What does the color dark green make you think of?
Forest, Christmas and Hope
How many cousins do you have?
Hm, something around 15 maybe?
On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being highest, how honest are you?
I’m pretty honest, I’m probably a 9 or 10. I’m too honest at times which kinda sucks at times. (Example: Tracy and her mom are at the tourist agency to book a flight. They’ve been to the agency a week before already to check out the price. On the day where they book, the employee tells them “The flight will cost you 500 Euro each.” Tracy, as honest and naive she is, replies “Really? Because last week you said it’ll cost us 550 Euro?!?!” While the employee checks the price again Tracy gets a kick in the leg from her mom.)
Main Course
Name something that is truly free.
From the top of my head: the wind
Using the letters in the word SPRING, write a sentence.
Ummm… umm….. “Something pretty ridiculous is not good”
Oh, I don’t know what to blog about. I upgraded WordPress and forgot to not overwrite my smilies, and now I’m using the default ones again 🙄 I bought some books last week, really really cheap. Java for 50 Cent and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde for €3, which I’m currently reading.
Anybody still interested in my little auction? Then email me.
Have a good start into the first week of April 🙂