Quite busy with class and studying and seminar papers and presentations and other things.
The first group of my print media and cartography class held their speeches yesterday. It was a disaster, at least by some people. You’d think they never held a speech in their lives. Yesterday about 10 people held speeches and we were sitting there for five hours! Next weeks there are 22 people!!!!!! Lol, we’re never going to get done. Also not until 10pm, which is when the building closes.
It surprises me everytime, how easily someone is deceived in other people – like me.
I came into this semester with people looking and also acting like total jerks and dumbasses and I’ve been prejudice. Not only me, but I’m not blaming others 🙂
Well, yesterday, during “speech-day” the boyfriend (who studies with me) and I sat in the cafeteria and about 4 people from the semester came and sat next to us. We’ve been talking shit over two of them the last few weeks, and those two turn out to be actually totally ok and nice. Ok, they still act like they know everything during class, but they were nice and friendly and the boyfriend and I were just shocked. We were sitting there saying “Damn, we were wrong”
Oh well, the first impression doesn’t always count, only when you’re applying for a job, seeing that’s on what they decide on if they take you or not 😀
Today’s excursion day again. I like going hiking, going into botanical gardens etc, but not when it’s RAINING! Seriously, it’s been the best weather the last weeks and today it’s RAINING!!! It’s still warm though, so eh.. I’ll see what I’ll wear/not wear.
Uh, I’ll take pictures, and next time, when I don’t know what to write or when I’m just too lazy, I’ll post interesting pictures of stones and dirt 😀