First Mammography

So, after feeling something I never felt before in my right breast on January 28 I went to my OBGYN on February 27. She made a sonography, said it doesn’t look cancerous but wanted me to get a mammography, due to my age and “active breast”.

I called the radiology yesterday and got an appointment for March 26, 2026!! Wow. I was frustrated and called a different radiology here in town. They said they would check with my OBGYN and call me back with an appointment in 1-2 weeks. Ok I thought, maybe I’ll get an appointment this year, if I’m lucky.

Hours later in the evening I get a call from the radiology #2 telling me that someone cancelled for today and if I wanted to come. What a huge surprise, I said yes of course.

So today at 11:00 I had my first mammography at 43 years old. I was very nervous, I know from a lot of people how painful it can be.

I was in the examination room and the very nice medical assistant told me what to do, just relax she said, I should say STOP if it hurts too much. Phew I thought, doesn’t sound good but OK. So she started squeezing and squeezing and… no pain, I didn’t have to say STOP and she could squeeze as much she needed because I didn’t feel any pain. I was very relieved. She scanned each breast twice.

Luckily everything turned out looking good and normal and I am going to have my second mammography in two years, 2027.

First post in 2025

Time flies when you’re having fun kids.

Why am I posting again? A few days ago I read in my diary… which is my online blog. I haven’t posted in five! years but I also don’t have the heart to quit my account.

So let’s see…

I bought again seeing I don’t like Schatzi too much anymore.

First post in 2020

So I guess having two kids (who just turned 5 and 2 years old) keeps me from blogging.

And now in times of Corona and home-office and having them home every day for ten weeks now it feels like I have no time for anything but the kids, cooking, work, cleaning…

The big one might be able to go to Kindergarten on June 15th again.

The little one? We don’t know yet.

Hope you are all safe and healthy and enjoying life.


Unser Sohne ist nun schon 26 Monate alt, also über zwei Jahre.

Ich sitze gerade vor dem Laptop um ihm für den Urlaub einen Badeanzug zu bestellen. Neben mir sitzt mein Mann. Er frägt mich ob ich schon auch die richtige Größe bestelle.

Ich verdrehe die Augen, schau meinen Mann an und frage ihn “Was trägt unser Sohn denn für eine Größe?!” Nach etwas zögern und einer Antwort von “das steht doch in den Klamotten” antwortet er “58?”

Hello Virus

And hello Website! Haven’t seen you in a long time!

It’s somehow funny, last year, December 19th, we were all sick with the stomach flu. This year, December 16th Q started vomiting, luckily only four times that evening until he finally fell asleep.
The boyfriend didn’t feel too good that night and I didn’t feel too good Saturday, but I went out and did my things and felt better after breakfast and two big cups of coffee.
Sunday however I got a headache, took some medicine and in the evening I didn’t feel good at all and thought ok, that’s it, hello stomach flu. The boyfriend didn’t get it, he only felt bad that one night.
But, instead of getting the stomach flu, I got a laryngitis! It somehow felt different from the regular I have a cold sore throat so I was a bit worried and went to the doctor on Tuesday. The disadvantage of a laryngitis, other than that it sucks, is that it can take up to ten days and seeing it’s a virus you can’t do anything against it, other than to drink lots of tea!
Oh, today is day three, on day six we have a big family dinner, on day seven as well, on day eight we drive to the boyfriend’s family and on day nine we have a big family dinner there.

Oh, I wish the virus wouldn’t always wait so long until it says “Hello, here I am” 🙁


As I was walking to the train station today it was raining cats and dogs. And I wondered, why do so many men don’t use an umbrella. Why is using an umbrella girly? And then I was thinking about other things men think are girly and really really wondered why men think so:

  • Using the abductor machine
  • Using the adductor machine
  • Stretching
  • wearing pastel colors – Women wear “manly” colors

Anything else?

Hello August, almost September

Hello summer, well, rainy summer.
My baby boy is 16 months old already, amazing. Will be 17 in just a few days.

The end of May we spent a long weekend in Austria. The weather was great and we could do a lot of things outside, like go to a couple of lakes and visit the deer park. We went out for dinner in the evening and baby-Q loved it – he ate everything!

In June we went to a wedding which pretty much took place one whole weekend. Lots of good food but also pretty exhausting. We were all quite tired on Sunday, Q from all the playing with his Oma and Opa and we from all the “partying”.

June 30th was the last day I breastfed. I wanted to feed Q during the night but when he saw/smelled my boobie he just screamed. Three times that night. I tried once more the next night, the same scenario, so… that was it. 15 months of breastfeeding. I would have done it longer but I’m also happy he decided it’s time to end it. The nights got a lot better!

Life is busy with work and a little toddler, I try to go to the gym twice a week and go jogging every now and again as well. At the moment baby-Q has vacation, the child-care is closed for three weeks so my parents and my parents-in-law take care of him so that we can work. Quinn enjoys it lots getting spoiled and all.

Half a year after giving birth

Wow, I haven’t blogged in ages but I have good excuses:

  1. We moved on September 26 and I was packing packing packing before
  2. my bubby is on parental leave for two months
  3. We moved so I am unpacking unpacking unpacking 🙂

Our baby boy was a good boy the whole move. Sometimes it was hard for me to stop what I was doing to take care of my baby and bring him to bed at around 18:00. I’m used to working until something is done but with a baby the baby’s priorities come first.
We moved into a bigger place on the ground floor. It is so much easier for us now, no more carrying the stroller into the basement, no more carrying the baby and groceries up 50 stairs. It’s a very kids-friendly neighborhood.

Quinn is doing great, he’s such a good boy. Right now he’s growing his first tooth!
He rolled over once, on October 10th 2015, he turned 6 months on October 1st and my little family spent the lovely day in the mountains. On October 2nd I started feeding him his first mush – sweet potatoes. In week two he got parsnip and now in week #3 I give him potatoes, carrots and beef. He wears the size 68/74 now, diaper size is still #3.

I totally forgot about my 5 and 6 months after giving birth blog posts. All I can say, my belly is still there but I do fit into most of my old pants now, even though some are still a bit tight. I just quit the gym in my old hometown and am planning on joining the gym in my new hometown in November. I can’t wait to get back on working out yet I haven’t missed it the last few weeks because I was just too busy with the move.

Now I’m mainly busy getting the new place organized and looking for new furniture to buy 🙂 We are buying a cherry laurel this week to plant in the garden before the first snow is coming. Our two gardens are very small but yet, they have been so much work already. I’m looking forward to next spring so that the bigger garden/terrace can get fixed up.

I hope to keep on blogging more regularly soon but I guess there’s always a longer or shorter slack period on some blogs.

My fortune for 2015

I got a fortune cookie at our local grocery store today and this is what it says

fortune cookie
“Newcomers will appear in your life during the next few weeks”

It says “Newcomers will appear in your life during the next few weeks.” Hah, that’s pretty much true, in about 10 weeks maybe? 🙂