At 18 weeks and 5 days baby had its big organ scan.
Before the OB checked the baby, she checked my female parts using a vaginal ultrasound. She checked if my cervix is closed (which it is) and measured how long my neck of the uterus is, which was 4,2cm I think. So all good there. Phew. She also checked the sex of the baby just in case she couldn’t see it in the belly ultrasound. So I knew 100% but my boyfriend, who was waiting in the next room, didn’t. When the OB and me came out of the doctor’s office that was his first question – “what is it??”, so of course, I told him :).
Then we went over to the belly ultrasound to get a good picture of the whole baby. All was good, my OB measured baby’s head, belly and thighbone to figure out the weight which is around 230g.
Then she checked the whole body, started with the brain, the face, the heart, the torso, the arms & legs, hands & feet (he only showed us one foot) and also the blood flow, the baby’s and mine. She turned on the sound for the heartbeats, first the baby’s which is quite fast (wumm.wumm.wumm.wumm.wumm), and then mine. I felt like a big elephant with my slow heartbeat “wumm……………. wumm………….. wumm”.
Everything good, everything there, everybody happy.
The baby was very active and moved around lots. We saw it kicking against my full bladder, ehem 😉
While the OB was checking baby’s heart it was making a somersault. The OB didn’t move her ultrasonic device and all of a sudden, instead of the heart in zoom the baby showed its genital area, it was a sweet and funny moment, especially the comments of my doctor.
Baby really wanted to let us know that it’s a boy!
So I guess I’ll just have to buy pink Hello Kitty stuff for me (but there’s also blue Hello Kitty stuff) and not for my baby, sigh, but I’ll get over it ;). Last year I even bought a new carpet for our office/baby room which is turquoise, so that’s perfect! We are very very happy that the results are all good and that our baby boy is healthy and growing and sportive, just like his parents, hah 🙂
Now we can narrow down our baby names, we already agreed on one name but I’d like to have two or three names we both like and then maybe decide on the final name when our son is born. I also want him to have a second name and that’s something we didn’t talk about at all. But, we have time 🙂