Fitness Check #8

It’s been a while, so here it goes.

Weight: 48,3 kg
BMI: 18,9

Body Fat: 18% = 8,7 kg
Went down 2,8% since January 2019

Right leg fat: 2,4 kg

Right left muscle: 6,3 kg

Left leg fat: 2,5 kg

Left leg muscle: 6,0 kg

Right arm fat: 0,4 kg

Right arm muscle: 1,8 kg

Left arm fat: 0,4 kg

Left arm muscle: 1,7 kg

Carcass fat: 3,1 kg
Lost 1,2 kg fat there – nice 🙂

Carcass muscle: 21,9 kg

So I lost fat but also muscles. I’m not in a gym mood for two months now but will have to get back on track more.

9 months after giving birth

How much do I weigh: 51,5 kg (+1,8 kg from my before pregnancy weight)
My belly circumference (2cm beneath belly button): 82 cm
How much does Lucy weigh: about 8100 g
Diaper size: 3 and 4 in diaper-pants if I can’t find any in size 3
Sleep: Lucy was sick the beginning of February with a cold and the sleep was terrible that time of course. Poor thing couldn’t breath because of all the slime and coughing. Now the sleep is OK – she needs to be very close to me.
My Symptoms: My hair is growing back and it looks terrible, like I have two horns underneath my ears. Other than that no symptoms.
Lucy’s Symptoms / what’s new: She’s still cross eyed, both eyes now, she can sit alone as of January 17th and can crawl as of January 17th as well. Now she pulls herself up all the time.
Miss anything: sleep 😀
Best happenings that last month:

  • Lucy got her top two teeth in February 2019
  • She says GACK a lot

Sports: I try to go to the gym 2-3 times a week

Fitness Check #7

So, exactly 9 months after giving birth and 6 months after I started going to the gym again, I made another Fitness check. Let’s check out the results:

Weight: 50,9 kg
BMI: 19,9

Body Fat: 20,7% = 10,6 kg
July 2018 – body fat: 22,8% = 12 kg

Right leg fat: 2,7 kg
July 2018 – right leg fat: 3,1 kg

Right left muscle: 6,4 kg
July 2018 – right leg muscle: 6,3 kg

Left leg fat: 2,7 kg
July 2018 – left leg fat: 3,1 kg

Left leg muscle: 6,2 kg
July 2018 – left leg muscle: 6,4 kg

Right arm fat: 0,5 kg
July 2018 – right arm fat: 0,5 kg

Right arm muscle: 1,8 kg
July 2018 – right arm muscle: 1,9 kg

Left arm fat: 0,5 kg
July 2018 – left arm fat: 0,5 kg

Left arm muscle: 1,8 kg
July 2018 – left arm muscle: 1,8 kg

Carcass fat: 4,3 kg
July 2018 – carcass fat: 4,9 kg

Carcass muscle: 22,2 kg
July 2018 – carcass muscle: 22,4 kg

5 months after giving birth

How much do I weigh: 51,3 kg
My belly circumference: 83 cm
How much does Lucy weigh: about 6900 g

Lucy 5 months old
Lucy 5 months old

Diaper size: 2 & 3
Sleep: Soso. Some nights very good, some other nights I feel like I only slept 2 minutes. Doesn’t help that the toddler sleeps in our bed pretty much every night and kicks me. Lucy kicks when she’s awake and I can’t sleep when she does that. Last night she kicked for pretty much one hour.
My Symptoms: I got my period meh. I lose a buuuunch of hair, it’s terrible.
Lucy’s Symptoms / what’s new: She’s cross eyed, she rolls from her back to belly and back.
Maternity clothes: Still the shorts. I fit into my normal jeans but they’re just quite tight
Miss anything: sleep 😀
Best happenings that last month:

  • Q had his first Kindergarten day. All went well, he really wants to go.
  • Went for a 6 day vacation in South Tyrol. Too short. We stayed at a little farm and Q loved the cows.
  • Went to Dino World
  • Had a big family gathering at the beergarden
  • Q’s and L’s cousins, uncle and Oma came to visit one night.
  • Went to an osteopath with L seeing she’s always quite stiff when I pick her up. Three appointments. I feel it got better

Sports: I try to go to the gym every other day

4 months after giving birth

A bit late as she is almost 5 months now. But for the record 🙂
4 months old
How much do I weigh: 51,6 kg – 52 kg
My belly circumference: 84 cm
How much does Lucy weigh: about 7 kg
How tall is Lucy:
Diaper size: 2
Sleep: I put her to bed between 18:00 and 19:00. She usually naps twice a day. The nights, well, she was very hungry the last weeks but I’ve adjusted to it. I really don’t know how often I breastfeed a night, maybe every two hours? No idea. She usually is wide awake around 5:30 and she and I’ll go into Quinn’s bed so that Quinn and daddy can sleep.
My Symptoms: I got my period (oh joy) after four months and the tampon hurts a bit.
Maternity clothes: Still my shorts.
Miss anything: I eat a load of sweets every day and it’s warm sunny weather, I can’t think of anything I miss. Oh yeah, a flat belly?
Best happenings that last month:

  • Lucy had her first eye doctor appointment
  • She doesn’t cry so much anymore. Actually she cries quite seldom
  • She grabs her feet
  • She talks a lot
  • She laughs out loud

Sports: Every other day (seeing the boyfriends has vacation now) or at least 2-3 times a week.

Fitness Check #6

Three months after giving birth to my second child I made a fitness check. Here are the results:

Weight: 52,4 kg
BMI: 20,5

body fat: 22,8% = 12 kg
(Okt 2016: body fat: 18,7% = 9,5kg))
(Jan 2016: 19,6% = 9,9 kg (-1,1 kg))

right leg fat: 3,1 kg
(Okt 2016: right leg fat: 2,7 kg (+0,1 kg))
(Jan 2016: 2,6 kg (-0,2 kg))

right leg muscle: 6,3 kg
(Okt 2016: right leg muscle: 6,4 kg (the same))
(Jan 2016: 6,4 kg (same))

left leg fat: 3,1 kg
(Okt 2016: left leg fat: 2,7 kg (+0,1 kg))
(Jan 2016: 2,6 kg (-0,2 kg))

left leg muscle: 6,4 kg
(Okt 2016: left leg muscle: 6,2 kg (same))
(Jan 2016: 6,2 kg (+0,1 kg))

right arm fat: 0,5 kg
(Okt 2016: right arm fat: 0,4 kg (same))
(Jan 2016: 0,4 kg (-0,1 kg))

right arm muscle: 1,9 kg
(Okt 2016: right arm muscle: 1,9 kg (+0,1 kg))
(Jan 2016: 1,8 kg (same))

left arm fat: 0,5 kg
(Okt 2016: left arm fat: 0,4 kg (same))
(Jan 2016: 0,4 kg (-0,1 kg))

left arm muscle: 1,8 kg
(Okt 2016: left arm muscle: 1,8 kg (same))
(Jan 2016: 1,8 kg (+0,1 kg))

carcass fat: 4,9 kg
(Okt 2016: carcass fat: 3,3 kg (-0,5 kg))
(Jan 2016: 3,8 kg (-0,7 kg))

carcass muscle: 22,4 kg
(Okt 2016: carcass muscle: 22,9 kg (+ 0,7 kg))
(Jan 2016: 22,2 kg (+0,2 kg))

It’s quite similar to after my first pregnancy fitness check, that was done in December 2015.
I feel so big it’s unbelievable. I can’t quit eating sweets which sucks. It’s so hot here that we’ll eat ice-cream for lunch (sometimes). My belly is huge. I try to go to the gym 2-3 times a week, hope it works out. We’ll see how things work out.

3 months after giving birth

How much do I weigh: 51,6 kg – 52 kg
My belly circumference: 88 cm
How much does Lucy weigh: 6030 g
How tall is Lucy: 63 cm
Diaper size: 2
3 months old
Sleep: Lucy doesn’t sleep so much during the day now anymore. She’ll sleep half an hour, then wake up but mostly she’s in a good mood. At night, puh, the nights are a bit tough right now. She’ll wake up every two hours, sometimes she’s awake for 30-60 minutes and will goo and gaa around. Then she and I move into her brother’s room so that Q and the bubby can sleep (Q mostly comes into our bed sometime in the middle of the night) and most of the times she falls back asleep at 5, 6 or 7 am.
My Symptoms: I have a bit of back ache and I try to breastfeed Lucy while lying down. Since then my back is feeling better. Other than that I am healed now 🙂
Lucy’s Symptoms: Her eyes which we have to get checked by a specialist. She is still cross eyed. She has a red butt every now and again but nothing serious. Other than that she is developing fine.
Maternity clothes: The shorts but it’s so hot here right now that I tend to wear dresses. I wear breastfeeding tops and normal t-shirts at night.
Miss anything: In this hot weather I miss going to the lake/pool
Best happenings that last month:

  • Lucy got her U4 and all is fine except her eyes
  • The bubby has vacation now for two months
  • Q and I both got sick last week but are feeling better again now. I had a sore throat for about 5 days

Sports: I’m going to the gym again 2-3 times a week

1 month after giving birth

How far along: 1 month after Lucy’s birth
How much do I weigh: 52 kg
How much does Lucy weigh: 4600g
Belly size:
Sleep: Lucy wants to be fed every two to three (sometimes longer) hours.
My Symptoms: Lochia is still there, my perineal and vaginal ruptures are healing and sitting feels much better now
Lucy’s Symptoms: Babyacne, sore butt which I have no idea where it’s from as I watch what I eat so much :(, she can’t get to sleep easily which means she’ll cry/scream lots unless I (or someone) lays her on the chest – she likes body contact. If we go for a stroller ride she’ll sleep a bit but if she wakes up, she’s awake and cries/screams. Same with driving a car. I hope she’ll take the binky soon
Maternity clothes: I wear maternity shorts which I bought after Quinn’s birth and also normal shorts which are elastic
Miss anything: I miss buying clothes in my actual size (and not maternity summer clothes)
Looking forward to: Going to the gym again and getting my body in shape
Best happenings this week:

  • Lucy’s cord fell off at 4 weeks and 3 days
  • She took the binky while we shopped at the drugstore
  • First doctor appointment – all good with her and also her hip, which wasn’t “ripe” after birth is good now

Sports: none