I actually wanted to run 7,5km at first. Then I decided to run only 5km… and THEN it went so well and the forest was so nice and I thought “I cannot stop at 7,5km now” so I just ran until I hit 10km.
My first 10 kilometer. Ever. Running. No walking. It’s a premiere for me. I run 9km in one hour. My next goal is to run 10km in one hour.
It’s the first time I ran up hills. Where I normally run it’s pretty even, but this time, spending the easter-holidays at my parents (and having my running clothing with me) it was more challenging, my watch kept telling me “heartrate too high” when I ran up the hill so I had to run even slower and slower. But then – it went down on the other side 🙂
Which was challenging too though, I caught myself getting faster and faster and faster… almost couldn’t keep up with my feet 🙂
This run was very necessary after all the easter eating.
Happy Easter!
Well done! 🙂
You know, I used to be a runner, but now I don’t run anymore even because I realized that it made my heart beat really fast (180s-190s), even when I was in my best shape. I decided to switch to Just Dance and I’d like to start going to Zumba classes again soon!
P.S.: I really like your new running shoes! 🙂
My heartbeat is pretty high as well so I monitor it and always try to run under 170. When I have a bad day that means that I run quite slow, but that doesn’t matter 😉