Gym Day #11

  • 16:00 – 16:20: Cross-Trainer
  • 16:20 – 16:30: thigh strength excercise
  • 16:30 – 16:54: Strenght Circuit
  • 17:00 – 17:50: Bodystyling

Walked about half an hour to get to my bike which was at the train station, seeing it was raining cats and dogs today again. Ate turkey with salad for dinner and had my second protein shake today. Those shakes are really yummy!

Gym Day #10

  • 15:20 – 15:30: Cross-Trainer
  • 15:30 – 15:54: Strength Circuit
  • 16:00 – 17:00: spinal excercise
  • 17:00 – 17:45: Aerobics
  • 17:45 – 18:05: HIIT Treadmill

Calories lost: 820

Today is the first time I showered at the gym. Wasn’t all that weird. We’re going to the movies to see Oblivion in half an hour. Can’t wait to snuggle up in that cinema chair, eat some popcorn and watch a movie 🙂

My workout goal & milestone #1

I actually didn’t join the gym to lose weight or set goals, I joined because I’ve been in the mood to work out at a gym for months and because I’m nosy to see what it does to my body and soul.
While talking to my trainer I’ve been asked the question “why did you join the gym”, and after thinking about that question my answer was “to get a firm body and to gain muslces”.

So now, after I’ve completed my second week at the gym, I thought of a goal #1, a milestone if you want, which would be:

Goal #1: get a bikini figure for vacation
Definition: a belly which is nice and flat
Duration: six weeks

My vacation at the beach starts on July 8th, so it’s a realistic goal to lose some of that body fat, gain some muscles and become fitter in two months. So, as of today I still have six weeks to reach that goal.

My goals for each week:

  • work out at least 3 times during the week
  • work out 1 or 2 times on the weekend
  • cut down on sweets
  • on sundays, go to the gym in the morning before (the big) breakfast
  • don’t pig out on weekends
  • ride the bike to work as often as possible
  • get informed about interval training and pre-/post-workout foods
  • in the strength circuit, increase weight every week or every two weeks
  • at the gym after a working day, try to lose all the calories I’ve eaten up until the workout

Workout day – not in the gym

Today is one of the only sunny days in I don’t know how long, see here, so I decided not to go to the gym.
Instead, I went to work by bike which is 35km all together and go for a run, 5km.

  • bike ride: 35km, Calories lost: 750
  • jogging: 5km, with 15 minutes stretching, Calories lost: 410, average pulse: 155

schatzi_dinner2Dinner was pretty much the same like yesterday, only with cream cheese and beans.

I finally bought a second sports bra (the same I have, just in neon green – why are there no black or white bras?!?) and some short socks, three pairs, in black.

Gym Day #9

  • 18:00 – 18:50: Body Pump (Bench Press, Pullover, Upright Row, Military Press, Biceps Curl, Triceps Extension, Good Morning, Deadlift, Squat) –
  • 19:00 – 19:24: Circle Training (strength circuit)
  • 19:30 – 19:50: Treadmill HIIT

Calories lost: 616
And here’s my dinner for tonight

Gym Week #2

Last week I’ve been to the gym three times:

  • Monday: 2,5 hours – mostly cardio, a little strength (Step 60 min & Bodystyling 60 min & Cross-Trainer 20 min)
  • Tuesday: 2 hours – cardio & strength (Cross-Trainer 30 min & Circle Training 2 rounds 24 min & Belly-Legs-Tushy 60 min)
  • Wednesday: PAUSE
  • Thursday: 1,5 hours – cardio & strength (Step 60 min & Circle Training 24 min)

Here’s my belly after week 2
I hope I can go again at least four times this coming week again. We don’t have anything planned for the weekend, yet.