27 questions, no?

I have a headache. I get headaches regularly. I wonder – do I sit in front of the monitor too much? I guess. I can’t help it. (well, I can, but it’s just easier to blame others!)

I could clean, wash the dishes, vacuum, I prefer hanging out at Snark and other unspectacular places. I always wonder how I can stay online for so long. It’s pretty much a waste of time. I can probably list you 5 websites I’ve been to today (Let’s see, #1 Snark, of course, #2 Gmail, my email, #3 Eyeare.nu, #4 … ummm… ummmmm….. my site? #5 Jochen-Schweizer.de ), as you might be able to tell, at #4 I already was uncertain of the sites I visited. So – to sum it up, maybe 10% of the sites I visit are rememberable and the other 90% are just like “yeahsowhatelseisnew”.

When the Lover asks me “What did you do today, sweetheart?” I don’t answer “First I did some more research at the library for my Turkey speech I need to hold in two weeks, then I continued answering a few more GIS questions for the exam and at last I wrote 10 more pages on my diploma thesis. And you, Pumpkin-Pie?” No, unfortunately that’s not my answer. That’ll maybe be my answer in a few weeks, when I’m under pressure (maybe). So I answer “Well, I got up, had my coffee *yawn* … at noon I went to work, got home, ate, and now I’m surfing… why?!?!”
Continue reading 27 questions, no?

27 Questions

Stolen from Accio.nu, and she stole it from Calmbanana.co.uk and she stole it from TheDailyMeme.com.
*Note – some questions contain sarcastic answers. Read at your own risk

1. Do you try to look hot when you go to the grocery store just in case someone recognizes you from your blog?
Oh yeah, EVERY DAY! Everybody here reading my blog who’s from Munich – raise your hand!

2. Are the photos you post Photoshopped or otherwise altered?
I edit the brightness and I make a tonal value correction.

3. Do you like it when creeps or dorks email you?
Who doesn’t?

4. Do you lie in your blog?
Of course! My name is actually Jeanette and I live in Brazil <3
Continue reading 27 Questions

New layout

As you can see (I hope), I’ve created a new layout. It’s my first with a big footer πŸ™‚ I hope you like it, if something is “irky”, please let me know.
It works pretty much in every browser, just not IE 5.

At first I was aiming to a layout like on chanelwood.com


I thought it was ok, a little too plain (I always try to create plain layouts, but it never happens – I always have to add… more!)

Then I noticed that Regina had quite the same header (not just a rectangle – but with the nice curve in it) so I decided to take it down again – she had her layout up first, I complimented her on how nice it is and I thought it would be a little strange to come up with the same style a few days later, ehem πŸ™‚

So – Layout #2 was created


I didn’t like it – the header looks like it has blood drops (imo)

After a day of frustration I changed the whole style completely




Mm yeah, that’s what I mean when I say “I always try to create plain layouts, but it never happens – I always have to add… more!”.
At last I created a layout with no header, just this white box – which, of course, then was too plain for me. And now I have this header you’re seeing. A pencil with ink-drops. A pencil doesn’t use ink, I know, but they are so pretty πŸ™‚

Please excuse, the links are working but the pages are messed up (remember I used this green box for every different topic) so I need to get rid of the classes.

I’m so happy – I edited a php code πŸ˜€
I got the basic code for “Keeping Navigation Current with PHP” from alistapart.com/articles/keepingcurrent and I created an “if else” code out of it (not only an “if”). I’m happy it actually worked.

Now playing: Robbie Williams – Beyond The Sea – Finding Nemo

Einfach nur geil!!!

The concert on Tuesday was GREAAAAT. I wish I could go again (this year). The songs, the stage – everything, just great!

I got plugged by Regina a few days ago to write seven facts people don’t know about me. That’ll be hard to think of things I haven’t listed here, let me try:

  1. I love olive-bread
  2. I lost my virginity with 19
  3. I’m a member of the “German Alps Club” (DAV)
  4. I’m very on titles (not by others, by myself), I’d make a PhD just for the title (and I’m thinking about it)
  5. I love going out to eat
  6. I love McDonalds and could probably eat there every day
  7. I can’t stand living in Munich at times because it’s so busy and people are so ignorant, arrogant and selfish

There πŸ™‚ Do I need to tag someone now too?

Daily Pleasures

Taken from Regina’s last post, here are some of my daily pleasures

  1. Staying in bed after the alarm rang and cuddle with my blanket
  2. The cup of coffee in the morning
  3. Alex
  4. Coming home from a long day and put on some jumpers and cuddly socks
  5. Listen to Music
  6. Feeling the warmth of the candles in my apartment
  7. A smile from others
  8. Eating
  9. Watching “Verbotene Liebe” *runsandhides*
  10. The Internet

What are yours?
Continue reading Daily Pleasures