Holy fu**ing sh**!!

I’m happy to pronounce:

I have COMPLETED my thesis!!! After exactly one year I’m finished! DONE!

Holy sh**

My little baby has 157 pages and 30.531 words, a bunch of colorful maps, figures, tables and equations. I’m bringing it to printing and binding on Tuesday and I have an appointment with my prof on Friday.

Tomorrow after work I’m going to try to read if twice (or at least once). I’m kinda sick of it haha. It still was a great and interesting subject and I’m happy I chose it. I can’t wait until it’s out of my hands and in the hands of the prof. I still need to do some things like burn it on CD, buy some kind of “box” to put it in um… that’s about it.

Now I’m tired and going to bed ๐Ÿ™‚

EDIT:// I just overwrote my theme by upgrading WP automatically… ehrm. My last backup was in November – before the reviews on http://rev.iew.me :(… a well.

What to do on a Sunday

Seeing I’m still writing on my thesis (yes I know – it’s been a year almost) and I still sit at home 24/7 because I’m writing on it, I’m just going to imagine what I could do tomorrow, on a Sunday…

  1. Go out for breakfast
    Ah, I love going out for breakfast with friends/the boyfriend. My favorite menu contains scrambled eggs with bacon or sausages and pancakes with lots of maple sirup.
  2. Go for a walk if it’s a sunny day
    Sundays are quite (here in Munich). No stores are open, not as many cars drive through the city. There’s the smell of nature in the middle of the city
  3. Do nothing
    That’s nice too every now and again. I love sleeping in, then, when I wake up I’ll just stay in bed. Sometimes I’ll turn on the TV and just watch random things. I get up – make coffee. I check my daily sites online whilst nipping on my coffee with milk, one spoon of sugar. And then, the rest of the day, I’ll do nothing.
  4. Meet with a friend
    I might do that tomorrow evening. It’s nice to chat about life, work, men, the apartment… whilst drinking a cafรจ au lait
  5. Devote your time to your website
    Update it – add new content, write a blog post, code a little bit here and there, add new links, comment on other blog posts… devote your time to the geek in you
  6. Devote your time to your hobbies
    Take photos, go to the gym, go running, ride the bike, do handicrafts, knit, play video games, clean… whatever you want
  7. Visit your parents/mom/dad/relatives
    If you don’t live at home anymore. Even if it’s just for dinner. Spend time with your family
  8. Devote time to your beauty
    Take a bath, make a peeling, give your hair a deep conditioner, cut your nails and paint them, massage your feet, go for a massage… all that is so relaxing and you feel great afterwards
  9. Clean
    Clean your room, apartment, basement, balcony, wash your car or bike
  10. Shop online
    In Germany the stores are closed on Sunday (unfortunately). If you’re lazy or if the stores are closed as well where you live, surf online stores, add items to your cart, shop!

Ah, there are so many things you can do on a Sunday. And I’m happy, because next Sunday I’ll have such a day!!

I’m giving up my thesis to the company for proof-reading on Monday (30100 words by now), I’ll drive to work and clean my hard drives (I have two at work – I have so much satellite data for my thesis, one hard drive wasn’t enough). Cleaning up hard drives is not one of my favorite jobs. It’s time consuming and you never know if you can really delete something or if you might need it again.

On Tuesday and Wednesday I’ll proof-read my thesis (if I’m in the mood. I kinda can’t see it anymore…). And on Thursday I’ll take a well deserved vacation – until Sunday! So excited! I’m visiting my parents, my sister, brother-in-law and nephews. The thing I missed most while completing my thesis was not being able to spend time with my family.

My new job starts on Monday, February 2nd 2009. I’ll be working in the GIS software development department (I’ll be in charge of the web design, yet I told my new boss I’m very interested in learning Java, PHP, and everything you need to know). I’ll also be working in the Radar image processing department. Two departments! Wohoo! I’m very excited and nosy. I can’t image I’ll be an employee now – work a full time job – be no student anymore. Earn money, pay all my insurances, pay my rent… scary!

Wish me luck ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thanks Babes!

Thank you Amber, Vera, Felisa, Marieke, Baohan, Mimi, Lene (who has a new layout), Cindy, Emmi, Karin, Katy, Ashley, Vina, Dayna, Bubs, Regine, Lisa, Rin, Scott, Chans, My Linh, Becca, Jules, Cecelia, Liesl and Nat Marie as well as everybody who congratulated me on Facebook (Helga, Adastra, Ely, Nicole, Monina, May, Stefanie, Jordan, Trish, Nika, Ralf, Lili, Penita, Hanna, Sarah, Nicole, Cindy, Fer, Miranda, Christina, Carly, Cristina, Chris, Christine, Andrea) and SNARK!!

Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

My day was great. I did absolutely NOTHING! Well, I did go grocery shopping and out for dinner, but besides that I just answered phone calls, checked my text messages and emails, ate cake and opened presents. It felt so good to be at home again, I’ve really missed that during the last few months.

I can’t believe I’ll start my job in 11 days. And I’m almost done with my thesis. The company I write it for still needs to proof read it and I’m pretty sure I’ll have a lot of corrections to make, but the biggest part is done! And I’m happy, because slowly, I’m losing motivation.
We’ll be moving the end of February so that means A LOT of packing! I haven’t started yet. We need to rent a truck and get a lot of other things done like tell the post-office, get moving boxes, unbuilt furniture… I’ve been looking for new furniture the last couple of weeks and there’s such great stuff out there. I can’t wait to earn money, save and BUY!

I’ll post photos, of course.