4 months after giving birth

A bit late as she is almost 5 months now. But for the record πŸ™‚
4 months old
How much do I weigh: 51,6 kg – 52 kg
My belly circumference: 84 cm
How much does Lucy weigh: about 7 kg
How tall is Lucy:
Diaper size: 2
Sleep: I put her to bed between 18:00 and 19:00. She usually naps twice a day. The nights, well, she was very hungry the last weeks but I’ve adjusted to it. I really don’t know how often I breastfeed a night, maybe every two hours? No idea. She usually is wide awake around 5:30 and she and I’ll go into Quinn’s bed so that Quinn and daddy can sleep.
My Symptoms: I got my period (oh joy) after four months and the tampon hurts a bit.
Maternity clothes: Still my shorts.
Miss anything: I eat a load of sweets every day and it’s warm sunny weather, I can’t think of anything I miss. Oh yeah, a flat belly?
Best happenings that last month:

  • Lucy had her first eye doctor appointment
  • She doesn’t cry so much anymore. Actually she cries quite seldom
  • She grabs her feet
  • She talks a lot
  • She laughs out loud

Sports: Every other day (seeing the boyfriends has vacation now) or at least 2-3 times a week.

Fitness Check #6

Three months after giving birth to my second child I made a fitness check. Here are the results:

Weight: 52,4 kg
BMI: 20,5

body fat: 22,8% = 12 kg
(Okt 2016: body fat: 18,7% = 9,5kg))
(Jan 2016: 19,6% = 9,9 kg (-1,1 kg))

right leg fat: 3,1 kg
(Okt 2016: right leg fat: 2,7 kg (+0,1 kg))
(Jan 2016: 2,6 kg (-0,2 kg))

right leg muscle: 6,3 kg
(Okt 2016: right leg muscle: 6,4 kg (the same))
(Jan 2016: 6,4 kg (same))

left leg fat: 3,1 kg
(Okt 2016: left leg fat: 2,7 kg (+0,1 kg))
(Jan 2016: 2,6 kg (-0,2 kg))

left leg muscle: 6,4 kg
(Okt 2016: left leg muscle: 6,2 kg (same))
(Jan 2016: 6,2 kg (+0,1 kg))

right arm fat: 0,5 kg
(Okt 2016: right arm fat: 0,4 kg (same))
(Jan 2016: 0,4 kg (-0,1 kg))

right arm muscle: 1,9 kg
(Okt 2016: right arm muscle: 1,9 kg (+0,1 kg))
(Jan 2016: 1,8 kg (same))

left arm fat: 0,5 kg
(Okt 2016: left arm fat: 0,4 kg (same))
(Jan 2016: 0,4 kg (-0,1 kg))

left arm muscle: 1,8 kg
(Okt 2016: left arm muscle: 1,8 kg (same))
(Jan 2016: 1,8 kg (+0,1 kg))

carcass fat: 4,9 kg
(Okt 2016: carcass fat: 3,3 kg (-0,5 kg))
(Jan 2016: 3,8 kg (-0,7 kg))

carcass muscle: 22,4 kg
(Okt 2016: carcass muscle: 22,9 kg (+ 0,7 kg))
(Jan 2016: 22,2 kg (+0,2 kg))

It’s quite similar to after my first pregnancy fitness check, that was done in December 2015.
I feel so big it’s unbelievable. I can’t quit eating sweets which sucks. It’s so hot here that we’ll eat ice-cream for lunch (sometimes). My belly is huge. I try to go to the gym 2-3 times a week, hope it works out. We’ll see how things work out.

3 months after giving birth

How much do I weigh: 51,6 kg – 52 kg
My belly circumference: 88 cm
How much does Lucy weigh: 6030 g
How tall is Lucy: 63 cm
Diaper size: 2
3 months old
Sleep: Lucy doesn’t sleep so much during the day now anymore. She’ll sleep half an hour, then wake up but mostly she’s in a good mood. At night, puh, the nights are a bit tough right now. She’ll wake up every two hours, sometimes she’s awake for 30-60 minutes and will goo and gaa around. Then she and I move into her brother’s room so that Q and the bubby can sleep (Q mostly comes into our bed sometime in the middle of the night) and most of the times she falls back asleep at 5, 6 or 7 am.
My Symptoms: I have a bit of back ache and I try to breastfeed Lucy while lying down. Since then my back is feeling better. Other than that I am healed now πŸ™‚
Lucy’s Symptoms: Her eyes which we have to get checked by a specialist. She is still cross eyed. She has a red butt every now and again but nothing serious. Other than that she is developing fine.
Maternity clothes: The shorts but it’s so hot here right now that I tend to wear dresses. I wear breastfeeding tops and normal t-shirts at night.
Miss anything: In this hot weather I miss going to the lake/pool
Best happenings that last month:

  • Lucy got her U4 and all is fine except her eyes
  • The bubby has vacation now for two months
  • Q and I both got sick last week but are feeling better again now. I had a sore throat for about 5 days

Sports: I’m going to the gym again 2-3 times a week


So wow, our baby girl is almost three months old and I don’t blog at all. I still want to write her birth story… I want to!

Life is quite busy with a three year old and a three month old at home. Keeping the big one occupied and fed and and and is challenging. Luckily he loves his baby sister very much and is very caring.
He likes to be loud, especially when playing. And then the baby girl wakes up. Very frustrating when I just spent so long to bring her to sleep, she sleeps 5 minutes and the the big one shrieks… argh.

Now he wants that I follow him into the kitchen, so… till next time.

1 month after giving birth

How far along: 1 month after Lucy’s birth
How much do I weigh: 52 kg
How much does Lucy weigh: 4600g
Belly size:
Sleep: Lucy wants to be fed every two to three (sometimes longer) hours.
My Symptoms: Lochia is still there, my perineal and vaginal ruptures are healing and sitting feels much better now
Lucy’s Symptoms: Babyacne, sore butt which I have no idea where it’s from as I watch what I eat so much :(, she can’t get to sleep easily which means she’ll cry/scream lots unless I (or someone) lays her on the chest – she likes body contact. If we go for a stroller ride she’ll sleep a bit but if she wakes up, she’s awake and cries/screams. Same with driving a car. I hope she’ll take the binky soon
Maternity clothes: I wear maternity shorts which I bought after Quinn’s birth and also normal shorts which are elastic
Miss anything: I miss buying clothes in my actual size (and not maternity summer clothes)
Looking forward to: Going to the gym again and getting my body in shape
Best happenings this week:

  • Lucy’s cord fell off at 4 weeks and 3 days
  • She took the binky while we shopped at the drugstore
  • First doctor appointment – all good with her and also her hip, which wasn’t “ripe” after birth is good now

Sports: none

41 weeks pregnant

How far along: 41 weeks
How much do I weigh: 61,8 kg (+12 kg)
Baby size: growing and growing
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 106 cm and from top to bottom it’s 44 cm
Belly button in or out: even/out
Sleep: not so good the last couple of days, but our little toddler-Q has a lot to process during the night and I always wake up when he makes a sound
Food (non) cravings: Nothing special
Symptoms: I actually feel really really good. I have a few contractions, sometimes the head really pushes into a nerve in my right leg but other than that, I feel too good…
Maternity clothes: they are all getting very tight
Stretch marks: my belly skin is showing more red lines/areas but no stretch marks
Linea negra: above the belly button
Miss anything: nah, weather is great, it’s warm and sunny, I feel good, all good
Looking forward to: Our baby
Best happenings this week: knowing that there’s a bunch of amniotic fluid (around 11) and the placenta is 99% intact
Movement: Daily, lots
Gender: Hmmm
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Sports: just bringing toddler-Q to day-care and doing households

40+ weeks pregnant

Past my due date and now I am sitting, waiting, wishing…

How far along: 40+ weeks
How much do I weigh: around 61,8 kg (+12 kg)

weight gain pregnancy #2
weight gain pregnancy #2

Baby size: Who knows… big enough to enter this world for sure
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 103 cm and from top to bottom it’s 46 cm
40 weeks pregnant
40 weeks pregnant

Belly button in or out: even/out
Sleep: Pretty good
Food (non) cravings: the usual
Symptoms: contractions every day since Monday April 9th, sometimes more, sometimes less, mainly in the evening, hoping they come more regularly and stay πŸ™‚ I had contractions in my last CTG on Friday but none two days before that.
heartbeat & contractions
heartbeat & contractions

  • Cervix is open a bit, one finger fits through
  • Cervix is very very soft, the gyn said I shouldn’t wait too long to get to the hospital as it will probably open quite quickly
  • I have contractions
  • my neck of the uterus is pretty much non existent anymore
  • Baby’s head is tight in my pelvis

My body is ready – when will the baby be?
Maternity clothes: Well, they are getting quite tight. I wear my leggings or shorts and wide tops
Stretch marks: None yet
Linea negra: above the belly
Miss anything: No, I’m feeling good and I really want to meet our little kiddo!
Looking forward to: Holding my second child
Best happenings this week: Seeing progress at the last GYN appointment.
Movement: Luckily still daily
Gender: I would say we’ll prolly know in a week or so? How exciting
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy
Sports: Nope

Ultrasound Baby at 40 weeks
Ultrasound Baby at 40 weeks

The weather for this coming week looks quite good so baby#2 might be born on a sunny day.
weather april 2018
weather april 2018

39 weeks pregnant

How far along: 39+ weeks
How much do I weigh: 61,2 kg (+ 11,5 kg)
Baby size: Around 3,4 kg maybe?
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 104 cm and from top to bottom it’s 45 cm

39 weeks pregnant
39 weeks pregnant

Belly button in or out: out
Sleep: pretty good. Getting up once or twice to pee
Food (non) cravings: sweets but that’s a normal craving
Symptoms: pain when the baby is moving, heartburn at times, nausea at times, pain when I get up, I walk like I have a sunburn between my legs πŸ™ Once I stand or walk for a while it all settles
Maternity clothes: It’s warm outside since this week so I wear leggings or even shorts (non-maternity shorts).
Stretch marks: None yet
Linea negra: above the belly button… getting longer
Miss anything: Contractions?
Looking forward to: BIRTH, although I feel quite good now…
Best happenings this week: Toddler’s third birthday & easter in one day, sunny weather
Movement: yup
Gender: Boy? Girl? Boy?
Happy or moody most of the time: happy
Sports: Did it twice a week but as of April 1st I pause for three months

April Dates

Just like with Baby #1 I’ll write down some nice dates to have our baby born.

I have a few due dates:

  • April 9th (early sonography)
  • April 11th to 13th (possible fertilization)
  • April 17th (calculated due date due to my period)

So here a the dates that would be quite nice:

  • April 4th: Because it’s 04/04
  • April 10: Because Baby #1 is born April 1
  • April 11: Because Baby #1 is born on April 1 πŸ™‚ – I like the 1’s
  • NOT April 13: It’s Friday 13th!!
  • April 14: I like 14/4/18 … 14+4=18 πŸ˜€
  • April 15: Because it’s the middle of the month and exactly two weeks after Toddler-Q’s birthday
  • April 18: Because it’s 18/04/18
  • April 19: I have birthday on January 19 and my parents got married July 19 and my mom has birthday on December 19

So we will see, can’t wait.