My Boyfriend says he’ll be able to make five (5!) chin-ups with one arm in one year.
I thought I should keep his goal digital, just in case 🙂
He didn’t want me to blog about this…
My Boyfriend says he’ll be able to make five (5!) chin-ups with one arm in one year.
I thought I should keep his goal digital, just in case 🙂
He didn’t want me to blog about this…
The biggest Pizza in the City.
Half Italian Sausage, half veggies.
I invited my boyfriend for a birthday dinner, we watched “Despicable Me 2” before that (cute movie, the first is cuter and funnier but pt.2 is good too).
The pizza is so big it hardly fits on the table (and plate) and guess what?! I ate it all!
Give Gold Stars
21-DayChallenge-BlogPhotoToday’s resolution suggests that you “Give gold stars.” If you’re like me, you may think a lot about wanting gold stars, but in a happy relationship, giving gold stars turns out to be very important, too.
If you tried this resolution, did it boost your feelings of gratitude and tenderness?
Did it make a difference to your happiness?
I do say nice things to the boyfriend when he helps me clean or make dinner. I tell him he did a good job, and I really mean it. It means a lot to me when he helps, when we do things together in our apartment. It’s not a girls job to clean and cook and wash the laundry (if she also works 40+ hours a week).
And seeing that I really appreciate when the Lover helps, I tell him 🙂
Kiss in the Morning, Kiss at Night
21-DayChallenge-BlogPhotoToday’s resolution suggests that you “Kiss in the morning, kiss at night.” If kissing isn’t appropriate in your situation, you might substitute a hug, or make other efforts to show a bit more physical affection than you might otherwise do.How does this resolution sound to you? If you tried it, did it come naturally, or did it feel forced?
Did it make a difference to your happiness?
This is something the Boyfriend and I do, or try to do, on a daily basis anyway. Most of the times it comes naturally, sometimes it feels forced, for example when I’m very very tired at night and the he comes close with his kiss-mouth and wants a smooch. But, it makes me happy when I can make my boyfriend happy 🙂
I went to IKEA to buy a white 80cmx202cm Billy for our guest room today. Got it home, painted the back in a silverish grey and built it together. I got an extra extension for the Billy beginning of the week from a guy who offered it in the newspaper for free. The white is a bit different but who cares – I didn’t have to pay for that extra space 🙂
I also put a crown molding on the top. The boyfriend and I are both happy that we have a new place for our (mostly his) books 🙂
It fits great to our new couch (which arrived yesterday) and the little billy, which we bought around two weeks ago.
Had a meeting in the morning and left work at around 1pm.
Met my best friend for ice-cream (chocolate, pistachio, stracciatella). I brought him to the train station two hours later, waited and chatted with him 20 minutes on the station platform in the sunshine before the train came.
Took my bike and rode home, BUT I stopped at the beergarden close to my place to grab a beer and enjoy the last shafts of sunlight. Mmmmm…
Rode home, now I’m reading “The Hunger Games” (chapter 21) on the balcony and waiting for the boyfriend to come home from his vacation.
We’re going out to eat 🙂
Me: Gosh, it’s dirty in our apartment, we should clean, it’s been around two weeks.
He: I really want to help you clean, but, can’t we wait until it’s raining outside?