38 weeks
How far along: 37 weeks 6 days – Gosh, 14 days to go. Unbelievable!! As of now, I’m in the -14 days time frame where babies are born. As of now, our baby-boy pretty much can decide he wants to meet the world any day. As of now, I probably should be carrying a towel in my purse? Gosh, this is all getting so real!!
How much do I weigh: 60,7 kg (+ 11,9 kg / + 200g this week / 26 pounds in total)
Belly size: The belly is getting harder and heavier and I can feel how the baby is just everywhere. Not much room for him left, room for maybe two more weeks 😉
Sleep: Pretty good most of the times. I get up once and I can normally fall back to sleep again good, sometimes not though where I just lay there and get up eventually, sit on the couch with my laptop and wait until my eyes get tired again. Seeing I have two boppy pillows (one from my sister and one from my co-worker) I now put one on each side of my body, so if I turn from left to right or right to left I’m all comfortable immediately.
Food (non) cravings: mint-chocolate-chip ice-cream. I drove around the whole town and even went to the biggest grocery store here but zero, zilch, zip, nada, nothing! This oh so extravagant kind of ice-cream is not available anywhere! Gah! So I improvised. I bought the only mint candy I know – After Eight – and put it in my Ben & Jerry’s. Next time I’ll buy cheap vanilla ice-cream and After Eight. On Friday eve we watched the movie “Gone Girl” and in one scene Ben went to the freezer to get out ice-cream and what did he get out? A gallon of mint-chocolate-chip!
Symptoms: PMS similar cramps, my lower back is hurting sometimes. I also feel like my boobs have gotten bigger and sometimes I look at my feet and fingers and think they’ve gotten bigger as well. And my face. I don’t think I have a lot of water but sometimes I feel like a water balloon.
Labor Signs: Hm, just the few PMS similar cramps. When I do Yoga I really feel him in my pelvis but that’s not really a labor sign. Did a hayflower steam bath again on Saturday. 20 minutes.
Maternity clothes: I still sometimes wear normal long sleeves at times but maternity pants all the time.
Stretch marks: None
Miss anything: I don’t miss it now but this week I told my bubby that I’m happy to be able to eat yummy Italian ice-cream in the spring again. I bought Ben & Jerry’s cookie-dough ice-cream, it’s good but it’s no Italian ice-cream and also no mint-chocolate-chip. I really want mint-chocolate-chip ice-cream!!
Looking forward to: So close to my due-date it’s either my next OB appointment or the big event itself.
Best happenings this week: Our baby dropped!
I had my OB appointment on Monday and all was good:
- How far along: 37+2
- CTG: all fine
- My Blood Pressure: 120 / 80
- Cervix: dilated 1cm and soft
- Strep-B: negative
- Baby’s weight: around 2,7 kg (5 pounds 15 ounces)
- Amniotic fluid: he still has enough, my OB measured 15 (everything over 8 is good)
- Placenta: light calcification on the side
- Baby’s head: Tight in my pelvis! I’m so happy, if my water breaks, the umbilical cord should not be a problem.
I’m happy his head is tight. When I walked into the OB’s office she looked at my belly and thought it doesn’t look like it has dropped so she was surprised when she checked me. She said she’ll see me in a week but she’s not sure if she’ll see me for my two-week appointment. Well, you never know 🙂 I’m happy my body is getting ready, now we’re just waiting for our baby-boy to get ready. The later the better!
So if our baby-boy is born before the 21st he’ll be a Pisces: loving, sensitive, intuitive, spiritual, idealistic, victimised and moody and if he’s born after he’ll be an Aries: determined, fiery, executive skills, born leader, impulsive, headstrong, opinionated, loyal, physical, driven, ambitious … interesting 😉
Another best thing this week: we got our first baby delivered – our dryer we ordered about a month ago! It’s great and all the dried towels, panties etc. are so soft!
Movement: He’s making Aqua-Gymnastic lots. And he’s sleeping when I’m sleeping. What a good breeding he has haha.
Gender: Baby-Boy Bruno, 100%, got that confirmed by three different doctors and we have so many penis pictures!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Happy that my body is ready and that he’s all the way down in my pelvis. Happy and relaxed and pretty much ready mentally.
Sports: I did Yoga twice this week. Other than that the regular 30 – 60 Minute walks (as long as my bladder will stay empty) and taking the 50 (59 when I’m coming from the basement) stairs to our apartment sometimes a few times daily.