40+ weeks pregnant

Past my due date and now I am sitting, waiting, wishing…

How far along: 40+ weeks
How much do I weigh: around 61,8 kg (+12 kg)

weight gain pregnancy #2
weight gain pregnancy #2

Baby size: Who knows… big enough to enter this world for sure
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 103 cm and from top to bottom it’s 46 cm
40 weeks pregnant
40 weeks pregnant

Belly button in or out: even/out
Sleep: Pretty good
Food (non) cravings: the usual
Symptoms: contractions every day since Monday April 9th, sometimes more, sometimes less, mainly in the evening, hoping they come more regularly and stay πŸ™‚ I had contractions in my last CTG on Friday but none two days before that.
heartbeat & contractions
heartbeat & contractions

  • Cervix is open a bit, one finger fits through
  • Cervix is very very soft, the gyn said I shouldn’t wait too long to get to the hospital as it will probably open quite quickly
  • I have contractions
  • my neck of the uterus is pretty much non existent anymore
  • Baby’s head is tight in my pelvis

My body is ready – when will the baby be?
Maternity clothes: Well, they are getting quite tight. I wear my leggings or shorts and wide tops
Stretch marks: None yet
Linea negra: above the belly
Miss anything: No, I’m feeling good and I really want to meet our little kiddo!
Looking forward to: Holding my second child
Best happenings this week: Seeing progress at the last GYN appointment.
Movement: Luckily still daily
Gender: I would say we’ll prolly know in a week or so? How exciting
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Sports: Nope

Ultrasound Baby at 40 weeks
Ultrasound Baby at 40 weeks

The weather for this coming week looks quite good so baby#2 might be born on a sunny day.
weather april 2018
weather april 2018

39 weeks pregnant

How far along: 39+ weeks
How much do I weigh: 61,2 kg (+ 11,5 kg)
Baby size: Around 3,4 kg maybe?
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 104 cm and from top to bottom it’s 45 cm

39 weeks pregnant
39 weeks pregnant

Belly button in or out: out
Sleep: pretty good. Getting up once or twice to pee
Food (non) cravings: sweets but that’s a normal craving
Symptoms: pain when the baby is moving, heartburn at times, nausea at times, pain when I get up, I walk like I have a sunburn between my legs πŸ™ Once I stand or walk for a while it all settles
Maternity clothes: It’s warm outside since this week so I wear leggings or even shorts (non-maternity shorts).
Stretch marks: None yet
Linea negra: above the belly button… getting longer
Miss anything: Contractions?
Looking forward to: BIRTH, although I feel quite good now…
Best happenings this week: Toddler’s third birthday & easter in one day, sunny weather
Movement: yup
Gender: Boy? Girl? Boy?
Happy or moody most of the time: happy
Sports: Did it twice a week but as of April 1st I pause for three months

32 weeks pregnant

How far along: 32 weeks
How much do I weigh: 57,8 kg (+8 kg), seems like I’m not gaining or just very slow at the moment.
Baby size: around 1,8 kg, the baby is gaining for sure though πŸ™‚
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 100 cm and from top to bottom it’s 41 cm
Belly button in or out: even/out
Sleep: Not good, I’m awake for 2-3 hours a night πŸ™ luckily not every night
Food (non) cravings: chips in the evening on the couch
Symptoms: Tired, Braxton Hicks (ouch)
Maternity clothes: always and everything
Stretch marks: none yet, I hope
Linea negra: none yet
Miss anything: sweets!!
Looking forward to: enjoying my maternity leave
Best happenings this week: Bought a new dining table for the kitchen, a cute little one and some new chairs on which I got a great deal. Seeing we were home alone Q and I spent the whole weekend eating our meals on our new dining table and we enjoyed it lots
Movement: heavy kicking with his butt against the right side of my belly
Gender: Now I’m not sure if boy or girl but still think that two same gender kids are what we’ll have, kinda
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Sports: chest, back, biceps, triceps, gluteus maximus, legs

30 weeks pregnant

How far along: 30 weeks
How much do I weigh: 57,0 kg (+ 7,3kg)
Baby size: about 1,5kg maybe?
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 97 cm and from top to bottom it’s 39 cm

30 weeks pregnant
30 weeks pregnant

Belly button in or out: both
Sleep: as always, quite good actually, I get up once to pee
Food (non) cravings: no cravings for special food
Symptoms: out of breath faster, sometimes my belly hurts, a lot of Braxton Hicks contractions, gas, lazy, baby’s movement hurts at times
Maternity clothes: pants, tops, panties
Stretch marks: none yet
Linea negra: not yet
Miss anything: I miss being in the mood to be more active. I love sitting on the couch too much
Looking forward to: The next appointment on Feb 08th 2018
Best happenings this week: Q’s cold turned out to be a one/two day thing. He looked bad one day but the next day all was good again
Movement: A lot when I lay down with Q at noon and night or drive home from work at 17:00. Baby’s back is mostly on the right side of my uterus.
Gender: well, we are slowly talking about names for boys and girls. Finally – only about ten more weeks!
Happy or moody most of the time: I’d say happy
Sports: At least once a week at the gym and one time a big walk. Or then twice a week at the gym.

28 weeks pregnant

Welcome third trimester!

How far along: 28 weeks
How much do I weigh: 56,7 kg (+ 7kg)
Baby size: 1,2 kg
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 97 cm and from top to bottom it’s 36 cm

28 weeks pregnant
28 weeks pregnant

Belly button in or out: even
Sleep: quite good. I haven’t had a full night of sleep since 3 years so, that’s how it is now too.
Food (non) cravings: nothing really
Symptoms: Feels like baby’s butt or head is always pushing its way down, pimples on my back, lower back pain (not so often)
Maternity clothes: always, everything. Panties, pants, bra, tops. Just my socks and boots are non-maternity πŸ™‚
Stretch marks: none, I think?
Linea negra: not yet
Miss anything: I miss not worrying about what I eat when. I’m lucky that I don’t have gestational diabetes yet the doctor said I should stop eating white flour completely.
Looking forward to: every free minute
Best happenings this week: Big ultrasound yesterday and I finally got a photo again. Baby is laying with its head down, everything is fine. It moved a lot and had a hiccups
Baby#2 - 28 weeks
Baby#2 – 28 weeks
Left: Uterus
Right: umbilical cord
Bottom: fingers

Movement: lots, I feel everything
Gender: hmm… yesterday in the ultrasound it really showed its gender so good and I hoped that the doctor would say “well look at this boy/girl”… but no. I was so close to saying we DO want to know the gender now but I didn’t. Still going to be a surprise.
Happy or moody most of the time: Depends on if I’m hungry, sleepy, if my son does what I ask him to do, if my bubby does what I ask him to do… depends on all those things
Sports: In the gym twice a week, treadmill for 30 minutes and lifting weights (chest, back & legs)

26 weeks pregnant

How far along: 26 weeks 2 days
How much do I weigh: 56,4 kg (+6,7 kg)
Baby size: Length: about 14 inches; weight: almost 2 pounds.
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 97 cm and from top to bottom it’s 36 cm (have to measure tomorrow morning)

26 weeks pregnant
26 weeks pregnant –
I was told I have a flat belly…

Belly button in or out: in and out
Sleep: so so
Food (non) cravings: pickles
Symptoms: Can’t breathe so good, it feels like the head or popo of the baby are pushing its way down, heartburn
Maternity clothes: Day and night
Stretch marks: none
Miss anything: sweets
Looking forward to: always looking forward to the next gyn appointment. Right now I’m looking forward on going to the diabetology in a week to find out if I have gestational diabetes or not.
Best happenings this week: New Years and spending time with Oma and Opa, spending time with my boy every day
Movement: lots lots lots
Gender: I still think it’s a boy. My bubby has a brother. My bubby’s brother has two boys. My sister has two boys. My friends all have two kids of the same sex (only one has one of each), so… this is why I think we’re having another boy.
Two colleagues think it’s a girl, mainly because of my “flat” belly (how is this even possible?) and because my blood results during pregnancy were good.
My dad swung – a girl.
My bubby thinks it’s going to be a girl.
My sister dreamt it’s a girl.
My other sister thinks it’s a boy.
My mom thinks it’s a boy.
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Sports: None atm due to the Christmas vacation and not being home

18 & 19 weeks pregnant

How far along: 18 weeks
How much do I weigh: 52,5 kg (+2,8 kg)
Baby size: little pepper
Belly button in or out: half/half
Sleep: Okay
Food (non) cravings: No cravings, just hungry
Symptoms: Headache every now and again

How far along: 19 weeks 3 days
How much do I weigh: 52,5 kg (+2,8 kg)
Baby size: mango

19 weeks pregnant
19 weeks pregnant –
Want to compare my current belly size to pregnancy #1?

Belly button in or out: half/half, more out when I have just eaten
Sleep: Okay, sometimes I’m awake for hours but that’s because I think of my work-problems and not because of the pregnancy
Food (non) cravings: No cravings
Symptoms: Same, headache every now and again, pain in my uterus, gas
Maternity clothes: always
Stretch marks: none
Miss anything: alcohol at times πŸ˜‰
Looking forward to: My big sonography this and next week
Best happenings this week: Seeing Baby-Q heal from his caugh
Movement: I think I feel some movement but then a few minutes later I have to fart… so I’m not sure.
Gender: hmmm
Happy or moody most of the time: both πŸ™‚
Sports: I try to go to the gym twice a week

17 weeks pregnant

Now, let’s see if I’ll keep at it. With a toddler in the house I have other priorities than posting on my blog but often I think I really have to post the weekly baby bump because I wonder, how was it with Baby#1 compared to this pregnancy? So, here we go…

How far along: 17 weeks
How much do I weigh: 51,5 kg (with Baby#1 I weighed 1kg less)
Baby size: Size of the palm of my hand
Belly button in or out: After I eat the top of my belly-button sticks out a bit πŸ™‚
Sleep: It’s ok
Food (non) cravings: I’m in the mood for coffee again which I didn’t drink the first three months. Other than that no special cravings.
Symptoms: My belly hurts each morning but I’m not sure if it’s in my uterus or just my intestine or full bladder.
Maternity clothes: Pants and tops, daily
Stretch marks: None
Miss anything: A sip of beer, being able to take pain medicine
Looking forward to: Next sonography which is the big one
Best happenings this week: Visiting Oma and Opa and spending a few days there
Movement: Nope, as I have a front wall placenta let’s see when I will feel the baby
Gender: It’s going to be a surprise, I assume baby will be a boy
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and bitchy (according to the bubby)
Sports: Due to lack of time I haven’t been going regularly. I have to start going twice or three times a week again!

My 41st week baby bump story

How far along: 40 weeks + days
How much do I weigh: 62,2 kg, which means I gained around 13,5 kg (30 pounds) this pregnancy.

My weight gain during pregnancy curves
My weight gain during pregnancy curves
Belly size: Big, hard and heavy πŸ™‚ Circumference 104 cm, Top to Bottom 46 cm
Baby Bump Week 41 - 40w6d
Baby Bump Week 41 – 40w6d
Belly button in or out: Even
Sleep: Very good, most of the time. If I get up it’s only once. Lucky me! But sometimes after I got up I can’t go back to sleep for hours.
Food (non) cravings: Nothing special, not that hungry.
Symptoms: For being high pregnant and about to pop anytime I have very less symptoms, hardly any. A little heartburn, my knees sound terrible when I do yoga.
Labor Signs: Hardly any, some pelvis pressure, some cramps. Nothing worth mentioning I guess. On Tuesday my attending OB checked me and noticed some blood, which might be my mucus plug. It was very less though and probably doesn’t mean anything.

I’ve been taking a bath every day and making hayflower steam baths a few days. I still drink three cups of raspberry leave tea daily. I do yoga daily, sit on my exercise ball at the dining table, walk stairs, go for walks. I also took a few Caulophyllum thalictroides D 4 pills, what the midwives gave me. Those are homeopathic pills which might cause contractions. Who knows, but no contractions at 41 weeks. I’m not forcing my bubby on having sex with me (although I’m bossy like that and would like to give it a try) because my true believe is that you cannot force labor. If I don’t have contractions I just don’t have them, why should they come from taking a walk or a bath.
I do things that are comfortable but don’t take my strength.

Maternity clothes: Ready to say goodbye to too tight pants. Can’t wait to buy new summer clothes in a few months.
Stretch marks: None
Miss anything: Nothing
Looking forward to: Meeting our baby-boy!!
Best happenings this week: Seeing that our baby-boy is doing just fine. The CTG on Sunday in the hospital was good, had another OB appointment on Tuesday and Thursday (the first male OB to examine me btw) and all was looking good. He checked me and the baby

  • Cervix: one finger fits through and it’s very soft
  • Blood pressured: 120 / 80
  • Amniotic fluid: baby has enough (more than 7 for sure)
  • Placenta: looks very good
  • Baby’s head: around 9,7 cm and tight in my pelvis
  • CTG: all good, baby’s heart-rate is 130 – 150 and he’s quite active. No contractions

Ultrasound - Baby-Boy 40+ weeks
Ultrasound – Baby-Boy 40+ weeks

On Tuesday my attending OB said that the hospital is quite busy this week and that he therefore made an appointment for my induction on Thursday, March 26st.

That would be 40+5 from the calculated due-date and 40+3 from the ultrasound (and my) due-date. He explained why they prefer to induce latest one week after the due-date, which I understand, but I asked him if we could induce on Monday, March 30th, instead, seeing the calculated due-date (March 21st) was always wrong in my mind, due to my irregular cycle and seeing that, in my opinion, my period didn’t start on June 15th (like I told my OB) but the 17th or even more the 19th (which would come out with a calculated & ultrasound due-date of Monday, March 23rd to March 25th).

He understood, said that’s no problem (seeing he’s only my attending OB he doesn’t know the details about my “history”). He looked at the ultrasound image from my 11th week where they figured out the due-date and said ok, Monday is ok πŸ™‚ And seeing everything is fine with our baby, I’d like to give our baby-boy the chance to find his way into life by himself one more week.

My CTG on Saturday in the hospital was good, one contraction in 45 minutes – ha! The midwife also made another prenatal acupuncture for free πŸ˜€ I have two more nights where I can go into labor before getting induced. I’m quite nervous now…

And again, a big thank you to my Baby-Boy for this awesome pregnancy πŸ˜€ This time it’s final πŸ™‚

My dear Baby Boy, we'll meet you soon
My dear Baby Boy, we’ll meet you soon

Movement: So so much! I can feel him moving around like crazy. That’s such a weird thought – knowing to have a human baby in the belly who’s all “done”, it’s unbelievable. He’s turning his back from left to right to left to right since Thursday evening (over a week now). He’s never done that. You’d think he’s ready to leave the nest (or he’s just feeling way too comfortable now).
Gender: Baby-Boy Bruno
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and very excited and nosy! I did have some thoughts about how the pain of inducing will kick in and how I will handle it. Will it go from 0 to 100, will it take hours or days, will it not kick in at all? It’s a fear of the uncertain, a totally new experience – how will the pain feel and will I be able to handle it?!
Sports: Walks, daily Yoga

40+ weeks baby bump
40+ weeks baby bump

My second due date

My due-date according to the ultrasound in week 11 is today, March 23rd 2015, two days after my calculated date πŸ™‚

Due-Date Fun
Due-Date Fun

I’m happy the swing didn’t break under my weight. You never know.
A very good thing about our baby might coming later is, the later he comes, the longer I have parental leave πŸ˜€ If he’s born tomorrow, the 24th, I first have to go back to work next year on March 29th because of all the easter holidays being in between.
Just random thoughts coming up after your baby is due…