two sick men at home with a cold, so… sleep?
Food (non) cravings: can’t eat so much anymore. Craving sweets.
Symptoms: Baby has sooo many hiccups 🙂
Stretch marks: none yet I hope
Linea negra: I see a light light light brown line above my belly button
Miss anything: health!
Looking forward to: My little toddler Q being healthy
Best happenings this week: made my handover at work. Bye bye for now.
Movement: not as much it seems but still very intense, esp. on my top right side under my right boob.
Gender: we’ll find out soon. Boy?
Happy or moody most of the time: exhausted 🙂
Sports: yes, at least I went to the gym twice this week. Monday and Friday.
31 weeks pregnant
How far along: 31 weeks, 1 day
How much do I weigh: 57,7 kg (+8 kg)
Baby size: around 1,8 kg, OBGYN said it’ll be around 3,5+ kg at birth, the boyfriend’s genes are coming through
Belly size: Very big, very low, very round. The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 99 cm and from top to bottom it’s 40 cm
Belly button in or out: in/even/out
Sleep: Not good. I wake up at around 3 or 4 am and cannot fall asleep anymore until around 2 hours later
Food (non) cravings: Nothing special, seeing the baby is rather big I should cut down the fast sugar
Symptoms: cannot sleep, big belly is in the way, braxton hicks
Maternity clothes: everything always
Stretch marks: none yet, found two tiny spider veins on my left side of the belly
Linea negra: still not
Miss anything: goodies
Looking forward to: having time for myself
Best happenings this week: OBGYN appointment today.
- CTG: all fine, heartbeat around 135 and 150, most of the times around 145
- My Blood Pressure: 100 / 60
- Cervix: closed
- Baby’s weight: around 1,8 kg (3 pounds 15 ounces)
- Amniotic fluid: all good, not too much, not too less
- Baby’s position / Fundal height: Back is on my right side
- Baby’s head: down
Movement: very active, hurts at times, lots of hiccups
Gender: sometimes I think it’ll be a girl, sometimes I think it’ll be a boy. This pregnancy is quite different than the first which makes me think GIRL. Then I think well it’s the second pregnancy, of course all is different – BOY.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Sports: Gym twice a week
28 weeks pregnant
Welcome third trimester!
How far along: 28 weeks
How much do I weigh: 56,7 kg (+ 7kg)
Baby size: 1,2 kg
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 97 cm and from top to bottom it’s 36 cm
Belly button in or out: even
Sleep: quite good. I haven’t had a full night of sleep since 3 years so, that’s how it is now too.
Food (non) cravings: nothing really
Symptoms: Feels like baby’s butt or head is always pushing its way down, pimples on my back, lower back pain (not so often)
Maternity clothes: always, everything. Panties, pants, bra, tops. Just my socks and boots are non-maternity 🙂
Stretch marks: none, I think?
Linea negra: not yet
Miss anything: I miss not worrying about what I eat when. I’m lucky that I don’t have gestational diabetes yet the doctor said I should stop eating white flour completely.
Looking forward to: every free minute
Best happenings this week: Big ultrasound yesterday and I finally got a photo again. Baby is laying with its head down, everything is fine. It moved a lot and had a hiccups
Left: Uterus
Right: umbilical cord
Bottom: fingers
Movement: lots, I feel everything
Gender: hmm… yesterday in the ultrasound it really showed its gender so good and I hoped that the doctor would say “well look at this boy/girl”… but no. I was so close to saying we DO want to know the gender now but I didn’t. Still going to be a surprise.
Happy or moody most of the time: Depends on if I’m hungry, sleepy, if my son does what I ask him to do, if my bubby does what I ask him to do… depends on all those things
Sports: In the gym twice a week, treadmill for 30 minutes and lifting weights (chest, back & legs)
24 weeks pregnant
How far along: 24 weeks
How much do I weigh: 54,5 kg (+4,8 kg)
Baby size: eggplant
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 92 cm and from top to bottom it’s 34 cm
Belly button in or out: the top is sticking out
Sleep: Okay
Food (non) cravings: sugar
Symptoms: my sacral bone is moving apart every now and again, it feels like baby’s head will push out any minute… things like that. My skin is better, not anymore so many pimples on my back, headache is better
Maternity clothes: Daily
Stretch marks: none
Miss anything: nothing really
Looking forward to: my next appointment tomorrow
Best happenings this week: I’m finally off work until January 8th 2018 🙂
Movement: yup, mainly on the right bottom side
Gender: I say baby is a boy.
Happy or moody most of the time: Both 🙂 I’m quite bit**y at times, esp. when I’m hungry
Sports: Still going to the gym when I have time (haven’t been in two weeks because I got a cold)
18 & 19 weeks pregnant
How far along: 18 weeks
How much do I weigh: 52,5 kg (+2,8 kg)
Baby size: little pepper
Belly button in or out: half/half
Sleep: Okay
Food (non) cravings: No cravings, just hungry
Symptoms: Headache every now and again
How far along: 19 weeks 3 days
How much do I weigh: 52,5 kg (+2,8 kg)
Baby size: mango
Want to compare my current belly size to pregnancy #1?
Belly button in or out: half/half, more out when I have just eaten
Sleep: Okay, sometimes I’m awake for hours but that’s because I think of my work-problems and not because of the pregnancy
Food (non) cravings: No cravings
Symptoms: Same, headache every now and again, pain in my uterus, gas
Maternity clothes: always
Stretch marks: none
Miss anything: alcohol at times 😉
Looking forward to: My big sonography this and next week
Best happenings this week: Seeing Baby-Q heal from his caugh
Movement: I think I feel some movement but then a few minutes later I have to fart… so I’m not sure.
Gender: hmmm
Happy or moody most of the time: both 🙂
Sports: I try to go to the gym twice a week