Baby Buggy Jogging

In my opinion, one of the sport activities where you see the success very fast, is jogging. I don’t mean “body-success”, but efficiency.

The weather here has been quite nice, no rain or snow, the temperature over 0°C in the mornings, so I decided to start my season of jogging again. The only difference to my last years of jogging is that I’m jogging with a baby in a stroller now 🙂
I’m happy we decided to buy a jogging stroller and I’m happy I can do sports with my baby boy. I started exactly one week ago and went jogging on Tuesday and Saturday, 4km. And again today, Tuesday, 5km.

It’s amazing that I ran 4 km last week in 37:26 minutes and today I ran 5 km in 35:29 minutes. 2 minutes faster and one kilometer more! Kilometer 4 and 5 are running up a hill, 37 meter difference.

4 km run

5 km run

I was very happy with my results today (plus my baby boy fell asleep pretty early) and it was hard for me to believe that I could have kept running and even so much faster that last week.

So, keep on running!

Wonderful Public Holiday

Today is a public holiday here which means no work *yay* 🙂
After the Boyfriend and I slept in we sat on the couch, surfed and had coffee. Then we cleaned the apartment (good teamwork) and after that we went biking with a stop at a Biergarten to have beer and Obatzter.
It was a lovely tour, the weather was great, not too warm and not too cold.

We got home at around 4pm, had a cup of coffee again on the balcony and at around 6pm I went for a short run of 5km.
I stretched and showered after, we had a lovely dinner and now we’re watching a chick-movie – “the proposal” with Sandra Bullock while it’s getting darker and darker outside seeing a big storm is coming.

Ah how I love awesome days like this 🙂

Run #5 – 10km #2

10km Got a little lost in the forest but at least I got the 10km complete. I tried to run at a good heartrate which made my run 1h 12min long. Took the route next to the highway and was surprised to see no fence nor trees between the highway and the path I was running.
I couldn’t quite manage to keep the heartrate I wanted. It was higher. Maybe I’ll run 5km next time again or get a trainingplan from the internet on how to run 10km.
There are so many websites on jogging, but now the weather is rainy and cold again and I’m a sunny-warm-weather jogger 🙂

My First 10 K

I actually wanted to run 7,5km at first. Then I decided to run only 5km… and THEN it went so well and the forest was so nice and I thought “I cannot stop at 7,5km now” so I just ran until I hit 10km.
My first 10 kilometer. Ever. Running. No walking. It’s a premiere for me. I run 9km in one hour. My next goal is to run 10km in one hour.

It’s the first time I ran up hills. Where I normally run it’s pretty even, but this time, spending the easter-holidays at my parents (and having my running clothing with me) it was more challenging, my watch kept telling me “heartrate too high” when I ran up the hill so I had to run even slower and slower. But then – it went down on the other side 🙂
Which was challenging too though, I caught myself getting faster and faster and faster… almost couldn’t keep up with my feet 🙂

This run was very necessary after all the easter eating.

Happy Easter!

Run #3 – 7,5km & new Running Shoes

new Lunarglide 5 I got my new running shoes delivered by UPS on Friday afternoon, right when I came back from run #2.
I was jogging towards my home, came out of the woods and saw the big brown truck in my street. I then saw the UPS driver with a package before the house and squealed with glee.
I speeded up, right towards him and called out my last name. He said “yes” and I squealed with glee once more. I love coincidences like this – perfect timing! (A lot of sentences starting with “I” in this passage)

I grabbed the package, ran upstairs to our apartment and unpacked my new running shoes. So nice and pink and cheaper than all the others of the Lunarglide 5 series.

I had to try them the next day so I ran my first 7,5km
pace The weather was lovely, the forest was filled with life – I met more people (and dogs) yesterday than any other time. Normally I never meet anybody.

I have planned a 10km round which I plan to run maybe in two to four weeks. My big goal – to run 10km wihout falling over half dead. And that goal is so close. I don’t care about the time, I’m not a runner, I run about 3-5 times a YEAR. I ran 3 times a week just last week because this year I want to improve my running. And – running in the forest over roots, through gravel and over grass with birds singing is sooo relaxing.

So here’s my 10km plan
I hope I’ll remember it, all the zig-zags… (plan made with

Gym Day #15 – Gym Week #4

  • 10:45 – 11:30: Belly-Legs-Tushy
  • 11:30 – 11:35: Hip Abduction
  • 11:40 – 12:04: Strength Circuit
  • 12:05 – 12:20: TRX
  • 14:00 – 14:35: 5km HIIT jog

Calories lost: 331 at the gym and 356 while jogging

Last week was busy, therefore I only went to the gym three times.

  • Monday: 1,5 hours – Body Pump 50 min, Strength Circuit 24 min & 20 min HIIT Treadmill
  • Tuesday: 2,5 hours – TRX 1 hour, Belly-Legs-Tushy 1 hour, Hip Abduction 10 min
  • Sunday: 1,5 hours – Belly-Legs-Tushy, Hip Abduction, Strength Circuit, TRX

Sport I did outside the gym

  • Thursday: 35km bike ride
  • Sunday: 35 min jogging in the forest (5km)

Workout day – not in the gym

Today is one of the only sunny days in I don’t know how long, see here, so I decided not to go to the gym.
Instead, I went to work by bike which is 35km all together and go for a run, 5km.

  • bike ride: 35km, Calories lost: 750
  • jogging: 5km, with 15 minutes stretching, Calories lost: 410, average pulse: 155

schatzi_dinner2Dinner was pretty much the same like yesterday, only with cream cheese and beans.

I finally bought a second sports bra (the same I have, just in neon green – why are there no black or white bras?!?) and some short socks, three pairs, in black.