I thought that I’ll blog lots more after having a kid, but I guess not. We’re having a bit of a difficult phase at the moment. Luckily it’s a very normal thing with kids at around 13 months but it’s so frustrating.
Q is very very very very clingy, if I put him down and get up he cries. If I leave the room he cries. If I get up in the morning he cries. So, to sum it up, he cries all day long unless I’m sitting right next to him. The one, two hours he’s napping at noon time are so precious but go by way to fast.
I hope this phase is over soon, it’s nerve wrecking for sure. Pooh!
One year old already
Our little prince turned one on April 1st!
I’ve been a mom for a year, we’ve been a family for a year.
I haven’t slept through the night for one year, I’m still breastfeeding after one year, I’ve had such an amazing year with such an amazing baby boy.
Baby Q’s birthday was on Friday, he went to child-care from 8am to 2pm. I made a cake for all the kiddies and Q even got a cute little crown, the one on the photo. On Friday afternoon we had to get some things ready for his party on Saturday.
Honestly, before I was a mom and even half a year ago I thought throwing a birthday party for a baby who turns one is plain ridiculous. Here I am – throwing a birthday party for a baby who turns one – my baby 🙂 I was just in the mood on inviting friends, baking cakes, ordering food and just have a nice day.
We had a really nice day, the weather was good, not too warm but warm enough to sit outside. We had cake, pretzels and Semmeln, potato- and noodle salad and Leberkäse. It really was a nice day and we were all very tired in the evening. I brought Q to bed at around 20:00.
Ah my little baby boy, he’s such a cutie, I can’t wait until he starts walking and talking and making a lot of cute (and not so cute) things 🙂
We all have a cold
It’s been a while…
It all hit us hard here, Baby-Q, his papa and I were home sick.
And let me tell you, having a cold and taking care of an active yet also sick child is mega-exhausting. I still breastfeed during the night (exhausting as well) and am not allowed to take anything! I had such a headache two days and was dreaming of pain medicine.
Q was super whiney and was hanging on his mommy, he’s getting better each day but it was quite exhausting just to watch him not getting into any trouble.
We are all better now, I just had a typical cold for a few days, Baby-Q had a fever, cold, coughing, running nose for about nine days. We had to postpone the familiarization at the child care for one week later so we are starting that tomorrow (and hoping he won’t get the next cold). Papa-Q has been hit the worse, he had a cold for almost three weeks. Poor guy, but he’s better now too.
So, stay healthy all!
Baby Buggy Jogging
In my opinion, one of the sport activities where you see the success very fast, is jogging. I don’t mean “body-success”, but efficiency.
The weather here has been quite nice, no rain or snow, the temperature over 0°C in the mornings, so I decided to start my season of jogging again. The only difference to my last years of jogging is that I’m jogging with a baby in a stroller now 🙂
I’m happy we decided to buy a jogging stroller and I’m happy I can do sports with my baby boy. I started exactly one week ago and went jogging on Tuesday and Saturday, 4km. And again today, Tuesday, 5km.
It’s amazing that I ran 4 km last week in 37:26 minutes and today I ran 5 km in 35:29 minutes. 2 minutes faster and one kilometer more! Kilometer 4 and 5 are running up a hill, 37 meter difference.
I was very happy with my results today (plus my baby boy fell asleep pretty early) and it was hard for me to believe that I could have kept running and even so much faster that last week.
So, keep on running!
10 months after my C-Section
How much do I weigh: 50,5 kg – stays pretty much the same
How much does Quinn weigh: around 8 kg
Belly size: Still eating too many sweets… I can’t stop either. My excuse is all the rough nights of not very much sleep 🙂 Wow, it really seems like my belly doesn’t change at all. I have eight weeks strength-endurance behind me and am building muscle now for the next ten weeks. Let’s see if my belly changes in 8-12 weeks…
Sleep: Not that good. He used to come at 21:30, then 0:00 continuing about every two hours. I skipped one breastfeeding meal and he came every three hours the last week. Since about three nights he switches, once he comes after two hours, I feed him, then he sleeps three hours. Currently he’s in a phase where he’s wide awake in the middle of the night and it takes me 15-30 minutes to get him back to sleep. Today he woke up at 4:30 and we got up at 5:30 *sigh*.
Symptoms: Still have the yeast infection after every period since giving birth due to a lack of vaginal flora and about a week ago I made a 6-day therapy with uvulas.
Maternity clothes: Not anymore.
Miss anything: Still sleep at times
(Best) happenings:
- Quinn makes peek-a-boo
- I still breastfeed during the night
- He eats with us while sitting in his highchair
- He is sleeping in his own bed in his own room
- Falling asleep works very well, I sing “you are my sunshine” and “I only want to be with you” while he’s in my arms, put him down after and he either plays a bit with his sheet or binky or is sleeping already
- He started saying Mamamamama, sometimes only Mama
- Once, in his lifetime of 10 months on this planet, he fell asleep on his belly
- We visited a Baby-concert
Sports: I got a new trainings-plan for building muscles and had my second fitness check at the new gym.
Fitness Check #4
My plan for the next ten weeks:
- squats one-legged: 3 x 8-12
- barbell row: 3 x 8-12 x 10/10 kg
- flat dumbbell bench press: 3 x 8-12 x 7,5/7,5 kg
- lat pull: 3 x 8-12 x 30 kg
- dumbbells arnold press: 3 x 8-12 x 5/5 kg
- biceps curl: 3 x 8-12 x 5/5 kg
- crunches on ball, sitting: 3 x 15-20
- crunches with legs on ball: 3 x 8-12 kg
- max 30 minutes jogging on the treadmill or cross trainer
My body fat & muscle measured Jan 29th 2016 vs. Nov 30th 2015:
- body fat: 9,9 kg (-1,1 kg)
- right leg fat: 2,6 kg (-0,2 kg)
- right leg muscle: 6,4 kg (same)
- left leg fat: 2,6 kg (-0,2 kg)
- left leg muscle: 6,2 kg (+0,1 kg)
- right arm fat: 0,4 kg (-0,1 kg)
- right arm muscle: 1,8 kg (same)
- left arm fat: 0,4 kg (-0,1 kg)
- left arm muscle: 1,8 kg (+0,1 kg)
- carcass fat: 3,8 kg (-0,7 kg)
- carcass muscle: 22,2 kg (+0,2 kg)
My BMI at the moment is 19,6.
I’m happy to see an improvement after doing strength-endurance. I hope I’ll build more muscle now but I’m very happy with the fat I lost in my carcass – bye-bye belly fat, it was nice having you but now I’m hoping to get rid of you.
In the last eight weeks I went to the gym 29 times and switched between strength-endurance and cardio.