New layout

As you can see (I hope), I’ve created a new layout. It’s my first with a big footer πŸ™‚ I hope you like it, if something is “irky”, please let me know.
It works pretty much in every browser, just not IE 5.

At first I was aiming to a layout like on


I thought it was ok, a little too plain (I always try to create plain layouts, but it never happens – I always have to add… more!)

Then I noticed that Regina had quite the same header (not just a rectangle – but with the nice curve in it) so I decided to take it down again – she had her layout up first, I complimented her on how nice it is and I thought it would be a little strange to come up with the same style a few days later, ehem πŸ™‚

So – Layout #2 was created


I didn’t like it – the header looks like it has blood drops (imo)

After a day of frustration I changed the whole style completely




Mm yeah, that’s what I mean when I say “I always try to create plain layouts, but it never happens – I always have to add… more!”.
At last I created a layout with no header, just this white box – which, of course, then was too plain for me. And now I have this header you’re seeing. A pencil with ink-drops. A pencil doesn’t use ink, I know, but they are so pretty πŸ™‚

Please excuse, the links are working but the pages are messed up (remember I used this green box for every different topic) so I need to get rid of the classes.

I’m so happy – I edited a php code πŸ˜€
I got the basic code for “Keeping Navigation Current with PHP” from and I created an “if else” code out of it (not only an “if”). I’m happy it actually worked.

Now playing: Robbie Williams – Beyond The Sea – Finding Nemo

The Internet Influence

I’m standing in my kitchen, washing the dishes. I have thoughts in my head, I’m thinking about the day tomorrow (Thursday) and what I have planned. So here’s a trip into my brain and thoughts (whilst washing dishes):

So tomorrow, yeah, class… what class? Ah yes, GIS Cartography and in the afternoon Remote Sensing Cartography. Good, I need to see the professor at 1pm, tell him about my thesis and that I chose TerraSAR-X as a theme. Okay… then, in the evening, oh yes, I have Jing-Wen. Wait – is it called Jing-Wen? Hmm… Jing-Wen sounds so – let’s say – fluid. Is that the class I have tomorrow? No… it’s not called that… aah, Qi-Gong – right. Hehe… lolimh (laughing out loud in my head). I have to blog about this.”

Whilst wondering if Jing-Wen is really the name of the class you have to imagine a look on my face like J.D. has on Scrubs when something goes through his head.

Jing-Wen is the domain of the lovely Amanda by the way, and I wonder why that name popped into my head πŸ˜‰

Now playing: Sugababes – Freak Like Me

Facebook, Fotos and Thesis

I just joined Facebook a few days ago. Well, actually I joined some while ago (why I don’t know) but a few days I “got into it”. Here’s my link, feel free to add me.

The Lover borrowed lent (Thanks Vera) me his Digital Camera. It’s a Sony 5.0 Mega pixel and it’s quite fun taking close-up photos with it. I haven’t taken pictures in ages but here are a few I took yesterday

On tuesday I started working at the remote sensing company again. I’m happy I can earn a few Euros a week, I really need it for the expensive life in Munich – GAH! Anyways, my diploma thesis is getting more and more final.
Right now there are two topics.

  1. About TerraSAR-X and classifying forest.
  2. About Earthemes, which is a land cover vector layer product, covering all of Germany and the United Kingdom.

I won’t get into detail, because, yeah… but both sound very interesting. So I need to do some research to see which one would suit a thesis more.
I need to go to the library today to do more research about Turkey – the country’s history, politics, religion and landscape. It’s a speech I need to prepare for the Geography Class.

Anybody know some nice details about Turkey?

Now playing: Ingrid Michaelson – Breakable

I like to post pictures

So, I still had a certificate from christmas for “Mango” so I went there today and bought my first dress (go me) πŸ˜€

It’s a little elegant, a little sporty. See for yourself

a little retro – or 60s style – or whatever πŸ™‚

And? What do you think?

I’m working on a new layout. It’s hard, I have very little inspiration. And the layout seems so boring. But I’m working on it every now and again, changing all the code around again, changing the whole layout and colors in PS again. Gah – annoying.

Now playing: Madonna – Secret
via FoxyTunes

Lovely Days

The Lover and I spent some days in Austria. We made a 7 hour tour to the top of the mountain named “Kuhkaser”. It’s 2053m. We met some lovely and very nosy calves, cows and pretty horses. The pictures below are in a random order.
Pic Pic Pic Pic

Very nice, very windy on the top, very cliffy but definitely worth it (well, duh…). Unfortunately I couldn’t go hiking the next day seeing my feet (and legs, and arms, and back) hurt like crazy.

We watched 9 songs, an adult erotic movie (how I’d call it). Not bad, not good. A love couple having sex, 9 songs playing during the movie…. Lie with me was a lot better (if you’re looking for a movie like that) πŸ˜‰
Now playing: Jem – Just A Ride
via FoxyTunes