… I tend to look like him, too.
Well, certrain body parts look like the body parts from my dad – all bloody after biking wild trails 🙂
Tag: biking
75km Mountainbike Tour
And now it’s 8:15pm and I’m sooo tired but happy!
My Mom’s in London having a blast with her best friend so I drove out to my Dad today.
My dad biked towards me and I met him after about 21km 🙂
- 40,3km
- 2:11 hours
- 722 cal
- Average Speed: 18.3 km/h
- 35,31km
- 1:52 hours
- 781 cal
- Average Speed: 19 km/h
I left in the morning at 9:20, met my dad at around 10:30, arrived home home at aroung 11:45. The afternoon I spent laying in the sun and I left for my home again at around 4:45pm.
It was a very good day, nice sunny and warm (yet windy) and I can’t wait to get my good night’s sleep!
Wonderful Public Holiday
Today is a public holiday here which means no work *yay* 🙂
After the Boyfriend and I slept in we sat on the couch, surfed and had coffee. Then we cleaned the apartment (good teamwork) and after that we went biking with a stop at a Biergarten to have beer and Obatzter.
It was a lovely tour, the weather was great, not too warm and not too cold.
We got home at around 4pm, had a cup of coffee again on the balcony and at around 6pm I went for a short run of 5km.
I stretched and showered after, we had a lovely dinner and now we’re watching a chick-movie – “the proposal” with Sandra Bullock while it’s getting darker and darker outside seeing a big storm is coming.
Ah how I love awesome days like this 🙂
Books read in March 2014
I know, March isn’t over yet but I won’t finish a book I’ll start reading today by tomorrow, so here are the books I read in March 2014.
I must say, I really enjoy the Thrillers by Sebastian Fitzek. His chapters are very short, which I enjoy, yet it tends to go like “the next chapter is short, just one more chapter…”
All the others are chick-lits and I thought “can you keep a secret” by Sophie Kinsella was very amusing. I started another book by her just today 🙂
Yesterday I made my first mountainbike tour this season, a short tour with my dad and it was very nice. I’m a little out of MTB-shape but I hope I’ll be ok after I made three or four tours.
The day I got stung by a bee
The day I got stung was yesterday. Just thought I’d keep it as a memory on my online diary. The bee flew into my sleeve and after I noticed (and paniced) it stung. So my wrist is swollen. Nothing else happened yesterday, other that I figured out I’m not allergic to a bee-sting.
Today I did nothing. Well, not nothing, I rearranged the living- and dining room, helped my mom in the morning with the great Teamviewer I installed on my and her PC (why did I come up with this idea sooooo late???), helped my dad with his iPad and Skype by Teamviewer this evening, had coffee with a friend. Watched “despicable me” twice (well, I let it run for entertainment while rearranging).
I didn’t go to the gym today, so I missed step-aerobic and belly-legs-tushy, which I love to do on a Sunday morning but I just wasn’t in the mood. I made a 30 min workout yesterday, I’m happy I did. The BF went cycling in the alps, the weather today is/was quite nice again (after it rained the last two weeks) but I wasn’t in the mood for that either… too cold! 😉
This weekend was full of yummy cakes and sweets. Way too much of course. I’m happy the weather this coming week should be good so I can go to work by bike again, 2 hours of biking, nice.
My left knee is causing me problems at the moment, I can hardly hunker down. But it’s been causing me problems every now and again after my joint capsule ripped 10000 years ago. It’s just got to get used to the strength training I guess.
Now I’ll go check on the results of the Bundestag elections which have been today. And wait for the BF to come home with my veggy pizza…
Things I love while biking in the City pt.I
What I love and enjoy most when I ride to work and back home: little hideaways where there are no cars and almost never people. I always look for little sideways I can ride and I’m more than happy to take a bit longer to work but to have the feeling I’m riding in nature.
Sometimes it’s really hard to believe I’m in the middle of a big city 🙂
Biking near Rosenheim
It was beautiful weather, a lovely tour, I only fell once 🙂
We drove 5,5 hours and made about an half an hour break. 42 km and 1250 altitude difference. I lost 1767 calories, nice! Heart rate average 129.
Frasdorf -> Riesenhütte -> Schwarzrieshütte -> Kleinberg -> Erl -> Nußdorf -> Samerberg -> Frasdorf