How much do I weigh: 50,5 kg – stays pretty much the same How much does Quinn weigh: around 8 kg Belly size: Still eating too many sweets… I can’t stop either. My excuse is all the rough nights of not very much sleep ๐ Wow, it really seems like my belly doesn’t change at all. I have eight weeks strength-endurance behind me and am building muscle now for the next ten weeks. Let’s see if my belly changes in 8-12 weeks…
Sleep: Not that good. He used to come at 21:30, then 0:00 continuing about every two hours. I skipped one breastfeeding meal and he came every three hours the last week. Since about three nights he switches, once he comes after two hours, I feed him, then he sleeps three hours. Currently he’s in a phase where he’s wide awake in the middle of the night and it takes me 15-30 minutes to get him back to sleep. Today he woke up at 4:30 and we got up at 5:30 *sigh*. Symptoms: Still have the yeast infection after every period since giving birth due to a lack of vaginal flora and about a week ago I made a 6-day therapy with uvulas. Maternity clothes: Not anymore. Miss anything: Still sleep at times (Best) happenings:
Quinn makes peek-a-boo
I still breastfeed during the night
He eats with us while sitting in his highchair
He is sleeping in his own bed in his own room
Falling asleep works very well, I sing “you are my sunshine” and “I only want to be with you” while he’s in my arms, put him down after and he either plays a bit with his sheet or binky or is sleeping already
He started saying Mamamamama, sometimes only Mama
Once, in his lifetime of 10 months on this planet, he fell asleep on his belly
They say a pregnancy goes 9 months and it takes 9 months for the body to get back to normal. My belly is still there and I’m pretty sure it will take a couple of months at least to have a flatter belly.
I started working out again at 8 months after my pregnancy so I’ll keep posting about my belly and see how it turns out.
How far along: 9 monts after Quinn’s birth How much do I weigh: 50,5 kg (+1,7 kg from my before pregnancy weight – my goal is to reach 50 kg) How much does Quinn weigh: around 7,5 kg Belly size: It looks pretty much the same like in the 4 months after my c-section post, maybe even a bit bigger. I haven’t been eating too well and I eat way too much sweets ๐ The middle photo shows very nicely that my belly muscles are still not completely together and how my belly is curved to the outside. I’d say I look about 16 weeks pregnant.
Sleep: Since about September, so when Quinn was around 5 months old, my (and his) sleep has gotten worse. He still sleeps in our bedroom and comes every 1 to 2 hours. Symptoms: Sorry, but I want to post this for my records: a yeast infection after every period since giving birth due to a lack of vaginal flora. I told my gyn about that in December and now I have to take uvulas after every period to build up my flora and if that doesn’t help I have to take three uvulas against the yeast infection. Let’s see how long that lasts… You can still see my Linea nigra, too. Maternity clothes: I sometimes still wear my smallest maternity jeans but mostly I wear my normal pants and tops. Miss anything: Sleep at times (Best) happenings: Wow, a lot has happened the last few months (my last post was 4 months after my c-section, I totally forgot all the others…
Quinn has six teeth, two below and four on the top
He gets mush at noon, in the afternoon and in the evening
I still breastfeed during the night and in the mornings
I have the feeling I’ll breastfeed forever, it seems Quinn doesn’t get enough!
Quinn’s room is pretty much done decorated
He broke the changing table while stomping with his legs ๐
Quinn was sick once with fever and a cold, it took about three days for him to feel good again
We all had a stomach flu right before Christmas
Quinn started rolling around from belly to back and from back to belly at 7 months
He loves to take his binky and his on objects to make noise
Sports: I started lifting weights and doing strength cardio the beginning of December 2015.
My plan for the first eight weeks:
15-20 x 53kg leg press
15-20 x 30kg abductor
15-20 x 15kg row
15-20 x 15kg chest press
15-20 x “back sit-ups”
15-20 x 25kg carcass-turning
45 minutes jogging on the treadmill or cross trainer
How far along: 35 weeks 6 days – 1 month to go – 4 weeks to go – 28 days to go ๐ I’m officially starting my 10th month (and I’m 8 months pregnant) How much do I weigh: 60,5 kg (+ 11,7 kg / + 25.8 pounds) *cries* that’s a gain of 2 kg in one week. I decided I shouldn’t care anymore, my BMI before birth was 18,7 which means I’m “allowed” to gain between 11,5kg to 16 kg (25lb to 35lb). I’ve had big meals for dinner this week and I always notice them on the scale on the weekend, pregnant or not.
As long as I can still walk the stairs easily without my boyfriend pushing me up I won’t worry. Belly size: I have the feeling I’m getting fatter and fatter, not just my belly but my legs as well because my maternity clothes are getting tighter and tighter. Can’t wait to go jogging and to the gym again, especially with our Jogging stroller and our Baby-Boy! I’m really happy we bought the stroller we bought and I hope it will motivate me to go out lots. Baby Bump Week 36 – 35w6d Belly button in or out: Still in / even Sleep: Not complaining. Sometimes I have problems getting back to sleep after I’ve gotten up to go to the bathroom, but not every night Food (non) cravings: Nothing special. I just like to eat and I’m more hungry. I used to eat a yogurt with fruit as a snack, I still do, but I’m very hungry one or two hours later, esp. if I went for a walk in the meantime. Well ok and I have to admit, I love anything sweet! Pastries, Cookies, Cakes, Chocolate. Gimme! Symptoms: I woke up on Tuesday, brushed my teeth and had quite some teethridge bleeding. Then I blew my nose to find quite some blood in my tissue as well. So I guess my mucosa was a bit sensitive that day. I hate hate hate having a bloody nose though, I get sick seeing the chunks of blood. I get dizzy and it feels weird in my tummy. Plus I’m scared to blow my nose. Those symptoms luckily only occurred on Tuesday.
The baby is getting bigger and bigger so some of his movements hurt and if I have a weird feeling in my pelvis or if I blow my nose or sneeze I touch my panties to see if the water broke ๐ Luckily every pregnant woman so close to the due date writes the same, I’m happy I found lovely blogs online. It makes me not worry so much (sometimes) (I’m also relieved to see skinny girls gain just as much or more than me). Especially when he stretches against my bottom left body it really really hurts and it’s a possibility for me to train my breathing. I wonder what he squishes down there (my uterine or pelvis artery maybe?)
All in all though I feel really good, I can walk the 50 stairs to my apartment easily, I’m not super tired, I feel like I can do almost everything still. When I go for walks I just walk slower or stop if the pressure on my pelvis is getting too intense. I still can cut my toenails and shave my legs, too.
The big 3-oh weekly baby bump
Maternity clothes: Pants, Leggings, Undies, Tops – anything. I wear the same clothes pretty much every day Stretch marks: Nope Miss anything: Nope Looking forward to: March! Best happenings this week: Had my 8th (?) check-up at the OB on Thursday. My mom came with me, seeing examinations of pregnant women were quite different around 30 years ago. She enjoyed seeing / hearing the heartbeat of the baby during my CTG and seeing the baby on big screen during the ultrasound ๐
How far along: 35+5
CTG: all fine
My Blood Pressure: 110 / 65
Cervix: closed and medium soft
Hepatitis B: negative
Baby’s weight: around 2,4 kg (5 pounds 5 ounces)
Amniotic fluid: he still has enough
Placenta: light calcification
Baby’s position / Fundal height: costal arch – there’s no more moving up, only moving down into my pelvis now (hopefully)
Baby’s head: Not in my pelvis yet, which means, if my water breaks I need to be carried to the delivery room lying. I hope he’ll be down next time I go to the OB which is on Monday, March 2nd 2015.
Baby’s lungs: He’s making breathing exercises already meaning, the lungs are done!
On Sunday my bubby and me made a first-aid course for babies and toddlers which was very informative. We’re both very happy we did it and I recommend everybody to take part in a course like that before the baby comes or (shortly) after.
I had my last prenatal class on Tuesday, it was a partner evening so my boyfriend came with me. We learned how he should hold me during labor, how he can massage me and how I need to breathe.
My midwife came by on Wednesday to give me a “course” on how to breastfeed. We used my Minion as example for my baby-boy ๐ Friday we had such lovely weather, it felt like spring! I put on shorts, a tank-top and a bunch of sunscreen and sat on our balcony and felt so good, I would have loved to put on flip-flops and run around the city and get ice-cream ๐ Of course it was only 10ยฐCelsius (50 degrees Fahrenheit) but on the balcony it was hot! I wish for the weather to be that way four weeks from today and that our baby gets born on a lovely spring day! Movement: Lots, his back & butt is on my right side when I look down Gender: Baby-Boy Bruno, for sure!
The white thingy is not his arm…
The ultrasound sessions are always good for a laugh because he always shows us how much man he is ๐ If I tell my bubby to touch my belly to feel how our Baby-Boy pushes his butt against it he only smiles and says “that’s not his butt” haha. Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and a bit worried that he’ll come too early. It’s probably because I read on a bunch of websites that “the baby is pretty much done and can come any time now” which scares me a bit. I asked my OB if the light calcification of my placenta may lead to an early birth and she said “no, it’s all normal, why should he come early?” and I only answered “I don’t know”. I guess what scares me is the fact that I kind of fixate on the due date the doctors figure out and that I don’t feel prepared if the labour signs would occur now.
What keeps me calm a bit is the fact that my mom had me and my sisters: 11 days late, 4 days late and right on due date, that my oldest sister had her baby one week early with a planned c-section and my middle sister had her kids: 3 days early, 1 day early, 4 days early with a planned c-section. So no baby in my family came way too early. My boyfriend came two weeks early but that’s the other side of the family ๐ Sports: Around 1 – 1,5h walks
36 weeks baby bump. It looks smaller than last week but maybe the angle is just different