Move completed

O hai guyz! It’s been a long time (a month?).

The move went fine and we’re slowly getting more and more furniture and hence the place more cozy. Last week we got our new dining table delivered, it’s huge and very nice. The only big thing missing is a couch for the living room and a closet for the office.

This is just an update to let you know that everything’s fine, that we like our new little place, the area is great… Beneath is a snapshot of our new table and the new bowls and sets I bought for it 🙂


Holy fu**ing sh**!!

I’m happy to pronounce:

I have COMPLETED my thesis!!! After exactly one year I’m finished! DONE!

Holy sh**

My little baby has 157 pages and 30.531 words, a bunch of colorful maps, figures, tables and equations. I’m bringing it to printing and binding on Tuesday and I have an appointment with my prof on Friday.

Tomorrow after work I’m going to try to read if twice (or at least once). I’m kinda sick of it haha. It still was a great and interesting subject and I’m happy I chose it. I can’t wait until it’s out of my hands and in the hands of the prof. I still need to do some things like burn it on CD, buy some kind of “box” to put it in um… that’s about it.

Now I’m tired and going to bed 🙂

EDIT:// I just overwrote my theme by upgrading WP automatically… ehrm. My last backup was in November – before the reviews on :(… a well.