It happened today

First of all, thanks a lot for all the comments on this layout, I enjoyed reading them and I’m glad you’re liking this design.

Second – I ordered another shirt at which came last friday. Yay. Like it? I think it’s pretty cool – but pretty much every shirt there is pretty cool. Plus the quality is great. So – get yourself a credit card and start ordering 🙂 I’m glad I got my credit card for “When I’m out of Europe – in case of money emergency” situations. I haven’t used it for this reason once.

Today – a small “catastrophe” happened. How proud am was I of myself that I have never, in those many years, ever dropped my camera. Well, today – it happened. I pulled it out of the lovers backpack and the camera flew right out of the case. Of course I blamed the lover for it (“You didn’t close it right”) but of course – it wasn’t his fault. In situations like this though I guess you always look for someone else to blame? Or no? Is it just me?
Anyways, it still works, but it won’t stop zooming. The zoom-button got pressed inside the camera and … yeah… 🙁 I need to try to fix it. I sure hope it lets itself get fixed.
The lover and I drove up to the Olympia Hill to enjoy the sunset and we took pictures and I’m happy that I can still get the pictures on my PC.
Alex took that ^ picture. Now isn’t he creative? 😉

Life’s quite busy. Or calm. Or whatever you want to call “studying all day”. It’s study time again and you’ll probably see the Category “library” quite often again. Exams are starting July 11th, I’m writing Photogrammetry, Thematical Cartography, SQL & Databases, Remote Sensing and Internet Cartography.
Some more, some less interesting. Just like in every study course, I guess?

9 thoughts on “It happened today”

  1. What kind of camera do you have? My old one was a Canon PowerShot A70, I treated it very badly…. carrying around without it’s case, tossing it on the beach and things like that… it didn’t really mind that ^^
    I’m definetely not gonna do that with my new one, that’s much more fragile… (and expensive) 😉

  2. Aw, I hope your camera can get fixed! Oh and way cool t-shirt! I really need to add shirts from Threadless to my wishlist, such cool stuff! Good luck on studying, all that definitely does sound like it would make you busy.

    Have a lovely Monday, Tracy! 😀

  3. I absolutely LOVE Threadless! There designs are amazing, I want to order some of there stuff myself. 🙂 I love that picture of you kissing the tower! Ouch, good luck with the exams! I’m sure you’ll do great! 😀

  4. Coming from someone who has never parted from her camera, I would simply DIE if I dropped my baby. It’s like another limb, or a really small lover. 😀 Not to sound like a total loon, but it’s always been there for me. Maybe not always, since I got it four years ago. Minolta!

  5. I really like the new layout! It reminds me of summer 🙂 And threadless t-shirts are teh sex. I love everyone of them. I have to get the one with Darth Vader on it :O Cool picture your boyfriend took 🙂

  6. I haven’t complimented you on the layout yet, so: good job. I did see it but I’m so lazy as of late 😛

    Anyway, about the camera that sucks. I believe I managed to drop mine about twice since I got it (Christmas), however it survived intact. Well, dad did harp on me for it, but that’s beside the point 🙂 That picture is fantastic!

    Good luck with your exams. It’s interesting how you take SQL & Databases yet you’re studying Geography (or at least that’s what it sounds to me)

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