First Mammography

So, after feeling something I never felt before in my right breast on January 28 I went to my OBGYN on February 27. She made a sonography, said it doesn’t look cancerous but wanted me to get a mammography, due to my age and “active breast”.

I called the radiology yesterday and got an appointment for March 26, 2026!! Wow. I was frustrated and called a different radiology here in town. They said they would check with my OBGYN and call me back with an appointment in 1-2 weeks. Ok I thought, maybe I’ll get an appointment this year, if I’m lucky.

Hours later in the evening I get a call from the radiology #2 telling me that someone cancelled for today and if I wanted to come. What a huge surprise, I said yes of course.

So today at 11:00 I had my first mammography at 43 years old. I was very nervous, I know from a lot of people how painful it can be.

I was in the examination room and the very nice medical assistant told me what to do, just relax she said, I should say STOP if it hurts too much. Phew I thought, doesn’t sound good but OK. So she started squeezing and squeezing and… no pain, I didn’t have to say STOP and she could squeeze as much she needed because I didn’t feel any pain. I was very relieved. She scanned each breast twice.

Luckily everything turned out looking good and normal and I am going to have my second mammography in two years, 2027.

31 weeks pregnant

How far along: 31 weeks, 1 day
How much do I weigh: 57,7 kg (+8 kg)
Baby size: around 1,8 kg, OBGYN said it’ll be around 3,5+ kg at birth, the boyfriend’s genes are coming through
Belly size: Very big, very low, very round. The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 99 cm and from top to bottom it’s 40 cm
belly vs belly
Belly button in or out: in/even/out
Sleep: Not good. I wake up at around 3 or 4 am and cannot fall asleep anymore until around 2 hours later
Food (non) cravings: Nothing special, seeing the baby is rather big I should cut down the fast sugar
Symptoms: cannot sleep, big belly is in the way, braxton hicks
Maternity clothes: everything always
Stretch marks: none yet, found two tiny spider veins on my left side of the belly
Linea negra: still not
Miss anything: goodies
Looking forward to: having time for myself
Best happenings this week: OBGYN appointment today.

  • CTG: all fine, heartbeat around 135 and 150, most of the times around 145
  • My Blood Pressure: 100 / 60
  • Cervix: closed
  • Baby’s weight: around 1,8 kg (3 pounds 15 ounces)
  • Amniotic fluid: all good, not too much, not too less
  • Baby’s position / Fundal height: Back is on my right side
  • Baby’s head: down

Movement: very active, hurts at times, lots of hiccups
Gender: sometimes I think it’ll be a girl, sometimes I think it’ll be a boy. This pregnancy is quite different than the first which makes me think GIRL. Then I think well it’s the second pregnancy, of course all is different – BOY.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Sports: Gym twice a week