5 months after giving birth

How much do I weigh: 51,3 kg
My belly circumference: 83 cm
How much does Lucy weigh: about 6900 g

Lucy 5 months old
Lucy 5 months old

Diaper size: 2 & 3
Sleep: Soso. Some nights very good, some other nights I feel like I only slept 2 minutes. Doesn’t help that the toddler sleeps in our bed pretty much every night and kicks me. Lucy kicks when she’s awake and I can’t sleep when she does that. Last night she kicked for pretty much one hour.
My Symptoms: I got my period meh. I lose a buuuunch of hair, it’s terrible.
Lucy’s Symptoms / what’s new: She’s cross eyed, she rolls from her back to belly and back.
Maternity clothes: Still the shorts. I fit into my normal jeans but they’re just quite tight
Miss anything: sleep 😀
Best happenings that last month:

  • Q had his first Kindergarten day. All went well, he really wants to go.
  • Went for a 6 day vacation in South Tyrol. Too short. We stayed at a little farm and Q loved the cows.
  • Went to Dino World
  • Had a big family gathering at the beergarden
  • Q’s and L’s cousins, uncle and Oma came to visit one night.
  • Went to an osteopath with L seeing she’s always quite stiff when I pick her up. Three appointments. I feel it got better

Sports: I try to go to the gym every other day

41 weeks pregnant

How far along: 41 weeks
How much do I weigh: 61,8 kg (+12 kg)
Baby size: growing and growing
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 106 cm and from top to bottom it’s 44 cm
Belly button in or out: even/out
Sleep: not so good the last couple of days, but our little toddler-Q has a lot to process during the night and I always wake up when he makes a sound
Food (non) cravings: Nothing special
Symptoms: I actually feel really really good. I have a few contractions, sometimes the head really pushes into a nerve in my right leg but other than that, I feel too good…
Maternity clothes: they are all getting very tight
Stretch marks: my belly skin is showing more red lines/areas but no stretch marks
Linea negra: above the belly button
Miss anything: nah, weather is great, it’s warm and sunny, I feel good, all good
Looking forward to: Our baby
Best happenings this week: knowing that there’s a bunch of amniotic fluid (around 11) and the placenta is 99% intact
Movement: Daily, lots
Gender: Hmmm
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Sports: just bringing toddler-Q to day-care and doing households

37 weeks pregnant

It’s funny, there are a lot of similarities to my first pregnancy. I weighed exactly the same and without reading my last pregnancy’s post from 37 weeks, I wrote the exact same thing about getting up from the couch. First pregnancy post. I also started with prenatal acupuncture on wednesday.

How far along: 37 weeks 4 days
How much do I weigh: 60,5 kg (+ 10,8 kg)
Baby size: Around 3kg maybe? Baby’s head is tight in my pelvis, cervix is closed (one fingertip fits) and the neck of the uterus is quite short (1-2cm?), even had one contraction while I was at the Gyn.
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 103 cm and from top to bottom it’s 42 cm

37 weeks pregnant
37 weeks pregnant

Belly button in or out: even/out
Sleep: Soso, sometimes I wake up at 3am and cannot go back to sleep, sometimes I wake up, go to the bathroom and fall asleep right away
Food (non) cravings: nothing really, I think my uterus is way on the top so not that much fits at the moment. I do need some sweets in the evenings though
Symptoms: Out of breath fast, not able to eat so much, big belly is getting uncomfortable, Baby has a lot of hiccups
Maternity clothes: Now my pants are getting too tight. I guess I need to wear leggings only soon (hope it gets warmer, it’s snowing here again)
Stretch marks: None yet
Linea negra: above the belly button
Miss anything: being able to get up from the couch like a 30-year old :), I miss being able to eat whatever I want, let’s hope this baby is not that sensitive to what I eat while breastfeeding
Looking forward to: the registration at hospital #2
Best happenings this week: going out with my girls at night for dinner, spending a lovely night at a hotel in Munich with my mom, going out to eat and going shopping the next day. My first night away from my “baby”-boy, I woke up four times that night but went to sleep right away and just enjoyed two days with my mom
Movement: Lots, mainly the baby is quite active three times a day and as much I really like that baby is moving so much and that all seems fine it really is uncomfortable
Gender: Boy? Girl?
Happy or moody most of the time: I’m not moody, I’m just really looking forward to meeting our baby
Sports: Still lifting weights twice a week. Next week will be my last week, from April 1st on I’ll pause at the gym. No backache – yay!

33 weeks pregnant

How far along: 33 weeks 5 days
How much do I weigh: 58,1 kg (+8,4 kg)
Baby size: 45 cm & 2,5 kg maybe?
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 100 cm and from top to bottom it’s 40 cm
It’s coming more out to the front now, not hanging down so much anymore it seems.

33 weeks pregnant baby bump
33 weeks pregnant baby bump

Belly button in or out: even/out
Sleep: I have two sick men at home with a cold, so… sleep?
Food (non) cravings: can’t eat so much anymore. Craving sweets.
Symptoms: Baby has sooo many hiccups 🙂
Stretch marks: none yet I hope
Linea negra: I see a light light light brown line above my belly button
Miss anything: health!
Looking forward to: My little toddler Q being healthy
Best happenings this week: made my handover at work. Bye bye for now.
Movement: not as much it seems but still very intense, esp. on my top right side under my right boob.
Gender: we’ll find out soon. Boy?
Happy or moody most of the time: exhausted 🙂
Sports: yes, at least I went to the gym twice this week. Monday and Friday.

My 39th week baby bump story

39 weeks

How far along: One week away from my due date, holy sh**!!
How much do I weigh: 61,7 kg (+ 12,9 kg / + 1 kg this week / 28 pounds in total)
Those last few weeks I’ve been gaining and gaining (well, quite constant, it’s just weird to see the scale showing higher numbers each week).
I wonder how long it will take me to get rid of my extra weight but I’m not that worried because up until now I’ve been quite disciplined when it comes to losing weight. Never tried to lose pregnancy weight though. And never thought I’d gain so much in the last 4-6 weeks. Yet, one morning I’ll weigh myself and the next morning I’ll weigh 1 pound or 1 kg more, then the next day I’ll weigh a pound less again. I’m pretty sure I’ll hit the 30 pounds, maybe even 15 kg?
Belly size: Circumference 102cm, Top to Bottom 43 cm

Baby Bump Week 39 - 38w6d
Baby Bump Week 39 – 38w6d
Belly button in or out: It’s even/out now 🙂
Sleep: Still not complaining! Getting up once. After my bubby gets up for work though (around 6 am) I couldn’t get back to sleep anymore two days this week, the rest of the days were just fine.
Food (non) cravings: Nothing special. I have a big appetite though, especially after I’ve been running around. So close to birth I’m thinking I better give my body what it wants so that it can store the glycogen I need for the big day. Just like athletes do before they run a triathlon… I eat a lot of fruits (bananas, apples, mangos, blueberries, blood oranges), cereal, yogurt, veggies, bread with vegetarian spread and cheese. I just can’t get enough of cereal with milk, but that’s been a craving of mine before pregnancy as well.
Symptoms: a lot of pelvis and popo pushing. It feels weird and I wonder if it’s possible that a baby breaks the water with its fingers and not the hormones 😉 *jk* Other than that, heartburn and a sore body when sitting or laying.
Labor Signs: Braxton Hicks contractions sometimes. Ok, since Friday, 38w6d I have them quite often, especially in the morning. So I guess my uterus is practicing for its big event.
Maternity clothes: Pants, for my last two weeks of pregnancy I bought a maternity t-shirt which I can wear the next few months as well. It’s getting too warm here.
Stretch marks: None
Miss anything: Nothing this week
Looking forward to: That moment when I know “I think I’m going into labor”. Still hoping our baby-boy will be born in the week from the 21st to 28th, but actually I’d love to have him here now already.
Also looking forward to the OB visit (it will be the last with my gynecologist), wondering what she’ll say about inducing and when I should see the gynecologist who will be delivering our baby.
Best happenings this week: My OB appointment on Monday (thanks Mom for coming with me)

  • How far along: 38+2
  • CTG: all fine. In the beginning he was sleeping so his heartbeat was a bit low, but then I had to drink water and the doctor’s assistant gently shook my belly and then he was more active and everything was fine
  • My Blood Pressure: 110 / 70
  • Cervix: wasn’t checked
  • Baby’s weight: around 3 kg (7 pounds). He’s getting chubby cheeks already 🙂
  • Our Baby-Boy rubbing his eye at 38 weeks 2 days
    Our Baby-Boy rubbing his eye at 38 weeks 2 days
  • Amniotic fluid: he still has quite a good amount
  • Placenta: light calcification
  • Baby’s head: around 34cm

Other than that the weather was lovely and I even got a bit of tan.
I met with two of my colleagues for lunch on Tuesday and visited some other colleagues afterwards and went to a bazaar on Wednesday with my sisters and bought some tops for our baby-boy. 95% of the clothes for newborns / half year old babies were PINK! Only girl’s stuff! Afterwards I called the hospital to see if I could come by to get my third prenatal acupuncture, the midwife said yes so I drove there then.

Baby Clothes
Baby clothes I bought for 6 EURO
Tonight, Saturday, we’re going out for Running all-you-can-eat non-fish Sushi one last time, looking forward to that.
Movement: Still doing his gymnastics regularly
39 weeks baby bump
39 weeks baby bump

Gender: Baby-Boy Bruno
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and excited that he can come any time. We are all sooooo nosy to know when he’ll come 😀 Actually I’m happy I didn’t go into labor on Friday the 13th. I don’t believe in that but still.
Sports: Just the regular getting things done in the city and stairs. On Thursday for example, I washed two loads of laundry and walked 454 stairs! The washer and dryer are in the basement, so down – up – down – up – down – up… Did Yoga on Friday.
Pregnancy Yoga
Pregnancy Yoga
I also did some gymnastic for pregnant women and now I have a sore back. Maybe I shouldn’t start with new exercises in my 40th week…

My 37th week baby bump story

37 weeks – Full Term!! No preemie anymore!

How far along: 37 weeks! 21 days! 3 weeks to go!! Can’t believe it! And today is Sunday, March 1st! It’s Baby’s birth month!! So amazing!
How much do I weigh: 60,5 kg (+ 11,7 kg / + 25.8 pounds), same as last week
Belly size: Circumference 102cm, Top to Bottom 45 cm

Baby Bump Week 37 - 36w6d
Baby Bump Week 37 – 36w6d
Belly button in or out: Hard question. Even and a bit out on the top, so, an Outie I’d say.
Sleep: Good, I’m so happy! I get up once and that’s it. It takes a while for me turning from one side to the other but that’s not worth mentioning.
Food (non) cravings: Nothing special, I try to eat less sweets those last weeks. I don’t buy any sweets when going shopping, my sweet snack in the evening is a fruit yogurt. I spent a day in the city this week and walked passed Starbucks and I mean really, as a high pregnant woman you can’t just walk passed a Starbucks knowing they have so good yummy sweet stuff, so I went in and got a blueberry muffin. Yummy! The last time I visited Starbucks was in Paris 1,5 years ago, so come on!
Symptoms: Not that many actually. I get bruised when I lay on one side too long, it feels like my skin/meat just falls asleep. Breathing is still a bit difficult. My butt starts hurting when I sit too long. It’s amazing, if I figure out my current BMI I’m still normal weight. Yet normal things like sitting or laying on one side start to hurt after a while, I’m out of breath faster than normal. When I do yoga my knee-bones make scary sounds. My lower back starts hurting again, mainly after I get up from the couch.
I don’t feel so good after I eat at night. I already eat less but I feel like a ton afterwards, it’s very uncomfortable. When I eat too late I get a heartburn at night which I’ve done twice this week. I should know better by now 🙁 Maybe I should just skip the evening dinner?
When I come home from the cold outside I get very red cheeks and ears and I just feel very hot for a long time. That’s new.
Can’t believe I’m carrying +12 kg around with me every day. Wow.
Labor Signs: None. I started a hayflower steam bath the first day of my 38th week. It’s not as relaxing as it sounds like, I took 1 liter of boiling water and added three tablespoons of hayflowers. Seeing the pot was too small to put into the toilet and sit on it, I put it on the floor and kneed over it and just let the steam go “into me” (TMI, I know). This method should loosen your pelvic muscles.
I also still do a perineum massage daily or every other day for five minutes and drink two to three cups of red raspberry leave tea daily.
Maternity clothes: Yes please! Panties a size bigger without a rubber band are the best thing ever!
Stretch marks: None
Miss anything: Getting up from the couch with ease
Looking forward to: My next OB appointment tomorrow. As I assume our Baby-Boy will be born in March I made a list of cool, easy to remember March birth dates (although I hope he arrives in the week from the 21st to 28th of March):

  • 03.03.2015 (I already have plans with a friend there though)
  • 05.03.2015 (I have an appointment for a foot care there though)
  • 15.03.2015
  • 19.03.2015 – Two months after my birthday
  • 21.03.2015 – Baby’s Due Date
  • 25.03.2015
  • 27.03.2015 – 5 months before my bubby’s birthday
  • 30.03.2015

Let’s see if he decides to come on one of those.
Best happenings this week: On Monday I had my first prenatal acupuncture at the hospital where I’m planning on delivering our baby-boy.

Prenatal Acupuncture - 36 weeks
Prenatal Acupuncture – 36 weeks
You normally have four sessions. One each week until you hit 40 weeks. It’s the first acupuncture I’ve ever had.
Reasons I decide(d) to spend 20 EURO each session for something which isn’t scientific proven:

  • I believe in it (they say it may shorten labor)
  • I tend to do the things they say make giving birth easier
  • It gives me a chance to “meet” the hospital, driving there, knowing where to park, knowing where the delivery room is located
  • It gives me a chance to meet some of the midwifes

The first time I got three needles in each lower leg. One right by my ankle, two on the outside of my legs right under the knee. It takes 20 minutes. While I was there I’m pretty sure at least one woman was in labour. I heard her breathe the “aaaaaaaahhhh” with every contraction she had. Oh, and I also found a 10 EURO bill on the street! I never found so much money, I was all excited 😀 (although I was undecided at first if 10 EURO are worth bending all the way to the floor but yes, they were)
On Tuesday I had an appointment with an anesthetist who explained me everything about the epidural (PDA). I filled out a bunch of questions, so that’s one thing I don’t have to do when I’m in labour (I hope) and decide I want an epidural. I’m not planning on one but you never know. After the appointment I walked through the city a bit and treated myself to a blueberry muffin at Starbucks. Nom. I also bought some little stuff for our Baby-Boy’s room, like a heart-shaped picture frame and a little elephant magnetic-frame.
Other than that I had a pretty relaxing week, met with a friend and her daughter, met with my sister and her daughter, had a lovely dinner with my bubby, my parents and my sister and her family on Saturday eve with yummy Schnitzel and Dampfnudel 🙂
Movement: Still a lot and he still has the hiccups regularly. He pushes himself against my butt-hole a lot (or maybe those are his arms) and it feels like, well, I’ll keep the details to myself.
Gender: Baby-Boy Bruno
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, relaxed, very excited. I have my off-days every now and again where I feel left alone and unable to cope and that people still expect everything from me, forgetting that, so close to birth, I might have other things on my mind, also if I don’t show. That’s always the problem of someone “strong”, people don’t think that there might be phases where you just can’t take things so easily, they will not ask you “how are you doing” or “what are your concerns” because they think that everything is always fine with you.
Sports: I started yoga for pregnant women. Wow, doing yoga with 10+ kg more on my ribs ain’t easy, just the regular things! Never thought so. The Sun Salutation – uff! It’s getting better/easier the more I do it though. I plan on doing yoga two times a week.

37 weeks baby bump
37 weeks baby bump

You nicely see the scar where I had my belly piercing over my belly button. And my crooked Linea nigra.

My 26th week baby bump story

26th week

How far along: 25 weeks 5 days
How much do I weigh: 54,8 kg (+6 kg) Are my pink pants getting tighter? I think so… thighs are getting fatter 🙁
Belly size: Circumference 92cm, Top to Bottom 32 cm

Baby Bump Week 26 - 25w5d
Baby Bump Week 26 – 25w5d

Belly button in or out: In
Sleep: Getting up once
Food (non) cravings: Bavarian Pretzels
Symptoms: Calf cramps at night after the gym (once) and some lower back pain sometimes
Maternity clothes: Jeans, my regular tops are getting tighter each week too though
Stretch marks: None yet
Miss anything: Glühwein (Mulled wine) maybe a tiny bit, but the non alcoholic punch is just as good
Looking forward to: My Christmas vacation! Soon! Seeing Baby-Boy-Bruno in five days again, maybe?
Best happenings this week:

  • Looked at hospital #5 on Thursday and we both liked it, so I guess I have my two hospitals I’m going to register. I’m happy.
  • Went to a yummy Mexican restaurant which tasted just like in Mexico (or Texas).
  • Got a bunch of Baby stuff (clothes, toys, shoes) from friends, I’ll have lots to do during my Christmas vacation with sorting out the things I want and things I don’t want/need.

Movement: Daily
Gender: Baby Boy
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Sports: As I was gone this weekend I only went to the gym once. Otherwise the regular 30 Minute walk during lunch and my bike ride / walk to work and back.

My 25th week baby bump story

25th week

How far along: 24 weeks 6 days
How much do I weigh: 54,0 kg (+ 5,2 kg)
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 92cm and from top to bottom it’s 34cm

Baby Bump Week 25 - 24w6d
Baby Bump Week 25 – 24w6d
Belly button in or out: Still in, sort of
Sleep: Good, I sometimes get up once, sometimes not
Food (non) cravings: Gewürzspekulatius (spiced shortcrust biscuit)

  • Out of breath easily when walking stairs
  • Can’t bend that well anymore to put on socks or shoes or pick up something from the floor

Maternity clothes: Jeans and tops. Got a big bag with maternity clothes from my best friend and found some cute tops and some sport pants.
Stretch marks: Nope
Miss anything: Here’s what I don’t miss:

  • getting terrible PMS every month
  • having my period for 7+ days
  • to have to pull my belly in after each meal so that it still looks flat

Looking forward to: My Christmas vacation and sleeping in daily then.
(Best) happenings this week:

  • Looked at hospital #4. We both liked it but read about this huge scandal which happened last year concerning the pediatric clinic, so now I’m a bit confused.
  • Went to the musical “Dirty Dancing”. It was made very cute but doesn’t come close to Phantom of the Opera or Grease
  • Made an appointment with the doctor who will be delivering my child (if I decide for to deliver at hospital #3)
  • Hearing that my boyfriends’ best friend got engaged and he’ll be the best man

Movement: Daily
Gender: Baby Boy
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, I love seeing all the Christmas lights outside when riding/walking through the city and listening to Christmas music whilst driving my boyfriend nuts.
Sports: At the moment I go on Friday and Sunday. My heart rate is a bit wacky, it’s up to 160 after I change clothes but goes down very fast. Not sure if it’s just not working correctly or if that’s another pregnancy symptom. Also started a DVD called “fit during pregnancy” today. No pain, no sweat – never had such a relaxing sport session 🙂 It felt good though, exercises for the pelvic floor, legs, arms, it was good.