Happy 2016!

To everyone out there, a wonderful, happy, healthy, content, relaxed, funny and amazing new year!

Our New Year’s Eve was very calm, the three of us stayed home, Quinn went to bed at around 19:00 and my boyfriend and I cooked meals out of the “Game of Thrones” cookbook. That was my Christmas present for him, as well as the “Game of Thrones” monopoly which we played to stay awake until midnight.

Having a little baby which wakes up every day at 6:00 o’clock sharp and keeps you busy during the day can be exhausting and normally we both fall asleep on the couch at around 21:30 :).

2015 was a very special and impressive year for me, for sure. I

I’m very excited to see what 2016 will turn out and all the fun times with Quinn and I’m nosy to see what he’ll learn for new things in 2016.


The biggest Pizza in the City.
Half Italian Sausage, half veggies.
I invited my boyfriend for a birthday dinner, we watched “Despicable Me 2” before that (cute movie, the first is cuter and funnier but pt.2 is good too).
The pizza is so big it hardly fits on the table (and plate) and guess what?! I ate it all!

Gnocchi with a Bacon-Cream Sauce

It’s a dinner which goes fast and men (at least mine) love it (it’s got bacon) 🙂
Got the idea from my mom, she made it a couple of weeks ago and it was soo good so I started making it as well (with the help of my boyfriend of course).
Gnocchi with cream and bacon
You need:

  • Gnocchi (500g for two people)
  • Butter (you can use oil, but seing it’s a quite fatty meal already (cream, butter, bacon) I use butter for the taste
  • Onions
  • Bacon
  • Cream
  • grinded Parmesan Cheese
  • To spice it up: Herbs, sunflower seeds, black & white pepper, Curcuma, salt

In a pan, put a chunk of butter with the onions and let them get glassy. Then add the bacon and sunflower seeds if you want. Add the cream and grinded parmesan and let it simmer. Add spices.
I then made the Gnocchi in a separate pan and added the cream sauce and mixed it all together. Tastes good with a big mixed salad on the side.

Days full of food

There are days, I don’t know what’s wrong, where I could just eat and eat and eat. I have a craving half an hour after I ate a bowl of cereal or after I couldn’t resist that candy bar. At the moment I could really eat like a pig. And no, I’m not pregnant. I did a lot of sport this week so I hope it’s just my muscles – wanting MORE!

Today after I had cereal for breakfast, a sports granola bar, a Subway Sandwich for Lunch (Chicken Fajita Day, Honey Mustard sauce, wheat bread) a salad with bread for dinner, I was craving more. So I grabbed my wallet and went to the grocery store which is like 2 minutes away and bought… Ben & Jerry’s – Half Baked. I ate about half of it. Shocking.

I have those days, they come about once a month for 7+ days (yeah, mostly before I get my period), I just feel that I should give my body (and brain) what it really wants 😉 I hope I’m not the only one (who has cravings like this).

I also bought two new Under Armour tops – hot pink and black. I’m also craving colorful Nike running shoes, either in yellow or pink 🙂

Just a random dinner post

Why do so many bloggers post their dinner? Maybe to have something to blog about, I don’t know.
Here’s our dinner we had tonight
Dinner @ Schatzi
Quinoa with Gnocchi (made in butter with sunflower and pumpkin seeds) and green asaparagus made in olive oil with garlic and onions. And herbs and spices. It was very yummy and the lover was proud he ate a dinner without meat.

Last week was a very hot one. Around 35° Celsius Monday to Thursday. At the gym I only made my strength circuit and on Friday I made some barbell training. Cardio I made by riding my bike to work every day (35km) or going jogging, although it was soo hot I didn’t even go jogging. It’s cooler now, it’s raining every now and again and it’s 20° Celsius colder than last week. I’ll go to the gym tomorrow morning again for a few hours. Can’t wait 🙂
schatzi gym

Workout day – not in the gym

Today is one of the only sunny days in I don’t know how long, see here, so I decided not to go to the gym.
Instead, I went to work by bike which is 35km all together and go for a run, 5km.

  • bike ride: 35km, Calories lost: 750
  • jogging: 5km, with 15 minutes stretching, Calories lost: 410, average pulse: 155

schatzi_dinner2Dinner was pretty much the same like yesterday, only with cream cheese and beans.

I finally bought a second sports bra (the same I have, just in neon green – why are there no black or white bras?!?) and some short socks, three pairs, in black.

Gym Day #9

  • 18:00 – 18:50: Body Pump (Bench Press, Pullover, Upright Row, Military Press, Biceps Curl, Triceps Extension, Good Morning, Deadlift, Squat) – http://www.barbell-exercises.com
  • 19:00 – 19:24: Circle Training (strength circuit)
  • 19:30 – 19:50: Treadmill HIIT

Calories lost: 616
And here’s my dinner for tonight