Rhineland-Palatinate, Bruges and Amsterdam

From September 19th to September 28th we visited the Rhineland-Palatinate in Germany, Bruges in Belgium and Amsterdam in The Netherlands. It was a lovely vacation and all three places are very worth seeing. Friends moved to the Netherlands so we combined all the city trips and ended our vacation with visiting our friends.

Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany

We had a lovely B&B in a very small town where the Bubby and me plus my parents stayed. The B&B only had two apartments so we had the whole place for ourselves which was awesome! The hosts were Americans as well which made this vacation perfect.

We arrived on Friday and went out to eat and had typical Palatinate plates. Massive!

On Saturday we had our first “Meet the Parents” day, well, the parents met the parents. The Bubby and I have been going out for 4,5 years now and lived together for two years, yet our parents have never met. Now, with a baby on the way it was a great opportunity though we had that trip planned before I knew I was pregnant 🙂 So my Lover and my Dad went biking and my mom and me hiked up to a hut with his parents, his brother and wife plus their two boys. We all met at the hut and had again typical Palatinate plates for lunch, mainly potato sup with plum cake. We sat and chatted and in the afternoon we hiked down again and all met for dinner. I had “Saumagen”, which is a mixture of lean pork, sausage meat, potatoes, onions, marjoram, cloves and pepper, all covered. It tastes ok but it’s not my favorite.

On Sunday we had a lovely breakfast prepared by our hosts and all drove off at around 11am.
The weather was so great the whole weekend and we all enjoyed it lots.
Below are photos from our lovely B&B, the house was built in 1556.

Rhineland-Palatinate - Our B&B
Rhineland-Palatinate – Our B&B

Rhineland-Palatinate - Our B&B
Rhineland-Palatinate – Our B&B

Bruges, Belgium

Bruges is a nice little city in Belgium. We stayed in a B&B in the middle of the city and parked the car for free a bit outside, in Magdalenenstraat, so if you’re ever in Bruges by car, you can park there for free. We stayed in Bruges two nights, from Tuesday to Thursday, so we could walk through the city two whole days.

On Wednesday the weather wasn’t that great and there weren’t too many people outside. We walked around 17km and looked at different museums and the town. We stopped for lunch or hot chocolate and for dinner I had a big salad. The food is very expensive, the salad cost me around 16 EURO. On Tuesday night I had Spaghetti Bolognese for 11,50 EURO.

Our B&B in Bruges, Belgium
Our B&B in Bruges, Belgium

Bruges, Belgium
Minnewaterpark, Bruges, Belgium

The Belfort, Bruges, Belgium
The Belfort, Bruges, Belgium
Bruges, Belgium
Bruges, Belgium

Bruges, Belgium
Bruges, Belgium

You could find empty streets a bit outside - Bruges, Belgium
You could find empty streets a bit outside – Bruges, Belgium
You could find empty streets a bit outside - Bruges, Belgium
You could find empty streets a bit outside – Bruges, Belgium

We had waffles Thursday noon in Bruges, Belgium
We had waffles Thursday noon in Bruges, Belgium
And French Fries with stew for Lunch on Wednesday - so good but so many!
And French Fries with stew for Lunch on Wednesday – so good but so many!

All in all Bruges was a lovely city with many tourist groups, it’s very expensive, it’s got a lot of chocolate stores and if you don’t go to every museum in town you can see the city in one or two days.

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Amsterdam, the NetherlandsAmsterdam, the Netherlands

We only spent half a day in Amsterdam but I thought that was ok. Sure, there’s so much to see there but we went on a Friday and it was very very crowded there, bikes all over and a lot of people walking around too. We visited the city, at something (I finally found something healthy for under 10 EURO – the wok to walk and I got all veggy, so delish!
Later in the afternoon we visited a ship museum which cost 15 EURO but was worth every penny, very much and interesting things to see. In Amsterdam we parked the car a bit outside and drove into the city with the street train. That way we could see a lot of the city as well. I’d recommend two days though, esp. if you want to look at different museums or have a nice coffee somewhere. Maybe I’ll go back one day but for now I’m good 🙂

France 2014

I’ve been back from my three week vacation in France since July 12th. Yet I was too busy (or lazy) to blog about it.
It was lovely, as always, the weather was so so, the waves were mostly good. The last week t got quite windy but at least we didn’t get sand blown in our faces 🙂 So all good.
I went jogging every other day which was soo nice and relaxing and amazing. Hearing the ocean and the chirrs of the crickets. Just lovely. We also enjoyed good food and lots of sweets and alcohol.
Let the photos talk…

Windy Day
Best Sandwich EVER
Why drink water if you can drink beer?
Why drink water if you can drink beer?
Bad weather ahead
Bad weather ahead
So good burgers!!
So good burgers!!
On the way to the beach
On the way to the beach
For the first time in my life I tried Macarons.
For the first time in my life I tried Macarons.

Shop Girl

Today I went shopping, for clothes, which happens maybe once every two years. For regular clothes – not (only) sport clothes.
I did make the mistake of going to the sports department today, so I spent quite some $$ on sport clothes, which, of course, I really really need. Hey – Under Armour came out with new colors!
My closet has too many black t-shirts which annoyed me and got me all depressed. For spring I need colorful t-shirts so I went out to go hunting for colorful shirts. I bought a lot of colorful (well, one grey one but the cut was so nice – it’s a bit wider) t-shirts, some white ones because I’m just a jeans & white shirt girl. One Under Armour T-shirt in blue which I will wear not for sport.

I bought two sport tops, new running socks, a “tiny bag to put on your shoe” and that’s it in the sports department. I actually only wanted to buy the socks, but oh well, while searching for them I came across all the other pretty things.

I also bought a pair of skinny jeans – I don’t like skinny jeans but it’s pretty much the only style you find around. And I bought grey skinny jeans, I like grey skinny jeans, I think they look good with chucks or ballerinas or flip flops. I wanted grey pants in a long time.

After my big shopping tour (in only one store) I took the train to the east center station of the city and stopped by the newly opened Dunkin’ Donuts.
I was a bit swamped by the selection so I took a medium milk coffee (16 oz – wow, that’s almost half a litre!!) and a blueberry-crunch and apple-cinnamon doughnut. I was too scared to take one of their very colorful doughnuts.

Not that I ever went there while living in Austin, Texas, but I still wanted to check it out any eat something American :). While living in Texas I went to Baskin Robbins, Amy’s Ice-Cream, Starbucks, Dairy Queen sometimes… ah… the good American food, I miss it. But then again, if I’d have it here, I’d be fat. So it’s good that it’s far far away.

Cross-Country Skiing in South Tyrol

The lover, a friend and me spent a lovely weekend in South Tryol. The weather was great (see photos below) and we also still had some good snow. The first day we completed 22.17 km.
On the second day we went 21km, unfortunately my Garmin wasn’t loaded so it stopped recording pretty soon 🙁
Luckily the Lover also uses a Garmin 🙂

And wow – the pain I have in my legs! I can hardly lift my right leg. Good excercise for the triceps and butt as well. Yumm!

IMG_2435Drei Zinnen view from the Ski-Tracks

IMG_2448Ski-Tracks – so idyllic

IMG_2418Our great breakfast, made by the apartment hosts

IMG_2426Cross-Country Skiing and Skating

IMG_2444A Vegetarian’s dream!

IMG_2467Another photo of the Drei Zinnen

I miss the gym!

This is the first time since 2012 that I’m sick. And with sick I mean, having a bad cold and not being able to go to work. It started on Sunday, January 5th, that day I did a 30 minute circuit training workout. I didn’t feel too well but I didn’t feel too bad either. Monday was a holiday, so, no work and I stayed home Tuesday and Wednesday. I did go to work on Thursday because I felt quite good on Wednesday but my running nose started on Thursday so I stayed home on Friday.

Now it’s Sunday and I still don’t feel 100%. It feels like (I hope) I need about two more days to be back on track!

Anyway, knock on wood, I only missed work one day last year (after I got stung by a bee and couldn’t sleep the whole night).

I didn’t feel too good before my trip to France in October last year and blogged about what sucks the most when you’re sick, and it’s NOT BEING ABLE TO GO TO THE GYM!!

I don’t believe in working out with a cold. I think your body needs all the energy it can get to get healthy again and not to build muscles or improve your fitness. And also, I can’t imagine people at the gym would appreciate when I sneeze and caugh and blow my nose all the time. I wouldn’t like that either.

So, yesterday I was so bored so I took some random photos.

PhotographyPhotographyPhotographyHello Kitty Photography


The biggest Pizza in the City.
Half Italian Sausage, half veggies.
I invited my boyfriend for a birthday dinner, we watched “Despicable Me 2” before that (cute movie, the first is cuter and funnier but pt.2 is good too).
The pizza is so big it hardly fits on the table (and plate) and guess what?! I ate it all!


never fail cupcakes

You need:

  1. 2 eggs
  2. 1 cup coca
  3. 1 cup butter
  4. 3 cups flour
  5. 1 cup sour milk (to sour put 1 teaspoon of vinegar – let is get sour overnight
  6. 2 teaspoons vanilla
  7. 2 teaspoons soda (Hirschhornsalz)
  8. 1,5 cups sugar
  9. 1 cup hot water

For the frosting:

  1. Powdered sugar (Puderzucker)
  2. Soft butter
  3. Milk (teaspoon-wise, shouldn’t be too liquidy)
  4. Cocoa

For decoration

  1. Smarties

Put these ingredients into a bowl in the order they are given.
Do not mix until last item has been added. Then beat well.
Put butter in muffin tins.

Bake at 190 degrees for 20 minutes. Makes 24 cups.