So here I am, writing a postpartum blog post three months after Quinn was born. I noted a lot of things in my calendar just so that I don’t forget when I write this blog post. Life isn’t the way it used to be (well, really?) but having this little baby, to hear him cry, to see him smile, to hear him babble around – all those things just make you realize once more: you have a baby, you’re a mom, the baby needs you because he is real! And that’s an amazing feeling.
Let’s start with April Fool’s Day, Quinn’s birthday. The day I had the very much unplanned and very spontaneous c-section. I didn’t mind the operation, while all the nurses etc. were getting things ready for the section I thought “wow, I’m going to have a c-section in a few minutes, that’s kinda exciting and an experience not every woman shares”, I was excited and also relieved to know my baby-boy will have no problems getting stuck or whatsoever in the birth canal.
Anyway, the c-section itself wasn’t scary, it didn’t hurt (although I did almost faint when my organs went back to their old place or whatever that feeling was I had after they got Quinn out) and the recovery was very fast.
I did curse the c-section that day and the day after because of all the pain, especially when I had to get up and said things like “how could a woman have a section voluntary?!” But two days after I felt so much better (also thanks to painkillers) and the recovery went quite well.
Of course it wasn’t the best feeling when the nurses pushed into your belly to see how big/small the uterus has gotten and the cut also hurt, but day after day everything got better.
Now my scar is still hard and I massage it at times, my belly is still bigger than before my pregnancy but it vanishes slowly, very slowly. Three weeks after the operation I started lifting heavier things again (like the baby’s car seat and the stroller) and started doing things with my son alone and not being dependent on my bubby. That’s probably the thing that bothered me most on the section – not being allowed to carry heavy things. This and the pain I had whilst peeing from the bladder catheter. That pain stayed a few weeks.
The bleeding (oh the bleeding) stopped after 9,5 weeks! “They” say normally you don’t have lochia for so long after a c-section but oh well. I bled every day for 9,5 weeks, sometimes stronger, sometimes just a few drops. The day my OB checked me (almost 6 weeks after giving birth) my period started! Fresh red blood came and my OB saw that my ovary was “working”. That first period lasted around 3,5 weeks.
Oh great I thought, that’s something I could have lived without for another year or so. On the other side though I was happy to see that my body, in that respect, is back to normal.
During that time I used lady diapers, extra long and thick pads (the huge ones from the hospital are the best) and seeing my scar didn’t heal that good in one place I didn’t even wear normal undies for a loooong time, I wore the net-panties you get in the hospital. Very sexy.
Just one week after my lochia stopped and 33 days after my first period after Quinn’s birth I got my second period. And I could finally use tampons! It started very strong but only for around two days, then it got weaker day by day.
Breastfeeding worked good from day one (now, don’t believe you can’t get pregnant when you breastfeed because bam – your period can start any minute). It’s a great feeling to see how my body can nourish my baby boy and I’m very happy that it works so well. I didn’t read anything about it and I didn’t take a class and just trusted my womanly instincts.
It did hurt a bit in the beginning and I only let Quinn drink on each side for a few less minutes so that my nipples don’t get infected. The weeks after the birth the first ten sucks from Quinn really hurt (my body was quite tense and if my bubby asked me something during that time he had to wait 10-20 seconds for me to answer, until the pain was over). I don’t remember when the pain stopped, maybe three weeks after giving birth.
Three months after giving birth I still do not fit into my regular pants. My belly is still there but I also didn’t only gain on my belly but also my legs *ehem*. Seeing I was pregnant in the winter I had to buy new summer shorts and I had to buy them in maternity-style. Ouch!
I started training my pelvic floor after six weeks and am still doing it two to three times a week. I’ll probably keep doing it until mid July. That’s an advantage of the section – I don’t have problems with incontinence.
I started working out after 8 weeks and try to go to the gym 2-3 times a week to lift weights and do cardio. I lift very less weight but make more repetitions and NOT the belly. Doing sit-ups etc. will have to wait a few months.
I started my pregnancy with 49kg, my normal weight when working out is 50-51kg and now I weigh 53kg. So, I’d like to lose 2-3kg this year which hopefully should be doable.
My postpartum emotions have treated me quite well. All in all I only cried twice, once when I watched How I met your mother and Lily gave birth and once when Quinn just didn’t stop crying. Oh well, and of course there have been (and still are) many many times where I look at my baby boy and just spread tears of joy. Luckily I’m not that exhausted from the nights, I just try to keep Quinn and me in bed until I’m fully ready to get up. Doesn’t work always but most of the time.
How much do I weigh: 52,1 kg (+3,1 kg from my before pregnancy weight – my goal is to reach 50 kg)
How much does Quinn weigh: around 6,2 kg
Belly size: My belly takes its time… 
Sleep: Soso. Quinn definitely has a day-night rhythm, sometimes he comes every two hours, sometimes every three. Yesterday he came after almost 8 hours for the first time (I fed him at 18:15 and he came at around 2am)
Maternity clothes: Still wearing the shorts/pants 🙁
Miss anything: Wearing nice tops who don’t show my belly
Looking forward to: Every new day with Quinn
(Best) happenings: Quinn discovered his hands and his voice and is kicking his legs like crazy. He got his first vaccination which he recovered from quickly.
Sports: Started again with jogging and lifting weight and ruined my knee from too much jogging. So now I’ve paused for a week, now the knee is better, thank god! Seeing it’s super hot this week I might skip the gym and just go for long walks in the morning.