I like to post pictures

So, I still had a certificate from christmas for “Mango” so I went there today and bought my first dress (go me) πŸ˜€

It’s a little elegant, a little sporty. See for yourself

a little retro – or 60s style – or whatever πŸ™‚

And? What do you think?

I’m working on a new layout. It’s hard, I have very little inspiration. And the layout seems so boring. But I’m working on it every now and again, changing all the code around again, changing the whole layout and colors in PS again. Gah – annoying.

Now playing: Madonna – Secret
via FoxyTunes

The child in me (at work)

Here you go girl!

I started to work today again. For six weeks only, but better than nothing. Plus, the semester starts the beginning of October again anyways. Everybody at work is on vacation. August = Vacation month here. I’m in the big office all by myself, no men to tease me and call me Kitty (because I like Hello Kitty), no men who look at me weird for having a “kawaii” desktop and bright pink windows. Gotta love men who think pink is a terrible terrible thing.

Ok, enough from work.. on to the fun stuff.
Why do adults get so adulty when they’re adults?
I just went shopping a few days ago and bought this:

Pic Pic
for my bathroom. The Splish Splash Splosh hand foam with Berry Cherry Fragrance smells soooo good. And it looks sooo cute on my little sink. And the butterfly wind thingy looks cute hanging on my Hello Kitty shower curtain. And the colors are just great.

So I wonder, why do some people, when they get older, abandon things like that?

In a year or so the Lover and I are going to move together. Of course I then want a living room with “adulty” furniture, classy and elegant looking and a nice bedroom, the bed with white sheets, beige and brown pillows, a nice dark-brown or white bureau, the color rosΓ¨ as a contrast… The bathroom though will be filled with Hello Kitty, bright colors and cute stuff.

I’m a big kid, I know that, but I really hope I’ll be a big kid my whole life.

Now playing: Contours – Now That I Can Dance
via FoxyTunes

Now playing: Rolling Stones – Paint it Black
via FoxyTunes

Lovely Days

The Lover and I spent some days in Austria. We made a 7 hour tour to the top of the mountain named “Kuhkaser”. It’s 2053m. We met some lovely and very nosy calves, cows and pretty horses. The pictures below are in a random order.
Pic Pic Pic Pic

Very nice, very windy on the top, very cliffy but definitely worth it (well, duh…). Unfortunately I couldn’t go hiking the next day seeing my feet (and legs, and arms, and back) hurt like crazy.

We watched 9 songs, an adult erotic movie (how I’d call it). Not bad, not good. A love couple having sex, 9 songs playing during the movie…. Lie with me was a lot better (if you’re looking for a movie like that) πŸ˜‰
Now playing: Jem – Just A Ride
via FoxyTunes

Passed them ALL

I’ve passes all my exams and I’m quite happy. I’ve passed with:

  • Atlascartography: 1,0
  • Remote Sensing: 1,3
  • Thematic Cartography: 1,7
  • Internet Cartography: 2,0
  • Databases/SQL: 2,3
  • Photogrammetry: 4,0 (OUCH)

1,0 = bestest | 4,0 = well, your exam was pretty much crap but ok, you’ll pass

BUT – I’m happy I passed Photogrammetry – it was the most to study, the most complicated subject, plus – the prof really made a stupid exam πŸ˜‰ SOooo hard. Everybody thought so hehe.

The last week I made vacation at my parents :). The lover and I drove to them on Thursday, he stayed until sunday, drove back to munich, and I stayed until yesterday (thursday). The last few days weren’t really vacation though because I had the great idea to install XP new (my mom’s PC is 5 years old and never got that done, meaning there was quite some junk on that PC). Well – I’m not really a genius with PC hardware and networks but I tried to get AOL set up again… and …. the internet was sooooo slow. A friend tried to help me (over google talk) but we didn’t get it running. I was so frustrated in the end plus my mom drove me nuts then too, so we called a computer man.
The only thing he did was: Start the modem new!! Then I was even more frustrated. I spent hours with stupid AOL (I hate aol btw) and all he does… is that. I would have never thought about that. Ah computers!!

Everything is ok now, I’m happy, my mom is happy, we are all happy!!