A girl’s best friend

So, I’m thinking, this year as a Christmas/Birthday present to myself (I normally always buy myself a little something for my birthday in January) I’m going to buy myself something shiny. For one of my fingers 🙂 The middle finger probably (I like to wear rings on the middle finger). The engagement-ring (if I ever shall get one) will be on the ring finger for sure, but till then the middle finger will do.

So anyways I’ve been browsing the web the last few days and saw some lovely lovely lovely shiny rings. Unfortunately for me – the US has soooo much pretty and cute diamond rings and Germany doesn’t 🙁 but oh well.

Here are some pretty ones I found at amazon.com
So purdy! Well, my price limit is pretty low but who needs a lot of carat 😉

What’s something you’ve been planning to buy for yourself in the near future?