Fitness Check #1 2025

in January 2024 I switched to a different Gym. So now my Fitness checks are different due to a different scale.

It‘s nice, the scale at the gym makes me lighter than I am. At the moment I count calories and weigh myself daily and my weight in the Morning is around 50 kg.

my muscles in kg.

my fat in kg.

At the moment I‘m in a „Not so strict“ deficit and counting makros since January 7th 2025. I try to do Sport six times a week and go to the gym four times, three times being strength Training and once Spinning.

Fitness Check #8

It’s been a while, so here it goes.

Weight: 48,3 kg
BMI: 18,9

Body Fat: 18% = 8,7 kg
Went down 2,8% since January 2019

Right leg fat: 2,4 kg

Right left muscle: 6,3 kg

Left leg fat: 2,5 kg

Left leg muscle: 6,0 kg

Right arm fat: 0,4 kg

Right arm muscle: 1,8 kg

Left arm fat: 0,4 kg

Left arm muscle: 1,7 kg

Carcass fat: 3,1 kg
Lost 1,2 kg fat there – nice 🙂

Carcass muscle: 21,9 kg

So I lost fat but also muscles. I’m not in a gym mood for two months now but will have to get back on track more.

Fitness Check #7

So, exactly 9 months after giving birth and 6 months after I started going to the gym again, I made another Fitness check. Let’s check out the results:

Weight: 50,9 kg
BMI: 19,9

Body Fat: 20,7% = 10,6 kg
July 2018 – body fat: 22,8% = 12 kg

Right leg fat: 2,7 kg
July 2018 – right leg fat: 3,1 kg

Right left muscle: 6,4 kg
July 2018 – right leg muscle: 6,3 kg

Left leg fat: 2,7 kg
July 2018 – left leg fat: 3,1 kg

Left leg muscle: 6,2 kg
July 2018 – left leg muscle: 6,4 kg

Right arm fat: 0,5 kg
July 2018 – right arm fat: 0,5 kg

Right arm muscle: 1,8 kg
July 2018 – right arm muscle: 1,9 kg

Left arm fat: 0,5 kg
July 2018 – left arm fat: 0,5 kg

Left arm muscle: 1,8 kg
July 2018 – left arm muscle: 1,8 kg

Carcass fat: 4,3 kg
July 2018 – carcass fat: 4,9 kg

Carcass muscle: 22,2 kg
July 2018 – carcass muscle: 22,4 kg

Fitness Check #6

Three months after giving birth to my second child I made a fitness check. Here are the results:

Weight: 52,4 kg
BMI: 20,5

body fat: 22,8% = 12 kg
(Okt 2016: body fat: 18,7% = 9,5kg))
(Jan 2016: 19,6% = 9,9 kg (-1,1 kg))

right leg fat: 3,1 kg
(Okt 2016: right leg fat: 2,7 kg (+0,1 kg))
(Jan 2016: 2,6 kg (-0,2 kg))

right leg muscle: 6,3 kg
(Okt 2016: right leg muscle: 6,4 kg (the same))
(Jan 2016: 6,4 kg (same))

left leg fat: 3,1 kg
(Okt 2016: left leg fat: 2,7 kg (+0,1 kg))
(Jan 2016: 2,6 kg (-0,2 kg))

left leg muscle: 6,4 kg
(Okt 2016: left leg muscle: 6,2 kg (same))
(Jan 2016: 6,2 kg (+0,1 kg))

right arm fat: 0,5 kg
(Okt 2016: right arm fat: 0,4 kg (same))
(Jan 2016: 0,4 kg (-0,1 kg))

right arm muscle: 1,9 kg
(Okt 2016: right arm muscle: 1,9 kg (+0,1 kg))
(Jan 2016: 1,8 kg (same))

left arm fat: 0,5 kg
(Okt 2016: left arm fat: 0,4 kg (same))
(Jan 2016: 0,4 kg (-0,1 kg))

left arm muscle: 1,8 kg
(Okt 2016: left arm muscle: 1,8 kg (same))
(Jan 2016: 1,8 kg (+0,1 kg))

carcass fat: 4,9 kg
(Okt 2016: carcass fat: 3,3 kg (-0,5 kg))
(Jan 2016: 3,8 kg (-0,7 kg))

carcass muscle: 22,4 kg
(Okt 2016: carcass muscle: 22,9 kg (+ 0,7 kg))
(Jan 2016: 22,2 kg (+0,2 kg))

It’s quite similar to after my first pregnancy fitness check, that was done in December 2015.
I feel so big it’s unbelievable. I can’t quit eating sweets which sucks. It’s so hot here that we’ll eat ice-cream for lunch (sometimes). My belly is huge. I try to go to the gym 2-3 times a week, hope it works out. We’ll see how things work out.

Fitness Check #5

My body fat & muscle measured Okt 21st 2016 vs. Jan 29th 2016 (and Dec 2nd 2015):

  • body fat: 18,7% = 9,5kg
    (Jan 2016: 19,6% = 9,9 kg (-1,1 kg))
  • right leg fat: 2,7 kg (+0,1 kg)
    (Jan 2016: 2,6 kg (-0,2 kg))
  • right leg muscle: 6,4 kg (the same – I can hardly believe after all those squats)
    (Jan 2016: 6,4 kg (same))
  • left leg fat: 2,7 kg (+0,1 kg)
    (Jan 2016: 2,6 kg (-0,2 kg))
  • left leg muscle: 6,2 kg (same)
    (Jan 2016: 6,2 kg (+0,1 kg))
  • right arm fat: 0,4 kg (same)
    (Jan 2016: 0,4 kg (-0,1 kg))
  • right arm muscle: 1,9 kg (+0,1 kg)
    (Jan 2016: 1,8 kg (same))
  • left arm fat: 0,4 kg (same)
    (Jan 2016: 0,4 kg (-0,1 kg))
  • left arm muscle: 1,8 kg (same)
    (Jan 2016: 1,8 kg (+0,1 kg))
  • carcass fat: 3,3 kg (-0,5 kg)
    (Jan 2016: 3,8 kg (-0,7 kg))
  • carcass muscle: 22,9 kg (+ 0,7 kg)
    (Jan 2016: 22,2 kg (+0,2 kg))

My BMI at the moment is 19,8.

So, to sum up, I started with Power Endurance (Foundation) for a few weeks, then went on to Hypertrophy and switched between those two. In September 2016 I made 5-6 weeks of maximum strength (Firming) and now I’m back to Hypertrophy.

In ten months of going to the gym 2-3 times a week following changes happened:

  • my weight always stayed pretty much the same (it’s not my goal to lose, luckily)
  • I went from 21,4 % body fat to 18,7 %
  • I went from 1210 kcal a day to 1230 kcal a day
  • I went from 40,2 kg muscle to 41,3 kg muscle
  • I hardly gained muscle in my arms and legs
  • I gained almost 1kg of muscle in my back and abs
  • I lost 1,2 kg of fat in my back and abs

In those ten months I didn’t control my eating habits (too much sweets) and hardly made endurance. All in all I’m happy with the results, I didn’t try so hard (meaning, I go to the gym twice a week and not three times, I eat a lot, I hardly do endurance). I can’t imagine I didn’t gain muscles in my legs, not sure what to think about that result. And also my arms after all those biceps curls etc. I plan on going jogging more during my next Foundation phase.

What’s your main goal you’re doing sports?

Baby Buggy Jogging

In my opinion, one of the sport activities where you see the success very fast, is jogging. I don’t mean “body-success”, but efficiency.

The weather here has been quite nice, no rain or snow, the temperature over 0°C in the mornings, so I decided to start my season of jogging again. The only difference to my last years of jogging is that I’m jogging with a baby in a stroller now 🙂
I’m happy we decided to buy a jogging stroller and I’m happy I can do sports with my baby boy. I started exactly one week ago and went jogging on Tuesday and Saturday, 4km. And again today, Tuesday, 5km.

It’s amazing that I ran 4 km last week in 37:26 minutes and today I ran 5 km in 35:29 minutes. 2 minutes faster and one kilometer more! Kilometer 4 and 5 are running up a hill, 37 meter difference.

4 km run

5 km run

I was very happy with my results today (plus my baby boy fell asleep pretty early) and it was hard for me to believe that I could have kept running and even so much faster that last week.

So, keep on running!

Fitness Check #4

My plan for the next ten weeks:

  1. squats one-legged: 3 x 8-12
  2. barbell row: 3 x 8-12 x 10/10 kg
  3. flat dumbbell bench press: 3 x 8-12 x 7,5/7,5 kg
  4. lat pull: 3 x 8-12 x 30 kg
  5. dumbbells arnold press: 3 x 8-12 x 5/5 kg
  6. biceps curl: 3 x 8-12 x 5/5 kg
  7. crunches on ball, sitting: 3 x 15-20
  8. crunches with legs on ball: 3 x 8-12 kg
  9. max 30 minutes jogging on the treadmill or cross trainer

My body fat & muscle measured Jan 29th 2016 vs. Nov 30th 2015:

  • body fat: 9,9 kg (-1,1 kg)
  • right leg fat: 2,6 kg (-0,2 kg)
  • right leg muscle: 6,4 kg (same)
  • left leg fat: 2,6 kg (-0,2 kg)
  • left leg muscle: 6,2 kg (+0,1 kg)
  • right arm fat: 0,4 kg (-0,1 kg)
  • right arm muscle: 1,8 kg (same)
  • left arm fat: 0,4 kg (-0,1 kg)
  • left arm muscle: 1,8 kg (+0,1 kg)
  • carcass fat: 3,8 kg (-0,7 kg)
  • carcass muscle: 22,2 kg (+0,2 kg)

My BMI at the moment is 19,6.

I’m happy to see an improvement after doing strength-endurance. I hope I’ll build more muscle now but I’m very happy with the fat I lost in my carcass – bye-bye belly fat, it was nice having you but now I’m hoping to get rid of you.

In the last eight weeks I went to the gym 29 times and switched between strength-endurance and cardio.

Gym-Member again & Fitness Check #3

Fitness Check #3So, after our move out of the big city into a little one and after getting everything more or less settled, it was time for me to join a new gym.

I’ve been a member at my old gym for about 2,5 years, the last time I’ve been to it was in August 2015 and I joined the new one in beginning of December 2015. So that have been three months with no sports at all and I was really missing all the machines, lifting weights and the smell of sweat 🙂

My belly is still quite big, I’m not sure if it’s from the pregnancy or from the c-section or from the weight I put on while being pregnant.

My plan for the first eight weeks:

  1. 15-20 x 53kg leg press
  2. 15-20 x 30kg abductor
  3. 15-20 x 15kg row
  4. 15-20 x 15kg chest press
  5. 15-20 x “back sit-ups”
  6. 15-20 x 25kg carcass-turning
  7. 45 minutes jogging on the treadmill or cross trainer

It feels so good to go to the gym again, also if some of my gym pants are so tight. At least they fit.

Plus I had a Fitness Check which didn’t turn out bad at all.
It shows my

  • body fat 11,0 kg
  • right leg fat: 2,8 kg
  • right leg muscle: 6,4 kg
  • left leg fat: 2,8 kg
  • left leg muscle: 6,1 kg
  • right arm fat: 0,5 kg
  • right arm muscle: 1,8 kg
  • left arm fat: 0,5 kg
  • left arm muscle: 1,7 kg
  • carcass fat: 4,5 kg
  • carcass muscle: 22 kg

We’ll see how this all develops the next weeks and months.

My BMI at the moment is at 20.

I try to work out on Mondays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, seeing my boyfriend can watch our son then. Unfortunately the gym doesn’t have a child care but till now it works out just fine without. Let’s see how things work out 🙂

75km Mountainbike Tour

And now it’s 8:15pm and I’m sooo tired but happy!
My Mom’s in London having a blast with her best friend so I drove out to my Dad today.
My dad biked towards me and I met him after about 21km 🙂

  • 40,3km
  • 2:11 hours
  • 722 cal
  • Average Speed: 18.3 km/h


  • 35,31km
  • 1:52 hours
  • 781 cal
  • Average Speed: 19 km/h

I left in the morning at 9:20, met my dad at around 10:30, arrived home home at aroung 11:45. The afternoon I spent laying in the sun and I left for my home again at around 4:45pm.

It was a very good day, nice sunny and warm (yet windy) and I can’t wait to get my good night’s sleep!