Baby#2 - 28 weeks

28 weeks pregnant

Welcome third trimester!

How far along: 28 weeks
How much do I weigh: 56,7 kg (+ 7kg)
Baby size: 1,2 kg
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 97 cm and from top to bottom it’s 36 cm

28 weeks pregnant
28 weeks pregnant

Belly button in or out: even
Sleep: quite good. I haven’t had a full night of sleep since 3 years so, that’s how it is now too.
Food (non) cravings: nothing really
Symptoms: Feels like baby’s butt or head is always pushing its way down, pimples on my back, lower back pain (not so often)
Maternity clothes: always, everything. Panties, pants, bra, tops. Just my socks and boots are non-maternity πŸ™‚
Stretch marks: none, I think?
Linea negra: not yet
Miss anything: I miss not worrying about what I eat when. I’m lucky that I don’t have gestational diabetes yet the doctor said I should stop eating white flour completely.
Looking forward to: every free minute
Best happenings this week: Big ultrasound yesterday and I finally got a photo again. Baby is laying with its head down, everything is fine. It moved a lot and had a hiccups
Baby#2 - 28 weeks
Baby#2 – 28 weeks
Left: Uterus
Right: umbilical cord
Bottom: fingers

Movement: lots, I feel everything
Gender: hmm… yesterday in the ultrasound it really showed its gender so good and I hoped that the doctor would say “well look at this boy/girl”… but no. I was so close to saying we DO want to know the gender now but I didn’t. Still going to be a surprise.
Happy or moody most of the time: Depends on if I’m hungry, sleepy, if my son does what I ask him to do, if my bubby does what I ask him to do… depends on all those things
Sports: In the gym twice a week, treadmill for 30 minutes and lifting weights (chest, back & legs)