3 months after giving birth

How much do I weigh: 51,6 kg – 52 kg
My belly circumference: 88 cm
How much does Lucy weigh: 6030 g
How tall is Lucy: 63 cm
Diaper size: 2
3 months old
Sleep: Lucy doesn’t sleep so much during the day now anymore. She’ll sleep half an hour, then wake up but mostly she’s in a good mood. At night, puh, the nights are a bit tough right now. She’ll wake up every two hours, sometimes she’s awake for 30-60 minutes and will goo and gaa around. Then she and I move into her brother’s room so that Q and the bubby can sleep (Q mostly comes into our bed sometime in the middle of the night) and most of the times she falls back asleep at 5, 6 or 7 am.
My Symptoms: I have a bit of back ache and I try to breastfeed Lucy while lying down. Since then my back is feeling better. Other than that I am healed now 🙂
Lucy’s Symptoms: Her eyes which we have to get checked by a specialist. She is still cross eyed. She has a red butt every now and again but nothing serious. Other than that she is developing fine.
Maternity clothes: The shorts but it’s so hot here right now that I tend to wear dresses. I wear breastfeeding tops and normal t-shirts at night.
Miss anything: In this hot weather I miss going to the lake/pool
Best happenings that last month:

  • Lucy got her U4 and all is fine except her eyes
  • The bubby has vacation now for two months
  • Q and I both got sick last week but are feeling better again now. I had a sore throat for about 5 days

Sports: I’m going to the gym again 2-3 times a week

April Dates

Just like with Baby #1 I’ll write down some nice dates to have our baby born.

I have a few due dates:

  • April 9th (early sonography)
  • April 11th to 13th (possible fertilization)
  • April 17th (calculated due date due to my period)

So here a the dates that would be quite nice:

  • April 4th: Because it’s 04/04
  • April 10: Because Baby #1 is born April 1
  • April 11: Because Baby #1 is born on April 1 🙂 – I like the 1’s
  • NOT April 13: It’s Friday 13th!!
  • April 14: I like 14/4/18 … 14+4=18 😀
  • April 15: Because it’s the middle of the month and exactly two weeks after Toddler-Q’s birthday
  • April 18: Because it’s 18/04/18
  • April 19: I have birthday on January 19 and my parents got married July 19 and my mom has birthday on December 19

So we will see, can’t wait.

Happy 2016!

To everyone out there, a wonderful, happy, healthy, content, relaxed, funny and amazing new year!

Our New Year’s Eve was very calm, the three of us stayed home, Quinn went to bed at around 19:00 and my boyfriend and I cooked meals out of the “Game of Thrones” cookbook. That was my Christmas present for him, as well as the “Game of Thrones” monopoly which we played to stay awake until midnight.

Having a little baby which wakes up every day at 6:00 o’clock sharp and keeps you busy during the day can be exhausting and normally we both fall asleep on the couch at around 21:30 :).

2015 was a very special and impressive year for me, for sure. I

I’m very excited to see what 2016 will turn out and all the fun times with Quinn and I’m nosy to see what he’ll learn for new things in 2016.

Quinn 1 week old

Quinns weight: 3250 g (reached his birth weight of 3220 g already)
My weight: 54,8 kg (-7,4 kg)

Quinn 1 week old
Quinn 1 week old
Here’s my baby and my belly after about one week.
Quinn loves:

  • Sleeping
  • Mom’s boobies
  • Dreaming
  • Being quiet
  • Body contact
  • Listening to Granny talking
  • Sleeping in our King size bed

He’s our content little baby-boy who’s making life for his mom and dad quite easy.
The weather here is getting warmer and warmer so we’re going to take him out for his first walk soon.
Having my boyfriend around is great, he can change or hold Quinn while I drink my coffee or write e-mails or take a shower. It’s a shame he has to go back to work in 1,5 weeks. Being a parent is amazing, the feeling of your baby falling asleep on your chest is beyond words.

My 40th week baby bump story

40 weeks

How far along: It’s my first due date 🙂 (my second according to the ultrasound in week 11 is March 23rd)
How much do I weigh: 62,4 kg (+ 13,6 kg / + 700 g this week / 30 pounds in total)
Belly size: Circumference 104 cm, Top to Bottom 44 cm, photo taken on Friday, at 39 weeks 6 days

Baby Bump Week 40 - 39w6d
Baby Bump Week 40 – 39w6d
40 weeks baby bump
40 weeks baby bump

Belly button in or out: Even / Out
Sleep: Getting up once (sometimes first at 5:30 in the morning), so, very good with all of the boppy pillows surrounding me.
Food (non) cravings: Nothing special, I can still eat lots, unfortunately no loss in appetite. I was really in the mood for chocolate on Tuesday. Lots of chocolate. So much chocolate!!!
Symptoms: The belly is getting so heavy, it’s hard to get up from the couch occasionally, especially after I was laying down on it 🙂
Labor Signs: Very less Braxton Hicks, nesting (which, I think, is not a labor sign seeing my due date can be any day), I’m a bit bitchy – the things my boyfriend does/says annoy me fast.
Maternity clothes: They are getting tiiiiight – it’s uncomfortable to sit and wear maternity panties and pants, I wish I could just go naked down there (but – another symptom – a lot of vaginal discharge)
Stretch marks: None
Miss anything: Nothing
Looking forward to: giving B I R T H. Let’s see, some of my “easy-to-remember” dates have already passed

  • 03.03.2015 (I already have plans with a friend there though)
  • 05.03.2015 (I have an appointment for a foot care there though)
  • 15.03.2015
  • 19.03.2015 – Two months after my birthday
  • 21.03.2015 – Baby’s Due Date
  • 23.03.2015 – Baby’s second Due Date, according to the ultrasound
  • 25.03.2015
  • 27.03.2015 – 5 months before my bubby’s birthday
  • 30.03.2015

So there’ll be another zodiac sign with horns in our family. Our Baby-Boy might be determined, fiery, have executive skills, a born leader, impulsive, headstrong, opinionated, loyal, physical, driven, ambitious… Aries doesn’t match with Capricorn (me) or Virgo (the bubby) which I’m ok with, we’ll make it match. I have horns so it’s clear that the ram and the goat abut. But: Aries signs have excellent sense of humor, and they get along with almost everyone at the party (and they DO know how to party). Aries can be impatient, but we love them anyway because they are devoted friends, lovers and family members (aww) 🙂
Best happenings this week: On Monday I went to my fourth and last prenatal acupuncture. I got 12 needles – one in each hand, two in each of my knee areas, one in each ankle, one in each pinky right next to the nail (ouchie) and one on each foot. I walked into the delivery room at the hospital, the midwife looked at me and said “looks like the baby’s coming soon”.
She wanted to check me, I let her know that I’m having an OB appointment with my gyn that same evening, so she just checked how our baby-boy is laying, made a CTG and checked my urine. All good and I didn’t have contractions.
So, in the evening I had my second check for that day:

  • How far along: 39+2
  • CTG: all good
  • My Blood Pressure: 120/80
  • Cervix: 1cm dilated, soft
  • Baby’s weight: around 3100g (6 pounds 13 ounces)
  • Amniotic fluid: 11
  • Placenta: 95% intact
  • Baby’s head: around 34cm, not completely tight in my pelvis

My OB wanted me to get in touch with the OB who will be delivering our baby this same week, seeing she could still push baby’s head up a bit. Other than that she said the supply for baby-boy is all very good so there’s no need for inducing that soon. But that’s something the hospital and/or delivery OB will have to decide.

So I made the appointment with the baby-delivering-OB for Friday morning. I asked him to check me to see if baby’s head is tight so he first checked my cervix, 1cm and yes, Baby’s head is tight in my pelvis. Then he checked the Baby, he measured him around 3400g (7 pounds 8 ounces), the head around 34cm and he’s still got a lot of amniotic fluid, so he sees no reason for inducing (yay, I’m happy he sees it that way).
I have another appointment with him on Tuesday (40+3) where we’ll have the induction-talk and on Sunday (40+1), I’ll go and get checked by a midwife at the hospital where I will be delivering.

I try to find my peace with eventually getting induced which is hard. I try not to think about it and if I do think about it, I try to see it as ok, nothing bad, maybe even something good and helping my body to get ready. It just seems too planned and not natural. I don’t like that the doctors seem to be fixated on that one date, the estimated due date. For me, the estimated due date begins today and ends next Saturday, for me it’s an estimated due range of 7 days and not one day. I have an irregular cycle, my period doesn’t start from one day to another, my ovulation – no idea when that is. Setting an estimated time range for a baby to be born would take off a lot of pressure.

The OB also made a 3D color ultrasound of our Baby’s face, it was the best 3D I’ve seen, I could see our baby-boy and what he looks like! I even got a photo which might be the last in-uterus photo of our baby-boy 🙂

Ultrasound 39 weeks 6 days
Ultrasound 39 weeks 6 days with his arm before his face
Movement: Still doing his regular gymnastics. He’s been really, really, really active on Thursday evening for a long time and all of the sudden I felt his kicks in my right side, so I assumed he turned his back from right to left. I asked the OB on Friday and yes, our Baby-Boy turned, at 39 weeks 5 days, from one side to the other. I’ve read a few weeks before that it’s not such a big problem for the Babies to turn but it’s very very unlikely that they will flip so that all of a sudden their head is not in the pelvis anymore. I hope he doesn’t get too excited to meet us and decides to make somersaults!
I think he turned back on Friday afternoon… I’m not sure now, I feel his kicks, it seems, everywhere.
Gender: Baby-Boy Bruno
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy and Bitchy
Sports: I’m lifting a lot of weight 🙂 Going for walks and did yoga once.
Baby-Bump Week 40
Me giving kisses to a very photogenic baby 😉

Baby Baby Baby

I didn’t think my blog would turn into a mommy-blog so fast but, with being pregnant, the only things I can really think about are things concerning pregnancy and babies. Everything else seems to be so secondary now.

Baby’s Name

Well, a few days before our little boy should arrive we have still not agreed on a name for him. Well, we kinda have, but not really. My boyfriend knows I want my kids to have American names and not a typical German name. He’s still trying to get used to my favorite first name for our boy but still didn’t say “yes, that will be his name”. Our boy will have a second name too and I told my boyfriend he’s the one who’s allowed to chose that 🙂 It’s been the same name for months but now, all of a sudden though, he’s thinking of a different one… argh. I told him that, when I’m two weeks before my due date, I want to write our baby-boys name on my birth plan so that it will be spelled correctly, which I did. I wrote down our Baby-Boys full name, asked my boyfriend if he’s ok with it and he said YES, so… let’s see if that’s really his name.

Pregnancy Brain

trash-bags Luckily, I didn’t really do a lot of silly things in my pregnancy, yet. I went to the hardware store a few weeks ago and saw this great deal on compost trash bags so I grabbed them. Why would I buy trash bags at a hardware store in the first place, but whatever. pregnancy-skirt A few evenings ago I hear my boyfriend in the kitchen saying “WTF…” and I asked what’s going on? He just said he’s dealing with a never-ending trash bag and seeing I didn’t know what he meant he showed me what I bought.
Instead of 25 liter I bought 240 liter – 10 times the size we need. They really are never-ending! Anybody need 240 liter compost trash-bags?

For the first time in, I think forever, I’m wearing skirts and leggings in winter. I love skirts in the summer but as soon as the weather gets colder I will not wear them. I’m a jeans girl, a flares jeans girl. breakfast And leggings? You’ll never see me in leggings when I’m not pregnant. Now, being high pregnant, of course they’re probably the most comfortable thing to wear but I’m not a fan of my legs in leggings. Not at all. So I put on the skirt to make those leggings look a bit cuter.

I tend to spill my drinks on our couch. The photo shows my typical daily breakfast (orange, half banana, half apple, yogurt, spelt flakes, cereal, applesauce) with my red raspberry leaf tea which I spilled. Oh well.

Maternity Leave

My maternity leave has been great. I didn’t miss getting up and going to work once. I normally try to do something each day, also if it’s something little like cleaning the oven. I honestly thought I’d miss my routine days at work, that I’ll be bored so much every day but nope 😀 I did so much the last few weeks that now, one week before my due date I have to slow down a bit (well, I want to slow down a bit).


I’m a lucky girl. I’m lucky because my nine months of pregnancy have been great, all the examinations of our baby have been great and I don’t have any reasons to worry or be scared. I’m lucky to have an attitude of “what will be will be” and so, a few days before my due date, I’m not scared about giving birth.
I’m not fixated on my “ideal birth plan” because, how could I be? I have no experience at all so I’m just going to let things roll how they’re going to roll.
Sure, no PDA would be nice, but if I can’t handle the pain anymore, why not?
Sure, a natural birth would be nice, but if the baby’s in danger I’m happy for our revolutionary medicine and c-sections.
Sure, it would be nice if no body parts of mine get injured, but if something rips – it’ll heal. I’m really happy I don’t freak out right now and that my attitude has helped me to keep calm during my pregnancy.

My 38th week baby bump story

38 weeks

How far along: 37 weeks 6 days – Gosh, 14 days to go. Unbelievable!! As of now, I’m in the -14 days time frame where babies are born. As of now, our baby-boy pretty much can decide he wants to meet the world any day. As of now, I probably should be carrying a towel in my purse? Gosh, this is all getting so real!!
How much do I weigh: 60,7 kg (+ 11,9 kg / + 200g this week / 26 pounds in total)
Belly size: The belly is getting harder and heavier and I can feel how the baby is just everywhere. Not much room for him left, room for maybe two more weeks 😉

baby bump week 38
Baby Bump Week 38 – 37w6d
I normally stand straight for my weekly baby bump picture but this time I thought the photo looks just the same like last week, so I just let my belly hang, just like after eating a big meal.
Just letting my belly hang vs. standing up straight
Belly button in or out: It’s kind of even and a bit of an Outie
Sleep: Pretty good most of the times. I get up once and I can normally fall back to sleep again good, sometimes not though where I just lay there and get up eventually, sit on the couch with my laptop and wait until my eyes get tired again. Seeing I have two boppy pillows (one from my sister and one from my co-worker) I now put one on each side of my body, so if I turn from left to right or right to left I’m all comfortable immediately.
Food (non) cravings: mint-chocolate-chip ice-cream. I drove around the whole town and even went to the biggest grocery store here but zero, zilch, zip, nada, nothing! This oh so extravagant kind of ice-cream is not available anywhere! Gah! So I improvised. I bought the only mint candy I know – After Eight – and put it in my Ben & Jerry’s. Next time I’ll buy cheap vanilla ice-cream and After Eight. On Friday eve we watched the movie “Gone Girl” and in one scene Ben went to the freezer to get out ice-cream and what did he get out? A gallon of mint-chocolate-chip!
Symptoms: PMS similar cramps, my lower back is hurting sometimes. I also feel like my boobs have gotten bigger and sometimes I look at my feet and fingers and think they’ve gotten bigger as well. And my face. I don’t think I have a lot of water but sometimes I feel like a water balloon.
Labor Signs: Hm, just the few PMS similar cramps. When I do Yoga I really feel him in my pelvis but that’s not really a labor sign. Did a hayflower steam bath again on Saturday. 20 minutes.
Maternity clothes: I still sometimes wear normal long sleeves at times but maternity pants all the time.
Stretch marks: None
Miss anything: I don’t miss it now but this week I told my bubby that I’m happy to be able to eat yummy Italian ice-cream in the spring again. I bought Ben & Jerry’s cookie-dough ice-cream, it’s good but it’s no Italian ice-cream and also no mint-chocolate-chip. I really want mint-chocolate-chip ice-cream!!
Looking forward to: So close to my due-date it’s either my next OB appointment or the big event itself.
Best happenings this week: Our baby dropped!
I had my OB appointment on Monday and all was good:

  • How far along: 37+2
  • CTG: all fine
  • My Blood Pressure: 120 / 80
  • Cervix: dilated 1cm and soft
  • Strep-B: negative
  • Baby’s weight: around 2,7 kg (5 pounds 15 ounces)
  • Amniotic fluid: he still has enough, my OB measured 15 (everything over 8 is good)
  • Placenta: light calcification on the side
  • Baby’s head: Tight in my pelvis! I’m so happy, if my water breaks, the umbilical cord should not be a problem.

I’m happy his head is tight. When I walked into the OB’s office she looked at my belly and thought it doesn’t look like it has dropped so she was surprised when she checked me. She said she’ll see me in a week but she’s not sure if she’ll see me for my two-week appointment. Well, you never know 🙂 I’m happy my body is getting ready, now we’re just waiting for our baby-boy to get ready. The later the better!
So if our baby-boy is born before the 21st he’ll be a Pisces: loving, sensitive, intuitive, spiritual, idealistic, victimised and moody and if he’s born after he’ll be an Aries: determined, fiery, executive skills, born leader, impulsive, headstrong, opinionated, loyal, physical, driven, ambitious … interesting 😉
Another best thing this week: we got our first baby delivered – our dryer we ordered about a month ago! It’s great and all the dried towels, panties etc. are so soft!
Movement: He’s making Aqua-Gymnastic lots. And he’s sleeping when I’m sleeping. What a good breeding he has haha.
Gender: Baby-Boy Bruno, 100%, got that confirmed by three different doctors and we have so many penis pictures!
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! Happy that my body is ready and that he’s all the way down in my pelvis. Happy and relaxed and pretty much ready mentally.
Sports: I did Yoga twice this week. Other than that the regular 30 – 60 Minute walks (as long as my bladder will stay empty) and taking the 50 (59 when I’m coming from the basement) stairs to our apartment sometimes a few times daily.

38 weeks baby bump
38 weeks baby bump