Yesterday it turned out to be 17°C. In the middle of February. So, we did what almose everyone in this area did – we spent the day outside.
Books read in January 2014
Above are the books I read in January. I had time – I read a lot. I registered at goodreads and found a lot of books I’d love to read.
I never thought I’d enjoy reading so much, but, I guess it all depends on the book genre. I used to read those hard to read books about life or biography and now I read romance (or chick-lit how I just found out those books are called) and thrillers.
I love going into book stores and just look around for half an hour and leave with two or three books. It’s so relaxing!
Right this time
Pretty much one year ago I got the diagnosis of having a lump in my left breast.
Well, today I get the news that I have a lump in my right breast. What joy! I’ll have to make an appointment at the radiologist again – I actually thought (or hoped) I wouldn’t see her in a long long time.
It’s very small again, so, … we’ll see…
Going through my archive it’s amazing how often I wrote “now I’m old”…
Got up today and started making a shortcrust for the apple cake I’m making later. Now I’m at my second cup of coffee an checking emails, writing a blogpost. The family is coming over at around 3pm and in the evening the Lover and I are going out for dinner.
Spanish vs. French
I’m learning French at the moment – I’m trying to learn French at the moment.
It’s hard! For me it is! I never had French, in school I had Latin (ugh!) and I learned Spanish years ago. Spanish is so much easier (for me)!
I have lots of trouble pronouncing the French words.
5 – Cinq – Sääänk. 15 – quinze – Käääääse.
And all the ´ and ` and ^ and what letters to pronounce and which not…
Bonjour, je m’apelle Tracy, j’ai trente et un ans. Je suis blogger et je travaille chez Je habit d’Europe. J’ai une méré et un péré et deux saeurs… Comment allez vous? Au revoir! Hm, did I get that right?
It’s fun though but I feel it’s a long and rocky road until I can speak and understand French.
Challenge Accepted
My Boyfriend says he’ll be able to make five (5!) chin-ups with one arm in one year.
I thought I should keep his goal digital, just in case 🙂
He didn’t want me to blog about this…