25th week
How far along: 24 weeks 6 days
How much do I weigh: 54,0 kg (+ 5,2 kg)
Belly size: The circumference (2cm under the belly button) is 92cm and from top to bottom it’s 34cm
Sleep: Good, I sometimes get up once, sometimes not
Food (non) cravings: GewĂĽrzspekulatius (spiced shortcrust biscuit)
- Out of breath easily when walking stairs
- Can’t bend that well anymore to put on socks or shoes or pick up something from the floor
Maternity clothes: Jeans and tops. Got a big bag with maternity clothes from my best friend and found some cute tops and some sport pants.
Stretch marks: Nope
Miss anything: Here’s what I don’t miss:
- getting terrible PMS every month
- having my period for 7+ days
- to have to pull my belly in after each meal so that it still looks flat
Looking forward to: My Christmas vacation and sleeping in daily then.
(Best) happenings this week:
- Looked at hospital #4. We both liked it but read about this huge scandal which happened last year concerning the pediatric clinic, so now I’m a bit confused.
- Went to the musical “Dirty Dancing”. It was made very cute but doesn’t come close to Phantom of the Opera or Grease
- Made an appointment with the doctor who will be delivering my child (if I decide for to deliver at hospital #3)
- Hearing that my boyfriends’ best friend got engaged and he’ll be the best man
Movement: Daily
Gender: Baby Boy
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy, I love seeing all the Christmas lights outside when riding/walking through the city and listening to Christmas music whilst driving my boyfriend nuts.
Sports: At the moment I go on Friday and Sunday. My heart rate is a bit wacky, it’s up to 160 after I change clothes but goes down very fast. Not sure if it’s just not working correctly or if that’s another pregnancy symptom. Also started a DVD called “fit during pregnancy” today. No pain, no sweat – never had such a relaxing sport session 🙂 It felt good though, exercises for the pelvic floor, legs, arms, it was good.
Your cravings remind me of the deliciousness that is speculoos. Ugh, I need my fix soon. 🙂
Glad to see a period of good feelings and happiness all around! Happy (early) holidays!